David Strelitz Video Productions

David Strelitz Video Productions Providing a comprehensive range of video and new media solutions.

David Strelitz Video Productions provides a comprehensive range of video and new media solutions, including corporate programme making from script to screen, web based video, multi-camera filming for shows and events, editing, DVD and file creation for USB and web encoding. We also convert from any video format to DVD and/or USB and additionally have a specialised Cine Film transfer service.

Sad to learn of the passing of Jeanette Charles, famous impersonator of our late Queen. Had the pleasure of working with...

Sad to learn of the passing of Jeanette Charles, famous impersonator of our late Queen. Had the pleasure of working with her many years back. A showbiz icon, who lived a few miles away in Danbury and had worked with the greats. Took her work very seriously but still shared many humorous anecdotes with the crew and when the sound man interrupted one of her stories, she told him to put his headphones on so that he would learn something.
At the end of the shoot, we were all knighted by her.

A link to my blog explaining my absence in September and October.

A link to my blog explaining my absence in September and October.

Those customers who contacted me by phone during September and October invariably spoke to my wife Stephanie. She would have told them I would not be undertaking any new work until November. By way of explanation, we had decided to take a couple of short breaks once the School holidays were over, a....

As well as being my Wedding Anniversary, today would also have been Freddie Mercury's 75th  birthday.In 2012 I was lucky...

As well as being my Wedding Anniversary, today would also have been Freddie Mercury's 75th birthday.
In 2012 I was lucky enough to be asked by David King to film an amazing tribute to the music of Queen, produced by the team at Spirit Productions. Filmed at the Theatre Royal Newcastle, one of the most beautiful theatres in the country and edited back in Basildon back in the day,it was called Bohemian Rhapsody.
This was the extended promo https://vimeo.com/47728023/f326746013

This is "BoRhap extended promo" by SpiritProductions on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Back working in a live theatre for the first time since Feb 2020Tubular Bells- Royal Festival Hall for Fiery Angel. 5 ca...

Back working in a live theatre for the first time since Feb 2020
Tubular Bells- Royal Festival Hall for Fiery Angel. 5 camera shoot. Amazing show and fantastic crew.

The Office Window two weeks ago.The Ursuline Convent Westgate with The Most Reverend John Wilson, The Archbishop of Sout...

The Office Window two weeks ago.
The Ursuline Convent Westgate with The Most Reverend John Wilson, The Archbishop of Southwark, accompanied by NINE priests and a socially distanced congregation consisting mainly of retired Nuns.
Steph was a former boarder at the convent...(back in the day) but had kept in touch with many of her old teachers. This resulted in me doing some archiving of videos of the history of various Ursuline Convents and communities. With the imminent closure of the Convent, after 117 years, we were invited to a Mass of Thanksgiving. I would be lying if I said I was overcome with joy as a one hour Mass would not be on my Friday to do list but knew how much it meant to Steph.

However, when the Covid restrictions were not lifted in June, the whole project had to be reworked. There were many who would have attended from abroad but were prevented by the rules and so I was asked to film it.
A few technical concerns were ironed out at a recce and the filming went off with 4 cameras (3 effectively locked off) without a hitch and more to the point with me on my very best behaviour. I actually found it quite emotional.
We have some inserts about the history, still to film later in London early next month but the edit of the Mass is complete and has been very well received.

My thanks go out to the whole team at Westgate for their kindness, assistance and hospitality.

My latest blog. https://www.dsvp.co.uk/2021/04/weve-been-meaning-to-do-this-for-ages/

My latest blog. https://www.dsvp.co.uk/2021/04/weve-been-meaning-to-do-this-for-ages/

The one saving grace about writing this blog is that twenty people won’t be shouting at me that I am on Mute. I think it is safe to say that my blog writing has become almost as regular as the Queen’s Christmas message, once a year, which of course is not what the business mentors … Continue r...


One year ago, I was with the crew at the Royal Festival Hall, setting up for a 5 camera shoot of .
Today my thoughts are with the whole theatre family, who have seen their world destroyed. Many will not have worked since March and some may never return to the industry they trained for.
My best wishes to them all, with the hope that by late spring, theatres once again will be able to open their doors again


Live theatre is back in Branson USA.
Here's the promo for Anthems of Rock that I made last year with Executive Producer David King


IMPORTANT Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update:
During the current situation we are still able to offer all types of transfer work from video or cine.
Update 24 May
If you wish to deliver work to me in person, please arrange in advance.

