TheSprout is a blogging, information and campaigning platform for young people in Wales. Please email [email protected] if you'd like to get in touch.

The Senedd, the Welsh Parliament building in Cardiff Bay, might conjure up images of debates and politicians. But beyond...

The Senedd, the Welsh Parliament building in Cardiff Bay, might conjure up images of debates and politicians. But beyond the world of policy, the Senedd boasts some seriously impressive sustainable features ➡️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Efallai bod adeilad y Senedd ym Mae Caerdydd yn dod â dadleuon a gwleidyddion i’r meddwl, ond y tu hwnt i fyd polisi, mae nodweddion cynaliadwy’r Senedd yn sylweddol iawn ➡️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Nid yw bod yn ifanc yn golygu bod rhai i ti sefyll ar yr ochr yn gwylio gwleidyddiaeth yn digwydd. Mae mwy o ffyrdd i gy...

Nid yw bod yn ifanc yn golygu bod rhai i ti sefyll ar yr ochr yn gwylio gwleidyddiaeth yn digwydd. Mae mwy o ffyrdd i gymryd rhan yng Nghymru nag y byddet ti’n ei feddwl! O lunio polisi i leisio dy farn, dyma ganllaw i wneud gwahaniaeth go iawn. Dolen yn y bio!


Being young doesn’t mean you have to sit on the sidelines when it comes to politics. In Wales, there are more ways to get involved than you might think! From shaping policy to having your voice heard, here’s your guide to making a real difference. Link in bio!

The Senedd, Wales’ dynamic Parliament building, is more than just a place for politicians. It’s a hub for history, educa...

The Senedd, Wales’ dynamic Parliament building, is more than just a place for politicians. It’s a hub for history, education, and engaging experiences open to all! Whether you’re passionate about politics or simply curious about Wales’ governance, the Senedd has something for everyone. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Mae’r Senedd yn fwy nag adeilad deinamig i wleidyddion. Mae’n ganolbwynt hanes, addysg, a phrofiadau difyr sydd yn agored i bawb! Os wyt ti’n caru gwleidyddiaeth, neu â ychydig o ddiddordeb yn deall mwy am y ffordd mae Cymru yn cael ei lywodraethu, mae yna rywbeth at ddant pawb yn y Senedd. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

In this blog, Francesca shares her thoughts on solo travelling:'Solo travelling is a great opportunity to learn to enjoy...

In this blog, Francesca shares her thoughts on solo travelling:

'Solo travelling is a great opportunity to learn to enjoy bits of life without waiting and counting on other people, and with enough preparation, the cons are limited' ✈️🌍


We currently aren't using Facebook as an active social media platform for TheSprout.

If you'd still like to see our content, follow us on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter () and YouTube () 😎

Also, remember that our website,, has loads of information, advice and support for young people across Wales!

Did you know that only 30% of scientific researchers are women? Did you know that 35% of STEM university graduates are w...

Did you know that only 30% of scientific researchers are women? Did you know that 35% of STEM university graduates are women? 💭

In this blog, Lily-Rose shares her thoughts about how we can encourage more young girls and women into STEM jobs and shares an interview with her aspiring doctor friend, Alice. 🧬🔬🧪

"Festivals are places of relaxation, neon-lit fields where you can sway with little inhibitions. As with nightclubs, the...

"Festivals are places of relaxation, neon-lit fields where you can sway with little inhibitions. As with nightclubs, they are often places where people consume high amounts of alcohol and illegal drugs".

This blog explores harm reduction at festivals 💊

It's  , so we're sharing some podcasts that might help you to better understand your mental health. "When feeling lonely...

It's , so we're sharing some podcasts that might help you to better understand your mental health.

"When feeling lonely, hearing someone’s voice can be so comforting. Listening to podcasts is a way to feel that without actually having to see anyone. Podcasts help me to understand my emotions, to know that I’m not alone, and make me laugh if I’m feeling down." - Lucy, 21 💗🧠

"As someone who is one month away from finishing uni, I’ve become reluctantly but inevitably overfamiliar with job searc...

"As someone who is one month away from finishing uni, I’ve become reluctantly but inevitably overfamiliar with job searching, particularly for jobs in the media industry. If you’re looking for a job, hopefully this blog can help" - Katherine

"Being first generation means carrying this double identity, a split between wanting to fit in and be accepted, and want...

"Being first generation means carrying this double identity, a split between wanting to fit in and be accepted, and wanting to stay true to your roots" - Francesca, Cardiff University student

Read more about Francesca's story:

Ramadan Mubarak!Like Mahida, Muslims worldwide take part in the holy month of Ramadan each year. This article sums up ev...

