Prom ride
Smashed it 💥💥💥💥
Tommys last ride
Tommys final escort
Good Evening Everyone,
This has got to be the most important and hard hitting escort we have had to arrange as Rolling Rides. The final escort of Tommy ‘Donkey’ Finch to his celebration of life.
You are ALL invited and encouraged to join us in his final escort and this is one we want you all to be there for, so call in sick, book a day off and make sure that you are there.
Those travelling from Eastbourne way, please feel free to meet Adam and Martin at Fort Fun at 1000hrs, ready to leave at 10:30hrs and head to Hastings. We will be meeting at Tesco Extra, CHURCH WOOD DRIVE, HASTINGS for 11300hrs in the upper car park. Please consider that this is a public car park with members of the public around so please no messing about, Marshall’s will be present to direct you to where you need to be. (Also fuel up here before we leave as we have a longish ride)
From the meet point we will be going to Tommys home address which is only a few minuets away and here we will park up again and wait for Tommy to arrive at approximately 12:40. Once he has arrived we will then escort him to the WEALDEN CREMATORIUM where we are invited to join the service.
Route from Tesco, get to exit and turn left on to Church Wood Drive. Follow the road, we shall then make a right onto Wishing Tree Road which takes us to the top of Tommys Road. Please park here on both sides of road as lots of bikes expected. Marshall’s will assist and direct.
The route leaves his home address, and travels down Harley Sh*te Road to the A259 where we follow this west till we get the the Cop Hall Roundabout, we then take a right on to the A22 and then the A267 to the crematorium. Once there the hearse will park up to the side. At this point please find a parking spot, keep it tight as lots of bikes expected. Once parked, the hearse and bearers will make way down to the path at lower end of car park. Please line the path as Tommy will be carried past everyone as we go into the chap
Rolling rides.
So this is the total of what we have raised today.
A huge thank you to you all. Sorry it’s a brief video.
Thank you to all the biker groups that come and support us, Marshalls , photographers literally everyone. You are all amazing and I can’t thank you enough.