When you start marketing yourself, your target demographics is one of the most important things to work out!
An easy trap to fall into is wanting to keep your marketing broad so as not to exclude anyone because EVERYONE can buy their product or use their service...
By trying to market towards everyone, you may as well not market to anyone!
Imagine you're trying to sell a car. If this was the case, you may say "my market is anyone who can drive, because anyone who can drive can have this car!". In this circumstance, your marketing would be along the lines of "do you need a car? If so, here's one!". In such a crowded market, there's no reason why you would stand out. It could be the best car in the world- if you're not highlighting its best features, nobody will want it!
Equally, identifying the wrong target market wouldn't work. If the best features of your car are that it's very reliable and low-cost to run but the people you're marketing it to are only interested in buying a luxury sports car, you won't have much luck. You may get lucky and find someone who sends the car to a friend/family who buys it, and this may make you think your strategy is working when really you could be having a lot more business if you were advertising in the right place!
When it's laid out like this, it's easy to see the importance of identifying your target demographic but it's still a trap lots of small business owners fall into.
Here are my steps to finding your niche if you don't know it yet.
1. Look at what works already
Who is buying your products/services? What features do they have in common?
2. What gives the best repeat business?
It's easier for you to have one client/customer who will buy from you ten times than ten people who buy once. Who are your best return customers, and what features do they have in common? If people who buy from you are all in a certain demographic, why do they choose to keep working with you?
3. Who do you like working with?
This is a massive one that people often overlook! The best part of your business is you. If you're trying to fit into expectations people have of you that aren't in line with you and your business, you won't be as successful as if you're working in a way that suits you.
Once you have your target demographic down, it becomes much easier to know how, where and when to market towards them. And if it still all seems a bit much, it could be time to get some help!
I love helping my clients to narrow down their target demographics and working out a marketing strategy that works for them. By creating more consistent social media marketing, we work together to attract the kind of business that works for you and your business.
If this sounds good to you then pop me a message or an email to [email protected]!