Seeing the transition from junior school to high school has been tough. Piper has overcome her first year and due to start her 2nd in September. It's not easy for a father to watch there daughter grow up so quickly in 12 months but I can say despite the attitude change and the mood swings Piper has grown into one amazing young girl with a passion for life and a real sense of being. To all the fathers out there that have gone through this transition "I salute you" it's tough but most definitely rewarding.
The bond these two have is unreal. He's like a cheeky teenager which just so happens to be Pipers personality lately. Looking forward to seeing you all at Appleby.
When hobby horsing is fun but you still aim for the perfect jump
The run up, the jump, the posture of the hobby horse... all makes for a perfect jump.
Pipers best friend. Always there. Never let's her down and always makes her smile.
Will be adding some reels over next couple of days created by Piper. Enjoy!!
This was bought for Pipers birthday and has just arrived. Shipping from Poland turned out to be longer than expected and the customs held it to ransom for the VAT to bring it into the country. That being said it was worth the wait and as you can see Piper is over the moon to recieve it. Thank you again for all the support.
Let's just take a step back and remember that Pipers story is about being who you want to be despite what others may say. Follow those dreams and ambitions and so what makes you happy. Something I have to remind Piper at times as she does get some hassle locally for what she does.
Piper wearing her harness , Pandora and Billy receiving gifts 🎁 too xx
Lovely evening jaunt for Piper , storm , oreo and Skye . Beautiful evening. He is doing great going over drains now with ease. Pipers confidence is growing too . Xx
Beautiful hand made gifts from Sharon Maddawg Lee. Love to see Pipers reaction when she opens the gifts. That smile says it all. Thank you so much Sharon. I know you was as excited as me about her opening this parcel. Again a big thank you to the community for your continued support. This is all about a girl doing something she loves.
Piper and her best friend Skye bonding with Storm. He's been amazing since he came back. Not seen Piper since lol
Chris Millard Horses RUs Deborah Stocks @
Piper Ann, Storm and Nanna!!!! Recording from phone until I get a better screen recording later. So proud of Piper and how she conducted herself on screen.