Or at least what it looked like for me. TRIGGER WARNING!! Mentions ED and thoughts of unaliving.
This post is super vulnurable but this is me. Its a very hard post to make as some of those things are my deepest darkest secrets but I am tired of people not understanding the significance of ADHD and the consequences a late diagnosis often has on your mental health. Is this all due to ADHD? No but a lot of it is. I feel if I had known earlier and been treated or supported then a lot of these struggles could have been prevented. Research backs this up btw which states people with undiagnosed ADHD are at higher risk of developing depression, anxiety, eating disorders, be bullied, end up in the criminal justice system, struggle with substânce abúse and are more vulnurable to seggșual, emotional and physical abǔse. Nobody wants to talk about these things because who wants to have their dark history revealed? But I hope this post helps some of you who are struggling in one way or another to see that there is HOPE and one day you will be struggling less and you will be happier and you will find your support system and you will start liking and accepting yourself. Any step in the right direction is a step forward even if sometimes it feels like youre taking two steps back. Its all process and progress and its part of a bumpy journey.
Or in short: its world mental health day and this is side of what undiagnosed adhd can look like is important to show as well.