I’ve been where you are.
Scrolling through everyone else’s content, wondering why mine wasn’t as good, why my posts weren’t getting the same reach or engagement. It’s a sh*tty place to be.
The problem?
I was so busy looking at others that I lost sight of who I was.
Here’s the truth:
You don’t need to fit into someone else’s box – you need to create your own.
Stop being a watered-down version of someone else.
It’s not helping your business, and it’s definitely not helping your confidence.
The magic happens when you stop comparing and start owning who you are.
When you show up as you, the right audience will find you – and they’ll stick around because of the connection they feel with your authenticity.
Leave me your favourite emoji in the comments if 2025 is the year you start accepting YOU ✨
#businessowner #ukbusinessowner #socialmediamarketing #socialmediastrategy #businessgrowth #socialmediaagencyuk #servicebasedbusiness #businesscoachuk #virtualassistantuk #selfdevelopment #selfacceptance
I’ve been banging the drum about this for a long time 🥁
Things are changing, and personally I think it’s for the better 💕
Have you noticed a change?
#socialmedia #socialmediaforbusiness #connection #businessowner #ukbusinessowner #socialmediamarketing #socialmediastrategy #onlinepresence #onlinebrand #personalbrand #authenticity
Don’t just kiss or just guess 😜
It’s time to start actually implementing a social media strategy that aligns with your business goals, and ultimately your life goals.
Attracting your target audience
Building trust
Identifying potential collaborations
Building your email list
Increasing Sales
Building authority
What are you trying to do with your content?
It’s time to stop winging it, and wasting time and money on just being present.
It’s time to start working with someone who actually knows what they are doing 😜
The Social Smith clients are seeing some great results - if you want to join them before the end of the year, you know what to do 💕
(hint - DM me!)
#socialmediamarketing #ukbusinessowner #socialmediastrategy #businessgoals #businessgrowth #businessowner #wiltshirebusiness #onlinebusiness
Stop getting caught in the trap 🪤
Of thinking that you want what somebody else has
Of comparing your business or life to somebody else’s squares on a screen
Of getting so caught up building a business that you forget about building your life
Balance is key 🔑
Staying true to yourself is crucial
Doing things that light you up is a must 💕
What do you do it for? Why did you start your business?
#instagramgrowth #socialmediacoach #businesssuccess #entrepreneurmindset #contentcreator #onlinebusiness #marketingtips #entrepreneurlife #digitalmarketing #socialmediatips #businessgrowth #contentstrategy #instagrammarketing #contentcreation #smallbusinessowner #marketingstrategy
Social Media Captions ⭐️
How do you expect people to read it if your writing style as exciting as the back of a bleach bottle.
Add some personality, capture your business brand, establish you business voice.
Hook people in 🪝
Make them want to read 📖
Add a CTA to tell them what you want them to do with it.
Do you struggle with writing captions?
#caption #captionsforinstagram #captionwriting #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamanager #socialmediatips #socialmediaforbusiness #socialmedia #contentcreation
A day in the life but make it real 😜
Mondays & Wednesdays are my long days at work. It works for me and it taken a while for me to find my flow (and it still needs tweaking 😉).
PS - it took 4 attempts at the voiceover too
Real Content 👌
#digitalmarketing #socialmediaengagement #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamarketing #socialmediaagency #wiltshire #wiltshirebusiness #businessgrowth #businesswoman #femaleowned #ukbusiness #instagramcoach #femalebusinessowner #muminbusiness
I’m on the countdown to some Greek sunshine ☀️
Can anyone relate?!
#lifeofabusinessowner #businessowner #businessownerlife #femalebusinessowner #businessowners
The cheek!
On a serious note though, 3 years in and I am yet to cold DM. If that is your only way of getting clients you might want to rethink your marketing funnel 😜
Don’t be a sneaky sausage.
Be a magician marketer instead, it’s way more fun 🪄
#sneakysausage #inboundmarketing #outboundmarketing #leadgen #leadgeneration #magneticmarketing #marketingfunnel #socialmediastrategy #socialmediastrategist #socialmediauk #socialmediaforbusiness #businesssocialmedia #businessowneruk #socialmediaagencyuk #businessmarketing
They pipe down when you start being successful 😜
#onlinebusinessowner #businessownership #entreprenuer #businessbuilding #ceolife #bigbusiness #gogetter #buildingmyempire #entreprenuerlife #womaninbusiness #businessowner #womenbusinessowner #homebusinessowner #localbusinessowners #gogetters #aspiringentrepreneur #entrepreneurthing
A client visit with @oompahband
What a weekend 🎉
Content, meetings, research, planning and some beer drinking 😜
Thanks for having me Oompah Band - we have some great content and plans for the year 🍻
#clientvisit #clientappreciation #contentweekend #oompahband #oompahbandlondon #capitalfm #jordannorth #socialmediamanager #socialmediaday #contentcreation #socialmediastrategy
The little updates
The ‘I had to tell you’
I love them 💕
Knowing that we’re making a difference in your business is why we do what we do 💕
#socialmarketing #onlinemarketing #instagrammarketing #growthtips #instagrameducation #onlinepresence #digitalmarketingagency #devizes #glowonsocialmedia #growonsocials #calne #calnebusiness #instagrammanagement #lifeofabusinessowner #successinbusiness #businessplanning #howtogrowoninstagram #instagramhack #instagramhacksforgrowth #businessinvestment #savvybusiness #socialmediaforbusinessgrowth #wiltshirebusinessowner #smallbusinessswindon #bathbusiness #bathlife #ukbusiness #customerfocused #socialmediastrategy101
The algorithm and the platforms may change but the funnel that we want our ideal audience to travel through is the same.
Still need help on how to apply this to your business?
Get in touch - we have spaces with your name on them 😉
#devizes #glowonsocialmedia #growonsocials #calne #calnebusiness #howtogrowoninstagram #instagramhack #instagramhacksforgrowth #businessinvestment #savvybusiness #socialmediaforbusinessgrowth #wiltshirebusinessowner #smallbusinessswindon #bathbusiness #bathlife #ukbusiness #customerfocused #socialmediastrategy101 #marketingfunnels #marketingfunnel #marketingstrategy #socialmediamarketing