Sound & Livestream setup at #faizanemadina #bradford
What a turn out! #mashaallah #razasounds #theavcompany #deen #islam #mirajunnabiﷺ
This is more of a #behindthescenes posts for all the 'techy' audience.
@shure @allenandheath @avmatrix.official @sonyalpha
#bts #smallrig #avmatrix #obs #eventproduction #allenandheath #shure #sonyalpha
What an event last night!
Heartwarming recitation by brother Hashmat Khan Naqshabandi "Official"
A massive congratulations to Meher Ali Shah & brother bharat (and team).
An amazing effort to bring together the youth of today, encouraging the unity and peace of Muslims in the form of celebrating the blessing of the best of creation ﷺ and promoting his characteristics and sunnah. Superbly spoken by Syed Usman Ali Al-Qadri
More posts to follow inshaa Allah
#naat #milad #Mawlid #bradfordyouthmawlid #razasounds #viralvideoシ #naatshareef
#naat #naatshareef #naatstatus #ids #aswj #ahlussunnahwaljamaah #sunni #razasounds
@hafiztahirqadri invites you all (brothers and sisters) to the 2nd Annual #ishqkerang Mehfil
Live From Bradford (Private Mehfil)
Live from Bradford, UK - Private Mehfil
Qari Eesa Muhammed Eesaa Khan Naushahi
Qari Noman Anwar
Usman Attari
A Heartfelt message for the #youth by Imam Muhammad Adil Shahzad
#razasounds #razamedia #ASWJ #aswjstudio
Mehfil e Milaad on the occassion of Ch. Waasif's #wedding in #sheffield #UK #razasounds #aswj #qadri #naat #events #eventplanner #halaldj
#naat #nasheed #mawlid #milaad #tbt #throwback #seerahconference #razasounds #razamedia #insta #post
Imam Muhammad Adil Shahzad clearing the #Aqeedah of #ahlusunnahwaljamaah in regards to the miraculous journey of Al Israa Wal Mi'raaj produced by #razasounds #razamedia #islamicreminders #islamicstatus #islamicquotes