New Licensed Fringe Tees & Dresses available now!
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Get ready for spring early with your favourite bands!
We have a few bits listed from the @theheavymetalhippiebox too! 😉
#heavymetalhippiemusic #bandmerch #rollingstones #greenday #acdc #theramones #festival
People tell me all the time that they aren’t creative.
I’m not buying it!
I know it’s in there - but you need to exercise that creative muscle and it’ll help you in all of your endeavours ✨
We’re writing our book to give you a year of creative prompts and inspirations and get those juices flowing 💜🤘🏻
Follow along for tips along the way! 📓📝✍🏻
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativeprompts #artisticgrowth #creativegrowth #findyourflow #expandyourmind
Even if you have felt like a bit of an outsider - the truth is that art and music unite all of us. It’s a vulnerable place to put yourself out there, but it’s so much more relatable than you know.
Release any of the worry you have because those experiences are very valuable to help bring people together.
We generally gravitate to the music that speaks to us. You’ll definitely connect and find more followers in the process of baring your soul 💜✨⚡️
#heavymetalhippiemusic #artisticgrowth #creative #songwriting #creativegrowth #music
Who are you cheering for today? 🙌🏻
There’s room for everyone to WIN because we all do things differently. So even when someone is doing “better” if you’re proud of them - if you’re impressed, give them a shout out.
We can all be growing and when we do it together - it just gets better 🤘🏻💜✨⚡️
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #shoutout #win #supporteachother
The best inspiration can come from listening to nature and following the rhythm of the world around.
It is music within itself!
Have you stopped to unplug for some inspiration lately?
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #musicinnature #rhythm #inspiration
Show off the things you love and that really speak to you… what makes you feel good!
Let people to connect to the real you… the messy and the amazing.
You’ve got a great story to tell 🤘🏻
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #expressyourself #tellyourstory
In a totally different line of study, I was once told that the weirder you are - the more people will love you. ❌
What I’ve actually found to be true ✅is that the closer you get to your authentic self - the more relatable you will be.
Even when you feel way out there, more people than you may imagine can relate to your experiences, emotions, outlook and world view.
What IS attractive, is being yourself - the good, the bad, the messy, the illuminating. 💜🤘🏻🔥✨
I can’t wait to see the true you!
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #beyourself #authentic #therealyou #relatable #fan #fanbase #connection
Though I always expected to be an artist myself, I have found that I am best at helping others plan their future and strategize how to grow as an artist!
Are you ready to figure out all the pieces and put it together for success?
You have great things brewing. Let’s get them out together! 💜🤘🏻✨
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #strategy #letsgrow
Don’t miss out on tees in our web shop plus tons of free resources to build your brand. 💜✨☮️🤘🏻
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #bandtee #rocknrolltee #skulls #flowers #rocknroll
Getting stuck in the pattern of “we’ve always done it this way” can be incredibly dangerous to growth!
A fresh approach, a tweak - is sometimes all it takes to break through a new barrier.
Need some strategy advice?
Let’s talk about it! 💜🤘🏻💜✨
Make sure to grab our free downloads to get yourself ready to grow your fan base! 😎
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #audiencegrowth #basics
We love seeing you get your art out in all forms!
It can be tough - planning to release while working away on your creative endeavors…. Or growing creatively - Sometimes you just need a hand. 🖐️
Ready for growth? Come check out our memberships and get on the path for success!
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative
If you’ve been stuck getting your creative works out - or just getting started come check out our membership and get that one on one support feeling you need but in a small group setting!
Can’t wait to see you there!✨💜🤘🏻💜✨
#heavymetalhippiemusic #creativegrowth #artisticgrowth #songwriting #music #artist #fanbase #creativedevelopment #epk #bio #creative #membership #member