Mae'n Ionawr ac efallai ei bod hi'n amser DIY?
Be' am gael golwg ar ein llyfrau yn y ffenest neu ar silffoedd tu fewn!
Unrhyw 3 llyfr am £1 yn unig
It's January and maybe it's time to DIY?
Why not have a look at our books in the window or on shelves inside!
Any 3 books for just £1
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i bawb!
Mae ein gwirfoddolwyr yn cael seibiant haeddiannol ar hyn o bryd ond edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld pan fyddwn yn agor eto ar ddydd Mercher 8fed Ionawr.
Happy New Year everyone!
Our volunteers are having a well deserved break at the moment but we look forward to seeing you when we re-open on Wednesday 8th January.
Gyda'r diwrnod mawr o gwmpas y gornel, mae'n bryd meddwl am wirio'r rhestr honno. Ddwywaith! Yn ogystal ag amrywiaeth o anrhegion, mae gennym ni gardiau a phapur lapio hefyd! Dan ni'n ar agor tan 4pm heddiw a tan 1pm ar Noswyl Nadolig.
With the big day just around the corner, it’s time to be checking that list. Twice! As well as a range of gifts, we also have cards and wrapping paper too! We’re open till 4pm today and until 1pm on Christmas Eve.
Dim ond 5 diwrnod siopa ar ôl (yma ym Menter y Pentre Cemaes). Mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb yma felly beth am alw heibio i gael golwg?
Only 5 shopping days left (here at Menter y Pentre Cemaes). There is something for everyone here so why not pop in and have a look?
Ddim yn hir i fynd nawr ac mae gennym ni lawer o syniadau anrhegion hyfryd yn y ffenestri a'r tu mewn. Os dach i'n dal angen prynu cardiau mae gennym ni’r rheini hefyd, yn ogystal â Chalendr poblogaidd Hosbis Dewi Sant sy’n cynnwys golygfeydd lleol o Ynys Môn, Gwynedd a Chonwy.
Not long to go now and we have lots of lovely gift ideas in the windows and inside. If you still need to buy cards we have those too, as well as the very popular St David's Hospice Calendar which includes local scenes from Anglesey, Gwynedd and Conwy.
Dim ond 21 diwrnod sydd ar ôl cyn y Nadolig. Mae gennym ni syniadau am anrhegion i bawb felly beth am alw heibio i weld a allwn ni eich helpu gyda'ch rhestr siopa?
There are only 21 days left before Christmas. We have gift ideas for everyone so why not pop in and see if we can help you with your shopping list?
Ydy hi'n amser dechrau siopa Nadolig? Mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb yn Menter y Pentre Cemaes... mae gennym ni hefyd gardiau Nadolig elusennol a thaflenni o bapur lapio.
Is it time to start Christmas shopping? There is something for everyone at Cemaes Village Venture.. we also have charity Christmas cards and sheets of wrapping paper.
Dach chi wedi dechrau siopa eto? Mae gennym ni lawer o syniadau anrhegion yn y ffenestri a mwy y tu mewn ….
Have you started shopping yet? We have lots of gift ideas in the windows and more inside....
Oes gennych chi westeion yn ymweld y Nadolig hwn? ...
Do you have guests visiting for Christmas? ..
Os dach chi'n licio nwyddau Halen Môn, byddwch wrth eich bodd â'r eitemau ychwanegol rydyn ni wedi dod â nhw i'r silffoedd. Pwy sydd ar eich rhestr 'neis' eleni??
If you like Halen Môn products, you will love the additional items we have brought to the shelves. Who is on your 'nice' list this year??