Please phone for clarification.

Last night it was the Beef, Lamb and Chicken.Today it's the Pig😀🤔🙄

Last night it was the Beef, Lamb and Chicken.
Today it's the Pig

Another great start to the year. Recce and filming the sensational Circus 1903 at The Royal Festival Hall on the buzzing...

Another great start to the year. Recce and filming the sensational Circus 1903 at The Royal Festival Hall on the buzzing South Bank. Once again a great crew of Carl, Dave and Matt. Thanks also to Hannah and the team at RFH and Bonnie and Michael at Fiery Angel.

The view from the office on Sunday. 2 shows recorded. Everyone at The Shaftesbury from the Stage Doorman to the FOH were...

The view from the office on Sunday. 2 shows recorded. Everyone at The Shaftesbury from the Stage Doorman to the FOH were so helpful, the Tech crew were a great team to work with and The Illusionists were sensational. Carl, Dave, Pete and Matt on my crew were on top form and so now I start on a 7 camera edit. Really chuffed to see the ad played out for the return of Circus 1903 in December as we filmed the show on it's last night back in January. Proud to have been asked to film these two sensational shows.

10 Years ago this week, I was in Monte Carlo along with David King and the team from Spirit Productions to film Rock Aro...

10 Years ago this week, I was in Monte Carlo along with David King and the team from Spirit Productions to film Rock Around the Clock at the spectacular Salle des Etoiles for https://vimeo.com/28275065
Amazing performers and band and wonderful tech crew at the venue. So 10 years on and camera guru Carl Owen who worked with me on the Monte Carlo shoot will be working together with me at The Illusionists on Sunday and 10 years on from doing the Rock Around the Clock filming and edit, I'm pleased to say I'm still doing projects for David King.

This is "Rock Around the Clock" by SpiritProductions on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Another recce and meeting at the end of last week, with the superb production and tech team of https://www.theillusionis...

Another recce and meeting at the end of last week, with the superb production and tech team of https://www.theillusionistslive.com/illusionists/london/
ahead of our filming shows at the end of next week.
It's the second time I have watched the show, superb throughout and although I knew what was coming in the finale it still had a WOW factor x10 or as I said the first time I saw it, definitely the Dogs Bo # 😳😉😄👍👍👍

The office view yesterday once again was across the Thames. Back on the South Bank, this time in the Queen Elizabeth Hal...

The office view yesterday once again was across the Thames. Back on the South Bank, this time in the Queen Elizabeth Hall for a little bit of history, filming the archive of Peppa Pig's First Concert. A wonderful introduction for young children to the instruments of the orchestra, with the international superstar, Peppa Pig and family. Took me back to the days of taking my own children to the Barbican to see Evelyn Glennie, all those years ago. Once again, a very helpful crew at the South Bank.👍 Only shame, Friday traffic, at one time I had driven 7.2miles in 92mins. 😡

What a way to start the year! Royal Festival Hall, London. 5 cameras at the sensational last night of Circus 1903, as se...

What a way to start the year! Royal Festival Hall, London. 5 cameras at the sensational last night of Circus 1903, as seen at the 2018 Royal Variety Show. One Amazing Show, so many world class acts but Ringmaster David Williamson, with the children on the stage, will have me chuckling for weeks to come.
Thanks to Carl, Dave and Matt on the other cameras, Patrice and the extremely helpful crew at the Royal Festival Hall,(except for the obnoxious Mrs Jobsworth on the entrance barrier) and in particular David King and Simon Painter for putting me in the frame.


Delighted to see my friend an colleague Andy Woodcock and the work of Brentwood Community Print recognised on and as their #2 story on the morning news. I am very proud that in 2015, with my colleague Robin Bailey, we made a short informational film, showing the work of BCP, in getting people who have suffered mental health issues back into the workplace. Read my blog and see the video here. http://www.dsvp.co.uk/2015/03/brentwood-community-print/

A website video for Brentwood Community Print - more than just digital printers, they provide support on Good Mental Health in the Workplace


Research among business people shows that the thing they dread the most is Public Speaking. There are other surveys which reveal that people fear dying less than Public Speaking. However, it doesn't have to be this way. With some tricks of the trade, a simple structure and some stories which only yo...