Ramadan Mubarak!

Like Mahida, Muslims worldwide take part in the holy month of Ramadan each year. This article sums up everything you need to know about it. 🌙

You might want to reconsider going to a high street repair shop and instead turn to your local community centre. Repair ...

You might want to reconsider going to a high street repair shop and instead turn to your local community centre. Repair Cafés as a concept aren’t all that new, but with living becoming more expensive, they’re a great option!

Efallai bod hi'n amser ailfeddwl mynd i'r siop trwsio ar y stryd fawr ac edrych tuag at dy ganolfan cymunedol lleol. Nid yw'r syniad o Gaffi Trwsio yn un newydd, ond maent yn opsiwn grêt gyda chynnydd costau byw!

Os yw seleb wedi gwneud rhywbeth, yna ti'n siŵr o adnabod rhywun fydd yn ceisio gwneud hynny hefyd. Pan ddaw at ddilyn t...

Os yw seleb wedi gwneud rhywbeth, yna ti'n siŵr o adnabod rhywun fydd yn ceisio gwneud hynny hefyd. Pan ddaw at ddilyn tueddiadau ffasiwn sydyn, mae dylanwadwyr yn chwarae rhan fawr mewn pa mor gynaliadwy rydym yn siopa.

If a celebrity has done it, at least someone you know is going to try it. When it comes to following fast fashion trends, influencers play key part in impacting how sustainably we shop.

When Ellie was younger, her mum would take her to car boots and charity shops to find ‘bargains’, and so the love of sec...

When Ellie was younger, her mum would take her to car boots and charity shops to find ‘bargains’, and so the love of second-hand clothes began. Now, Ellie chooses against fast fashion for environmental, social, and ethical reasons ♻️🌎

Yn ifanc, byddai Ellie yn mynd i sêl cist car a siopau elusen gyda'i mam i chwilio am ‘fargeinion’, a dyma gychwyn cariad gyda dillad ail-law. Bellach mae Ellie yn dewis peidio prynu ffasiwn sydyn am resymau amgylcheddol, cymdeithasol a moesol ♻️🌎

Dyma ni yn ôl gyda gwybodaeth arbennig am y brand dillad Cymraeg DA-TI! Yn y blog yma mae Sarah a Julia yn rhannu eu hys...

Dyma ni yn ôl gyda gwybodaeth arbennig am y brand dillad Cymraeg DA-TI! Yn y blog yma mae Sarah a Julia yn rhannu eu hysbrydoliaeth a'r heriau o weithio yn y diwydiant ffasiwn! ♻️👕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

We're back with some exclusive info on local Welsh clothing brand Dati Clothing! In this blog, Sarah & Julia share their inspirations and challenges of working in the fashion industry! ♻️👕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

St Fagans is one of seven museums managed by Amgueddfa Cymru, two of which are in Cardiff. For The Future is in Our Hand...

St Fagans is one of seven museums managed by Amgueddfa Cymru, two of which are in Cardiff. For The Future is in Our Hands campaign, we explore sustainability, both past and present, at St Fagans 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Mae Sain Ffagan yn un o saith amgueddfa rheolir gan Amgueddfa Cymru, dau ohonynt yng Nghaerdydd. Rydym yn archwilio cynaliadwyedd, y gorffennol a'r presennol, yn Sain Ffagan yn ein hymgyrch Y Dyfodol Yn Ein Dwylo. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Buying and selling secondhand clothing online has become much more popular over the last few years, but are big sites li...

Buying and selling secondhand clothing online has become much more popular over the last few years, but are big sites like Depop still worth the hype? Ellie shares her thoughts with us! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Mae prynu a gwerthu dillad ail law wedi dod cymaint mwy poblogaidd dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf, ond ydy gwefannau mawr fel Depop werth yr heip o hyd? Mae Ellie yn rhannu ei barn gyda ni! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Fel rhan o'n hymgyrch Y Dyfodol yn ein Dwylo, cyfwelwyd Julia a Sarah, a gychwynnodd y Sustainable Studio. Yn y blog yma...

Fel rhan o'n hymgyrch Y Dyfodol yn ein Dwylo, cyfwelwyd Julia a Sarah, a gychwynnodd y Sustainable Studio. Yn y blog yma maent yn rhannu am newid agweddau tuag at gynaliadwyedd a sut i gychwyn ar ffasiwn gynaliadwy. ♻️👕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

As part of The Future is in Our Hands campaign, we interviewed Julia and Sarah, the founders of The Sustainable Studio. In this blog, they share about shifting attitudes towards sustainability and how to embrace sustainable fashion ♻️👕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿




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