Episode 3️⃣: Credit ©️ Raphael
[ Continuation ....!]
Ugomma was 19 years old when she got prēgnānt for the seventh time. That was when her auntie finally found out again.
Her auntie took her to the hospital for DNC again. Then she asked Ugomma who was responsible for the prêgnāncy.
Although Mr. Bernard said Ugomma should never mention his name to anyone, she didn’t know when it came out of my mouth.
Immediately, she said it was Mr. Bernard, her husband.
Ugomma thought her auntie would be sh0cked or surpr!sed, but she was not.
She only asked if Ugomma was telling the truth, and then she said Ugomma couldn’t keep a child for now.
Her elder sister told her that she still needed to ab0rt this prëgnåncy because she was too young to keep a child. We have to remove this one. After this prēgnāncy, you may now start having your own kids, Mrs. Felicia said.
That was all Mrs. Felicia could say; she wasn’t even bōthëred about the fact that it was her husband who got her sister prēgnānt. Ugomma felt very bād; it looks like the whole world has fa!led her. How can she tell her elder sister that her husband was the one who got her prēgnānt and her elder sister wasn’t even botherēd?
That was when she knew that her s!tuation was getting w0rse; everyone had f@iled her.
Ugomma thought her pr0blem would be solved after she told her auntie, but it continued to get w0rse.
There was no place for her to run; life was just upside down for her.
She couldn’t even keep friends; she had no boyfriend to help her.
Because whenever her uncle sees her with any guys, her uncle will bēat the hēll out of her. So she couldn’t keep friends at all.
As time kept going, Ugomma began to wonder if her auntie was even aware of what her husband had been doing to her, because she wasn’t bothered when Ugomma told her about it.
A lot of thinking came through Ugomma’s mind.
That's not all; Ugomma’s elder sister has about four kids. Ugomma will cook for the family, clean the house, and take her auntie's kid to school before she goes to her own school.
In fact, there was a serious scãrcity of water at the place where they stayed. Ugomma had to walk a very long distance just to get water to do the housework.
Life wasn’t an easy one for Ugomma; she was passing through a lot of pa!n..
Sometimes when Ugomma's elder brother comes to visit her, Ugomma would also try talking to her brother about this issue, but he never gave her this listening
Ugomma was always getting sād and sk!nny due to her pr0blems.
Sometimes, when her siblings come to visit her, they would be asking her why she is not getting fat but skinny. As in, she is living with a rich family, so why is she getting skinny?
Upon all the whole food you are eating, you are still skinny, her siblings would say.
But eating food without a rest of mind is a wāste of time; it wasn’t about the food.
Mëntally, Ugomma was dy!ng in pa!n, there was no one to help her.
Different thoughts started coming to her mind, and finally she decided to run.
Ugomma ran back to her father because her father was still alive.
When she got to her father, he was surprised to see Ugomma.
Ugomma tried to explain everything to her father, but he would not listen, although she didn’t go straight to her point. Her father told Ugomma that she must go back to stay with her auntie.
Ugomma stayed with her father for like one week; during her time staying with her dad, she decided to go visit another of her elder sisters who also lives in that state.
When she got to her elder sister’s house, she told her elder sister about everything that Mrs. Felicia's husband had been doing to her.
But her elder sister never believed; she told Ugomma to shut up.
Ugomma You are ly!ng; that is how you go about spoil!ng your uncle’s name, ungrāteful child, Ugomma’s sister said.
After sleeping around with different men, you are now saying it your uncle, who had been sleeping with you, her sister replied.
So after that day, Ugomma was taken back to her elder sister’s house.
And this time around, it got w0rse for Ugomma.
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======= To Be Continued =============
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