Bro Radio is the local radio station for the Vale of Glamorgan, broadcasting from studios in Barry across the County on 98.1 &, online, on radioplayer, via the Bro Radio app and on smart speakers.
Launched in 2009, Bro Radio is a Community Interest Company (CIC), set up with the aim of informing, educating, entertaining and engaging with the community we serve.
We support 100’s of local people through volunteering and training opportunities to help them get back into work, learn new skills and meet new people.
Everything we do, is about the community we serve - we providing opportunities for local organisations, charities, community groups and businesses to shout about their work, whilst keeping the County up to date on the local news and information that matters to them.
Bro Radio Social Media Guidelines:
Comments made on posts or sent via inbox to the Bro Radio page may be read on air.
Please remember that as a community radio station, we tend to cover a lot of local news stories on this page. Because of this, family members of those affected, may read it. Please bear that in mind when commenting.
Comments and content (i.e. pictures, links etc.) Are checked by our team and any that are found to contain the following will be removed and in some circumstances, persons responsible will be banned from the page:
• Contains personal information (i.e. phone numbers, email addresses postcodes etc)
• Comments that appear to be impersonating someone else
• Bad language or language likely to offend others
• Content that is likely to provoke, offend or attack others
• That advertises businesses/products for profit (charities/not for profit organisations are exempt)
• Posts/comments that are written in any language other than English or Welsh
• Content is considered to be 'Spam'. Posts that contain information that has been posted multiple times.
Users are freely invited to interact with Bro Radio and others on this page. However, we would also like to ensure that these discussions stay safe, relevant, polite and do not break any laws.
Any questions relating to this topic, please e-mail: [email protected]