The planets aligned, I had a spare afternoon, a bag full of electro and access to my decks again.
Seemed impossible not to do a mix. Annoyingly, there's still a shelf I cant quite reach with plenty of electro on it but aI still had a full bag from my electro set at Sios night a few weeks back.
Anyway, heres the tracks I did use. Done in one (longish) session on 2xTechnics 1210s.
Gosub - The Element ll - Point One
Anthony Rother - Destroy him my Robots - Plasmek
Markarian 205 - Union - Sonar]
Microthol - Smallish - Staub
Morphology - Euclidian Structure - Semantic
Client 03 - Protection Service Provider - Asrtraphonica
Letroset - New Plastic - Atak
Caustic Window - Rephlex
Simulant - Musical Box - Scope
Voicestealer - Acrobat
Aquatronics - Halo Spheres - Citra Lab
Low Tape - Analog Electro - We’re Going Deep
Luke Vibert - Traditions
DFD - Meow Cat - Down low
Morphology _ Tripoptiumum - Abstract Forms
Konerytmi - Mielenohjain - Wex
Junq - From Below - Cultivated Electronics
Solitary Dancer - Transmitting to heaven - Graded
Junq - Lila Dreams - Art Mechanical
Low Tape - Zyntax Motoricty
Anthony Rather - Red Light District - Electrolux
Kraftwerk - Numbers - Ballroom
Simulant - Access Future Audio - Scopex
Scape One - The Mind Cage - Pnuma
Lory D - Unfinished Acid - Electronic Outboarding Cast
Sonic Insomniac - Space Dub - New Religion
Moy - Ouroboros - We’re Going Deep
Matti Turunen - Things You Do - Munk
Low Tape - Red Lights in Ma Eyes -X Kalay
Moy - Chrysopoeia - Dynamic of Acid
Hardfloor - You Know The Score - Morphology remix
Paul Hierophant - Returned Signal (Carl Finlow Mix) - Exalt
DFD - untitled - Matter of Fact
Acid Jesus - Interstate - Klang
Gosub - Low Volume Lovers - Frustrated Funk
Zobol - Sense The Consensus - We’re Going Deep
thanks for listening
The planets aligned, I had a spare afternoon, a bag full of electro and access to my decks again. Seemed impossible not to do a mix. Annoyingly, there's still a shelf I cant quite reach with plenty