Dear Friends,
Happy New Year and welcome to the new term of music making online. We have a whole 12 weeks of music fun prepared for you in Baby, Toddler and Afterschool Classes with Jackie singing from home and Harry adding live violin & guitar accompaniment from the studio.
- Babies 11.15 Tues, Thurs, Sat
- Toddlers 10.00 Tues, Thurs, Sat
- Afterschool 4pm Tues, Wed
We're excited to see some of the babies (18mths +) moving up to toddler classes and some older toddlers joining the afterschool classes.
Some of you are ready for individual piano, violin, guitar and singing classes on zoom. Due to demand we've also added a new extra music theory club. Talk to Jackie 01273267834 to find out more.
We understand flexibility in attendances and costs are essential in these tricky times- so please join classes whether you can pay or just contribute a bit. Music, singing and playing help children get through and give a little structure to these challenging weeks for families at home. So please don't stand back from using our resources whether you have a newborn or an older child. We've been happy to see parents taking up instruments in lockdown too and can arrange classes for whenever little ones are sleeping.
All we ask is please email [email protected] or text 07799564620 before 9am on the day of the class to tell us you are joining. (If we don't receive any texts or emails the class won't run)
Much love and stay healthy!
Jackie and Harry xx