A little walk in an unknown field today to get my steps in and get some sunshine. Did you get outside today? #overfiftyfitness #walks #walking #walkhertfordshire #hipreplacement #hipreplacementrecovery
Having a coffee at the @letchworthsportsandtennis club before teaching Gentle Yoga at @letchworthsettlement today. I’ll be teaching Yoga here from the beginning of 2025 on a Wednesday at 11:45am. 😀#yogateacher #personaltrainer #overfiftyfitness
Black Squirrels! I saw four of them at once today after covering Gentle Yoga at @Bannatynes #blacksquirrel #yogateacher #hipreplacement #personaltrainer
Greetings from today’s 30 minute walk. Where are you walking today?#yogateacher #hipreplacement #personaltrainer #hipreplacementrecovery #overfiftyfitness #strongnotskinny💪 #hipreplacementnotjustforoldpeople #walkingchallenge
5.5 weeks post hip-replacement. Let the rebuilding begin. I have lost a lot of the muscle that I built in the lead-up to the surgery, but I have managed to halt the atrophy with the physio. I still have a few weeks before I have my surgeon follow-up, but have been cleared by physio to do some light resistance work. So I dusted off my yoga mat and cleared my home studio (It was storing the unused crutches and walking frame) and am doing my first physio/rehab/training session in there today. :-)
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve finally had a definitive diagnosis and have decided to go ahead with a hip replacement. I’m 51. It’s not anything I’ve done, it’s just the shape of my hips. Living alone and up two flights of stairs, being self-employed, there are lots of challenges ahead. I’m keeping smiling and finding reasons to be grateful. #hipreplacementnotjustforoldpeople #hipreplacement #gratitude #chronicpain
Haven has come on well. I am looking forward to hosting two newcomers to my classes on Sunday night at the Gentle Yoga & Relaxation class.
I’m really enjoying learning how to plan with stick figures.. what a luxury to have time to learn a new and mor efficient way of doing something I’ve been doing for a while now!