"Haze" by GTN-O is a captivating piece in the melodic house and techno genre, included in Natura Viva Music's compilation album Ipnotico. The track showcases a seamless blend of intricate melodies and driving rhythms, creating an atmospheric and immersive soundscape.
Set at a tempo of 124 BPM in B-flat minor, "Haze" is marked by its layered textures, emotive synth progressions, and deep basslines, which evoke both introspection and energy. Its composition reflects GTN-O's signature style of combining technical precision with emotional depth, making it a standout addition to the Ipnotico album.
The track has received notable recognition, being featured on Beatport's Melodic House & Techno latest releases for 14 consecutive days, underscoring its resonance within the electronic music community.
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