SOSPilgrim Hospital

SOSPilgrim Hospital Well the reality is rather different. Do attend the public consultation on December 18th 2021 at the Len Medlock centre. What can we all do about it?

Please share and like this page for updates and use your voice to stop the NHS and ULHT from Centralisation and - in the process of prosecuting the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Plan - downgrading essential services at Boston Pilgrim Ho We are a Focus Group formed in Autumn 2015 and our members are concerned Boston Residents who joined a surgery Patient Liaison Group (PLG) and

found that Senior Management at Lincoln’s United Hospital Trust (ULHT) have been planning a strategy which was being stated as an objective to save money (due to their overspending) which could seriously affect the services that are currently delivered locally to you by Pilgrim Hospital. The savings are seemingly a confidence trick and will NOT save the huge deficit that they are projecting and has happened but worse for us, it looks as if the “savings” are being aimed only at downgrading Boston Pilgrim hospital and moving what we consider essential services to an already overcrowded Lincoln County Hospital where there are NO cuts in services projected ! The Stroke service has been removed with no public consultation and now years after they have removed it they are consulting. This is crucial to have your say and we need hundreds there! Anyone who is interested in the NHS local delivery of services - for their children, wife and family members will be surely be interested in the possible loss of services from Pilgrim. Well we need to all stand together and make our concerns heard but we need to be seen and heard. Please - sign the petition,
- write to your local MP
- come the meetings (see latest meeting date) and make your voice heard now as the consultation begins in 2021 only FIVE YEARS LATE !!



This is a big concern not being able to opt out! Who will be anonymising the data when much of the NHS records at NHS Trusts is not digital and the systems can’t and don’t talk to each other anyway. It’s very worrying that a USA Security business get our data!


Hello everyone.
There is a consultation now running from ULHT concerning the Paediatric Services at Pilgrim Hospital. SOSpilgrim was involved with the Campaign to retain consultant led Births and retain full Paediatric services at Boston’s Pilgrim District General Hospital. We recommend that all of Boston residents read and review the proposals in the Consultation documents issued.


SOSPILGRIM has been mentioned and campaigned to retain consultant led births and full Peadiatric services at Boston’s Pilgrim District General Hospital. Please read the ULHT Consultation now running since June for 12 weeks and have your say as ULHT are planning to make permanent their changes to the service.



This is a really excellent review of the Peoples’ Covid Enquiry report. See the link in the posts.

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Absolutely well worth to keep abreast of NHS news.

News and comment from
Roy Lilley

Pandemics aren’t new. They date back to 430BC; Black Death, Bubonic Plague, Cholera, Russian, Spanish and Asian flu. Swine, SARS and MERS.

In 2006 HMG predicted a window of 30yrs, for the arrival of the next pandemic and in 2016 there were two exercises, rehearsing preparedness and response… Cygnus and Alice.

The exact arrival of Covid and its cousins, might have been be unpredictable but it's hardly a surprise. The surprise is, the extent to which government was taken by surprise.

The fact that we were so unprepared was underlined when the under-resourced PHE was binned and replaced by the UK Health Security Agency, with a budget fit for a small country.

You might know all this but what you won’t know is on top of Cygnus, in the same year, there had been a number of exercises modelling different scenarios. Ten in all, one was for coronavirus.

We’d plenty of time to get ready. Well, more ready than we were.

The arrival of CV-19 was flagged up, to WHO, by the Chinese, on December 31st 2019.

On the 10th January 2020 the WHO issued technical guidance; how to detect, test and manage a potential ‘respiratory pathogen’.

On January 12th, China shared the genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2.

It took until the end of March for BoJo to get off his backside. HMG was caught with its pants-down and you know the rest.

People have died who might, otherwise, still be with us, enjoying friends and family, this Christmas, Eide, Ōmisoka, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and all the rest...

Weakened by a decade of austerity, the NHS drew a breath and its magnificent people muddled through as elegantly as they could.

Horrible rota gaps were filled by people doing the job of two. The lowest capacity of most of the health systems in Europe, a crazy-paving of services, smashed by Lansley’s lunacy… how the NHS survived beggars belief.

The front-line saved the NHS, saved people’s lives and saved BoJo’s bacon… and his life, into the bargain.

It’s beyond doubt HMG made a Horlix of its response and impossible to argue that we were in anyway, as prepared as we could have been.

By June 2020, we had had the worst per capita death toll from COVID-19 in Europe, despite being the sixth richest nation in the world.

By January 2021, throughout February and March… the worst global, per-capita, death-toll.

Back in 2010, the incoming Government’s ambition was to ‘roll back the state.’ Between 2010 and 2019, as percentage of GDP, public-spending fell from 42% to 35%.

Public services were in ruins. Social care was estimated to have 110,000 vacancies at the start of the pandemic. Care-homes had been struggling for some time, due to underfunding, staff shortages and rip-off owners.

The National Pensioners’ Convention begged the Government to sort-out social care but HMG didn’t reply to any of their letters.

How to handle a pandemic?

Find the virus,
isolate those who have it,
trace and test their contacts
and be quick about it.
Lockdown until a find-test-trace-isolate-support system is in place.
Close borders.

How do I know? It’s in WHO guidance.

HMG didn’t do any of that quickly enough and when they did, it was half-hearted.

This is a miserable tale. The facts are drawn from a report, published today, ‘The People’s Covid Inquiry’.

It is a devastating read. The sort of narrative that would be the screen-play to a disaster movie, the plot line to a thriller… were it not the story of our times, your family and the ones we all love and hold dear.

It is an extraordinarily good piece of work. It is a surgical instrument, a scalpel. It is a demolition job, a wrecking-ball through Whitehall.

It’s a tale of leadership that was little more than bravado. The public left with a choice of isolating or putting food on the table.

There is no better example; in the absence of guidance, London Underground unions took charge of protecting workers and published their own.

This, the undeniable testimony of the people who were there, watched it happen and gave their indelible, undeniable witness to Micheal Mansfield’s inquiry team.

It is brilliant. HMG, stupid, crooked, cronyism, desperate, fumbling, caught-out? Misconduct in public office? You be the judge.

Read this. It is goose-bump good, a spine chiller and jaw dropping.


So the question was asked will people be turned away who have not been able or are NOT able to use the internet and the restrictive “ eventbrite” registration service. No internet, no smartphone, no entrance!

Yes, at Grantham the organisers were heard and observed telling people who didn’t know they needed a booking and had no booking to stand aside and wait, and if no seats said they wouldn’t let them in as they had to give priority to those who had booked places! This is a clear breach of the Equality Act and discriminates against a large section of the public - disadvantaged, vukeenabkem nine protected groups etc etc…

It is a disgraceful method of disadvantaging all vulnerable adults and protected groups and erecting serious barriers to taxpayers right to attend a public consultation especially for the many thousands not ‘connected’, not tech savvy and has echoes of deliberate attempts to stifle a large percentage of Lincolnshires community and limit free speech.
Consider this, who are the sector most likely to need stroke services? Yes, and how many pensioners do not have a smartphone, never mind a home internet connection (as our ex Govt jnr minister for digital Comms knows) much of Lincolnshire outside the town CANNOT get an internet connection for a computer; cannot afford such a IT connection on a state pension; have no idea how to navigate internet based ‘ invitations’.
There must be NO barriers erected (and this has been highlighted to the CCG who ignore it every time) that blatantly and knowingly discriminates against such a massive section of Lincolnshires’ residents!

The very ones who are more likely to need the stroke provision!! Appalling discrimination and breach of the Equality Act!




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