Out now! https://orcd.co/comix "Electronic psychedelic wierdry of seriously high quality" the Artsdesk *****
Pepe Deluxé's Science of Sounds: Mean, Trashy & Tricky Compressors
The 2nd geeky Pepe gear video. This time they're demoing some ghetto compressors. You know boxes that you can actually hear doing some work ...
Not the same old studio crap: a few "Not bad meaning Bad but bad meaning Good" compressors from the collection of the Sanctum Sanctorum Musæum Studio.
All clips are loudness matched.
#Compression #MoreCompression #Distortion #TogetherForever #CheapAndTrashy #CrushCrumbleAndChompThoseSounds #CountingWithFingers #MoreIsMore
Pepe Deluxé’s "Science of Sounds" VIDEOS!
As you know by now, we @ Pepe love to travel the Paths Seldom Taken. This "rule" also applies to the tools and toys we've collected over the last 25 years. OK, there are plenty of classics and Paul's collection of instruments is more than a bit of a Hall of Fame. But there are also plenty of unusual suspects too. And for me it's been a really natural progression to move from a crate digger, looking for unusual but cool samples, into a hunter of less known studio gear - and then with Phantom Cabinet, of historical and magical musical instruments.
Over the years people have been asking questions about various toys we use, and I've now decided that it's finally the right time... to make some geeky Pepe gear videos! It's not gonna be impossible-to-find stuff, at least not all of it. 🙂 More like tips and ideas on less common gear that I personally find fun and useful - even in this modern world of a gazillion wonderful plugins.
Here's the first video, I hope you dig it!
#Drums #DrumRecording #KillerDrumSounds #Compression #MoreCompression #CoolMics #Periscope #ScopeLabs #VonHertzenBrothers #TeppoMäkynen #CrichtonVulcan #Vesikko #LotharVonArnauldDeLaPerière
Pepe Deluxé proudly (Damn Right!) presents: the Virtual Phantom Cabinet!!!
Pepe Deluxé proudly (Damn Right!) presents: the Virtual Phantom Cabinet!!!
"Rise! And walk with me!" - The Ghost of Christmas Past
"This is SO GOOD. I love it. Love, love, love." - A Major museum's very cool curator whose name can't be revealed because it's a Big Institution, and by the time we would actually get the right to publish the quote with the museum's name, you'd be listening to Phantom Cabinet Vol. 3.
"You are very Beautiful Samaris! But I love another girl!" - The Phantom
Opening November 3rd, 2021. Free? YES! Really!?!? REALLY!
Pepe Deluxé's Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1 OUT NOW!
After 9 LONG years we are incredibly PROUD of Pepe Deluxé for producing such a stunning album. It's finally out today and you get a chance to hear and enjoy their Indiana Jones exploration of music. We guarantee you will never have heard anything like this album before.
Listen/Stream/Download/Buy at: www.pepedeluxe.com
Catskills x
Ps: We hope to finally be able to ship the vinyl 3rd December...we love vinyl but we hate manufacturing it at the moment.
Pepe Deluxé - Phantom Cabinet Sessions (5 of 6): Sexophone and Human Skull Drum
Pepe Deluxé - Phantom Cabinet Sessions (5 of 6): Sexophone and Human Skull Drum
After last week’s “the usual suspects”-type of material (a fabulous pipe organ!), we are now heading towards some funkier and freakier stuff: a synthesizer designed for group sex by a Man from the Future and a holy Skull Damaru drum - a powerful protection against the forces of evil & made of human skulls and skin.
Pre-Order Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1: https://linktr.ee/pepedeluxeofficial
#synthesizers, #synthesis, #pioneer, #SexIsFun, #DIMI, #Andromeda, #TheFutureIsNotWhatItUsedToBe, #Happening, #HumanSkullDrum, #SkullDamaru, #PepeDeluxe, #WhatAreYouGuysSmoking, #PhantomCabinet, #YouNeverFindThePhantomHeFindsYou #CatskillsRecords, #WorldRecords, #VinylRecords, #OpelRekords #pepedeluxé #PhantomCabinetVol1
Pepe Deluxé - Phantom Cabinet Sessions (3 of 6): Decap Orchestrion
Pepe Deluxé - Phantom Cabinet Sessions (3 of 6): Decap Orchestrion
This week's Phantom Cabinet Sessions is an adventure in mechanical music...but first a few words about recording speed:
At the one end of the Spectrum of Recording we have Finnish artist Kari Peitsamo, who recorded one of his many albums faster than it actually takes to listen to it thru! All songs were performed in one long take and back-to-back, with no pauses or breaks between.
And at the other end of that Spectrum we have ... well, for example "Fire up the Crimson Lion"; a song recorded by a somewhat extraordinary music group called Pepe "Fast is not our middle name" Deluxé. Here's a mini-documentary about the time-consuming (but much fun!) construction of that song's backing track. Enjoy!!
Pre-Order Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1: https://linktr.ee/pepedeluxeofficial
#orchestrions, #automatons, #Pyrophone, #Decap, #mechanicalmusic, #daVinci, #ViolaOrganista, #musicmuseums, #bloodyridicilous, #PepeDeluxé, #PhantomCabinetVol1, #CatskillsRecords, #CatskillsMountains, #pepedeluxe, #artfortheChosenOneLeaders, #blastbeats, #theTurk, #WhatTimeIsLove, #Atomium, #Omniwerk, #JamesReidMusic, #RogerMostmans, #ForbiddenForest, #VarkausMechanicalMusicMuseum
Pepe Deluxé - Phantom Cabinet Sessions (2 of 6): Halls of Kalevala Drums
Phantom Cabinet Sessions: Halls of Kalevala Drums
Last week we steamed off the Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1 sessions with Belle& her calliope, and now we are letting the drummer get wickeeeed!
Here we have two Famous Quotes:
“The purpose of drums is to make music sound better” – Teppo Mäkynen
“The purpose of music is to make drums sound better” – James Spectrum
Which one is RIGHT? And more importantly: which one is not WRONG?
The answer is, of course, tha"RING RING RIING!! RING RING RIIIIING!!!"
Sorry, I have to take the call - I’ll get back to this soon...
(While James is away, maybe you, Dear Reader, can answer that two-headed cat of a question)?
Pre-Order Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1: https://linktr.ee/pepedeluxeofficial
#drums #moredrums #drumrecording #acoustics #acousticspaces #mindspaces #beats #styles #Apshai #largehall #mountainKing #elevator #DarkStar #outdoor #indoor #InThruTheOutDoor #Boma #dragonbreath #collapsingwavefunction #CatskillsRecords #pepedeluxe
Pepe Deluxé - Phantom Cabinet Sessions (1 of 6): Belle of Louisville's Calliope
Phantom Cabinet Sessions: Belle of Louisville's Calliope
Welcome to Phantom Cabinet Sessions! For the next few weeks, we gonna post some material from the making of the new Pepe album. Incredible instruments, extraordinary acoustics, travels thru time & space, art, science, sex, immortality, drums, pipes, synthesizers, the works.
Let's start with Belle of Louisville, the oldest operating Mississippi River-style steamboat in the US. She's been cruising along since October 18th, 1914, with original engines that date back to the 1880s. Queen of the River is waiting - full steam ahead!
Pre-Order Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1: https://linktr.ee/pepedeluxeofficial