Sarāʾir al-Aʿyān
Inner Secrets of Essences
A Muwashshah poem by Ibn Arabi
Translated by R.S. Spiker
Inner secrets of essences shine in existence for those observing
The lover incandescent in ecstasy in consequence starts wailing
By longing emaciated, by insomnia disoriented, says he:
“I no longer comprehend who had things altered when distance approached me”
Servants are bewildered when they are elected by the One and Only
Between proclamation and silence, concealment and divulgence to every being
“Justice I dispense, your avarice intense, idol-worshipping”.
All longing is hard for one who suffers the abasement of the veil
He with a heart who in youth prefers that piety prevail
His Lord will reward; while he who errs must repent and quail
Call on His beneficence, His mercy and munificence: “I am grieving,
Consumed by His absence, without a loved one’s presence, no one aiding.”
I disappeared in Allah from what is apparent to the eye of His creation
In the place of splendour “Where is where?” I cried between His station
“Inattentive you are,” he said - “have you ever spied within His essence a location?
Learn from events, from Qays’ and Ghaylan’s experience, and lives passing
longing in its magnificence - annihilation is its recompense when it encompasses a human being
How many times did they cry: “the one whom I love is I! Who am I?”
No state do I spy nor complaint justify except in love to die
I am not of those who fly from the apple of my eye once come by
Forgetfulness and negligence can find no defence among the knowing
They are not senseless to the Most Merciful’s presence - they are not unthinking
To His bower thence I entered the tree grove of companionship and closeness
Marvelling whence before me the myrtle arose in robes to impress
I bring the incense for the lover’s abode to the gathering in progress
Hey Gardener, patience! From the garden’s fragrance start jasmine gathering
But by His benevolence Leave the myrtle’s scents for the lovers’ savouring