Monday wi e Maker - accordin tae Sheena it's nae jist dolphins ye can spot fae e Greyhope Cafe at e Torry Battery! ~~ according to Sheena it isn't just dolphins you can see from the Greyhope Cafe at Totty Battery.
Wee Tale fur Wednesday - In case ye dinna ken e morn is International Polar Bear Day! Oor story iss wik is aboot Scotlan's maist famous fite urse. ~~ In case you don't know tomorrow is International Polar Bear Day! Our story this week is about Scotland's most famous polar bear.
Monday wi e Maker - a wee poyem wi a twist in e tail - ye'll see fit I've deen ere eense ye read/lug in! ~~ a little poem with a twist in the tail - you'll see what I've done there once ye read/listen!
Wee Tale Fur Wednesday - I widnae risk leavin ma porritch on its leen - na, jist add a suppie milk tae cweel't doon an sup awa. ~~ I wouldn't risk leaving my porridge alone - no, just add a little milk to cool it down and eat it quick.
Monday wi e Maker - iss wee poyem maks ma think on Spring - sae as we wyte fur mair snaa (ay, they say it's cumin) iss'll gies a bittie houp fur better wither. ~~ this we poem makes me think of Spring - so as we wait for more snow (yes, they say it is coming) this will give us a bit of hope for better weather.
Wee Tale Fur Wednesday - we're keepin wi e theme o snakes iss wik seens it aye Spring Festival. Iss is a story written bi Sheena Blackhall an ye can fin it on The Elphinstone Kist. ~~ we are keeping with the theme of snakes this week since it is still Spring Festival. This is a story written by Sheena Blackhall and you can find it on the Elphinstone Kist.
Monday wi e Maker - iss een's nae fur e bairns! ~~ this one is not for children!
Wee Tale Fur Wednesday - iss wik I'm tellin a Dutch tale I heard fae Farah fae bides in Gaza. We're nithin iv nae multi-cultural here at Doric Books! ~~ this week I am telling a Dutch tale that I heard from Farah who lives in Gaza. We are nothing if we are not multi-cultural here at Doric Books!
Monday wi e Maker - iss poyem seems fittin fur ivnoo fin we're deein oor Ma Hame Toon project far we're makin beuks wi fowk an gettin thim tae write aboot fit Aiberdeen means tae thim. Mebbe it'll gaur ye think aboot deein sum writin yersel! ~~ this poem seems fitting at the moment when we are delivering our Ma Hame Toon project where are are making books with people and getting them to write about what Aberdeen means to them. Maybe it will make you think about doing some writing yourself!
Aaron Wis fair trickit tae turn his version o Johnny Cash’s ‘Loon’ Named Sue intl a video fur e Doric Film Festival lest year. Plannin anither een iss year inna. Waatch iss space…
Aaron was delighted to turn his version of Johnny Cash’s Boy Named Sue into a video for the Doric Film Festival last year. Planning another one this year too. Watch this space…
#doricbooks #Doric #scotslanguage #jhonnycash
Wee Tale Fur Wednesday - nae sae much a tale as a puckle jokes strung igither tae celebrate oor birthday wi sum beasts fae Aul McDonald, oor first beuk - e een aat stairit us on iss journey. Houp ye hae a lach. ~~ not so much a tale as some jokes strung together to celebrate our birthday with some animals from Aul McDonald, our first book - the one that started us on this journey.
Monday wi e Maker - I'm feelin aa patriotic efter a Burns wikein sae thocht iss poyem fae Sheena jist hits e spot. ~~ I'm feeling patriotic after a Burns weekend so thought this poem from Sheena just hits the spot.