Rosa’s Thai Restaurant Review
Rosa’s menu has so many enticing options that deciding what to order wasn’t easy.
There is something undeniably satisfying about the food that will keep you coming back for more.
If you’re looking for a festive dining experience that combines great food, warm vibes, and impeccable service, Bill’s Cardiff Bay is your answer.
Our walk around Roath Park Lake was filled with so much cuteness today. Especially seeing the baby cygnet tucked between mums feathers.
Lewis Capaldi blind date
Commissioned by Peperami Chicken Bites, International popstar, Lewis Capaldi looks for love in new dating experiment. The Scot is matched up with singletons, selecting a blind date on food taste alone in new video.
He's by far the funniest music artist in the UK. However you must learn some table manners. Belching at the dinner table is a no no.
Ladies if you need a lift to and from places, Lewis is your man!
#dating #food #funny #lewiscapaldi #PeperamiChickenBites
Sorry for the poor footage. All neighbours were out giving thanks to carers and all keyworkers! - we even spotted a rainbow unicorn. Thank you ❤️🌈👏🏻
The workout with The Body Coach was so easy today! 💪🏻 Only kidding Joe, we’re sweating here. #keepsmiling #positivity #exercise
Our Police Force are AMAZING ❤️🙌
Never witnessed anything like this. Literally crying here! Thank you #NHS #POLICE and all who are here to protect us. We will beat #cov19 👊🏻
Tom Auton
Watch the video from Tom Auton's hometown headline first, here at Cardiff Times
Come on Wales! #rwc2019 🏉
CONGRATULATIONS WALES! 💪🏻 You fought hard to the end. Excellent Defence. What a match! Congratulations @AlunWynJones becoming the most capped Welsh Player. #RWCTokyo #wru #wales #rugby
Come on Wales!
0 Aus - 10 Wales #WalesvAustralia Rugby World Cup The Welsh Rugby Union