Our banners with eyelets will hang out and spread the word! Perfect for any occasion, they’ll make your message stand out like these ones we created for the Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity and Birmingham Women's Hospital and Charity Fundraising Teams #BWC #CPADS
Racing to get your message across the finishing line? What better way than bespoke lettering cut to any shape, with any text you need. These are the ones we recently designed and printed for the amazing Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity Fundraising Team for the Great Birmingham Run #CPADS #OneTeam
The Clinical Photography and Design Services design team are proud to have designed and printed the materials for this evening's BWC Spirit Awards at Edgbaston Stadium! We would like to congratulate all that have been nominated, we hope you have a great night celebrating our amazing staff at Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity and Birmingham Women's Hospital and Charity ⭐️ #spiritawards23
The Clinical Photography and Design Services team were proud to of designed and printed all of the Get a Jab, Give a Jab, Save lives Flu advertising campaign for 2023 at Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity and Birmingham Women's Hospital and Charity producing Staff Portraits, Posters, Roller Banners, Stickers, Web Banners and Screensavers. #GetajabGiveajab #NHS #Print #Design
We'd be Lion if we didn't think these new name boards were Roarsome. The Clinical Photography and Design Services design team had the right Koala-fications to create these for the new Ward 11 refurb at Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity. These are certain to create a Panda-monium of joy and A-Moose-ment with the patients at the hospital.
Urine good hands with the amazing Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity Renal Team! Our Clinical Photography and Design Services Designers loved working with them to produce these fun stickers for patients on the ward #CPADS #OneTeam #Stickers #KeepingItRenal
Brave is one of the Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity Trust Values and when our young patients are brave, the amazing Renal Team team recognise this with one of these Roar-some stickers! Design and printed by our Clinical Photography and Design Services Design Team #CPADS #OneTeam #Stickers #Brave #Stickers
We’re at your service! The Clinical Photography and Design Services Design Team are proud to have designed and produced the invites, certificates, selfie frames, pull up banners, programmes and pin badges for the Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity and Birmingham Women's Hospital and Charity Long Service awards. Congratulations to all the amazing recipients! #CPADS #Awards
Wait a minute! Is that a new infographic in the Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity Emergency Department waiting room? Our Clinical Photography and Design Services Design Team love working with the amazing ED Team, so we were very happy to design and install this huge, colourful and informative 7 metre wall graphic #CPADS #Infographic
The Clinical Photography and Design Services design team loved working with the amazing NHS Birmingham and Solihull team to design and print these banner pens for one of their recent events. With Easter just round the corner get cracking if we can help with any merchandise you need! #CPADS #OneTeam #Merchandise #Birmingham
The Clinical Photography and Design Services Design Team always keep tabs on the best print solutions! We loved producing these bespoke tabbed folders and inserts for the Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity Fire Safety Team. Wipe clean making them infection control friendly - the perfect solution! #CPADS #Print #Design
The Clinical Photography and Design Services department were pleased to be asked to design and produce the leaving gifts for Sarah-Jane Marsh CEO of Birmingham Children's Hospital and Charity. From all of the team in Clinical Photography and Design Services we would like to wish Sarah-Jane very best wishes for the future #CPADS #OneTeam #ThankYouSarahJane