With the demise of Yellow Pages, I have written about my experiences of 13 years advertising.

At the beginning of the month the demise of the Yellow Pages directory was announced. It was around 1989 I first advertised in the Yellow Pages and it was to be a love-hate relationship that lasted until 2012. By then it had outlived it’s usefulness as the internet had taken over. Back in the day ……


A new blog looking back on my change to computer editing http://www.dsvp.co.uk/2017/08/20-years-ago-today/

Around 20 years ago I took delivery of my first computer based editing system. It was the heyday of the Spice Girls, but you cant win ‘em all. It was also the days of dial up internet and 3½-inch floppy discs. For the initiated, I opted for DPS Perception hardware, running on Windows NT4 with … Cont...

I am really excited. Nothing like this ever happens to me. In the words of Mrs Brown, "That's Nice!!!" 😂

I am really excited. Nothing like this ever happens to me. In the words of Mrs Brown, "That's Nice!!!" 😂


Just when I thought I had seen it all...

Had a call from a customer, with a VHS tape, which he wanted transferred to DVD. He advised me that the tape had snapped and would require repairing. I gave him the price ”assuming no one had attempted a repair”. I say that, as in the past I’ve seen reel swaps, causing the tape to be reversed, brakes and guides left out etc etc. I have seen it all...so I thought.

He duly arrived and when I looked at the tape, I could see the spine label was serrated through its length, indicating the tape had been dismantled. While he was there, I opened the shell and what I saw made me almost speechless, except for a very loud WTF!!

It would appear, (so I was told) his late wife was a photographer and mechanic of the house. She had attempted to join the tape with...wait for it...

Metal staples!!!

Unsurprisingly the repair had failed.🤔 I have the section of tape pinned up as a reminder, there’s "one" around every corner!

I have seen many total foul-ups with VHS cassettes but most of the "inappropriate materials" have been on cine film. Over the years I have had 16mm, 9.5mm and 8mm film sent in for transfer, spliced with staples, insulation tape, Elastoplast , Sellotape, parcel tape, Blu-Tack and even double sided sticky fixers.

I did comment that had this tape managed a revolution through the tape path, it would have seriously damaged the machine...well, I may not quite have used those words 😂


A new blog taking a light-hearted look at "Talkback".

Talkback is the system used on larger productions so that all of the crew are in contact via a Headset, mainly with the director. Now in an ideal world, it would be strictly business and mostly that is the case but not always…and that’s before the indiscretions. I will share a few that are publishab...


Facebook keeps telling me I should write more often. Social Media experts tell you to write regularly...I don’t think every 6 months quite hacks it.
So here we are in August and yesterday I was doing final tweaks to TV ads for a US Christmas show and now “Deck the Halls with broughs of Holly” is lodged in a braincell.
It has been a diverse 7 months though. The year started with Clearcast finally clearing the script for a cosmetic TV ad after 5 stressful weeks of communications going back and forth regarding on screen captions, substantiations and similar. Graphics were reworked and within an hour of visual clearance, delivery had been made to ITV, STV, C4 and SKY Video on demand platforms. My work is always diverse and over the following weeks, I filmed business web presentations, in-house training seminars, musical presentations, manufacturing processes and testimonial interviews, along with segments for on going business video promos.. Post production has been diverse for sure and included re-mastering, (“legalising” for QC and clocking) and delivery of several TV ads, editing a 3 minute opening video for an international conference and pieces for play-out at conferences, during wedding speeches and for funerals...but not the same piece! Thousands of feet of cine film have been transferred to DVD or file formats, along with several hundred video tapes. I might not have been writing much but I think I have lived up to “providing a comprehensive range of video production services”. Looking forward to some exciting projects in the pipeline and I promise to write more regularly. 🙄


All types of Video tapes transferred to DVD or to file on USB


All types of Cine Film transferred to DVD


My new blog explains the content of the new DSVP showreel.

Latest DSVP showreel. . showing that DSVP, Basildon, Essex really do provide a comprehensive range of video production services.

Showed the latest showreel as part of a presentation I did last week. You can see it here.http://www.dsvp.co.uk/producti...

Showed the latest showreel as part of a presentation I did last week. You can see it here.

Providing a comprehensive range of video production services, including filming and editing for corporate video, conference coverage, promo's, training etc.


61 Gaynesford


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