This post gives an update about me but also a warning to my fellow musicians.
Protect your ears! Our ears are probably our most precious commodity as musicians. Anyone who knows me well, knows I’m pretty careful with my ears. I wear in-ears when I play, and I always have ear plugs with me when I watch other bands play. I never leave a gig with ringing in my ears anymore which used to happen before I got everything (we’re talking 12 years ago)!
Due to some mystery ear infection (viral according to the doctor), I have suffered from having a blocked right ear. It’s now over a month since it started and it’s not shifted. It’s blocked to the point now of almost hearing nothing out of it. That’s put all the pressure on my left ear and, loud noises, quite often, hurt. Not a good thing for a drummer! Luckily, due to having in-ears, I can dial the volume down and get away with it (hopefully), but I haven’t played drums properly in weeks and I’ve hardly listened to any music. It’s deeply frustrating and my mood is certainly taking a hit (just ask Sabrina and the kids!).
I’m not posting this for lots of “hope you’re ok”, “get better soon” or “I heard shoving a hot cattle prod down your ear hole clears up such issues” - I’m taking various decongestants, sprays and various things suggested by the doctor and my dad - but I want this post to remind all my musician friends…don’t take your ears for granted. If they get damaged and start to affect you on a daily basis, it can really hurt your ability to make music, play music and potentially enjoy music.