Conceived during the darkest phase of the 21st century, GLOBE MUSIC is designed to be a tiny beacon of light in a world growing darker. Unlike most Major Record Labels whose corporate disposition is centred on the minutiae of contractual obligations, GLOBE MUSIC and its artists have NO contracts - a verbal agreement, a sense of honour and the reliance on integrity defines this organisation. Remini
scent of the birth of modern independent record labels from the punk era, writer-performer DAVE ALLAN’S belief in his artists demonstrates that not everything in life has to be about legal obligations and penalising, binding contracts. This music label will be releasing inventive, exciting, and captivating material that is intended to please and intrigue its listeners and customers. The GLOBE MUSIC brand will be built upon step by step and hopefully become known as a high quality purveyor of credible, gratifying material and cherished artists. Everyone within the organisation works enthusiastically not due to their employment status, but a solid commitment and common belief in the principles and material being created. Initially focussing on a few artists already gathered into the GLOBE MUSIC family, the label will certainly expand its roster and ambitions over time so that, hopefully, one day it will grow to be a household name and synonymous with quality artists and material similar to the classic record labels of the past who have become legendary to us all. We hope you will soon eagerly anticipate each new GLOBE MUSIC release and that your organisation comes to support all our creations over time. GLOBE MUSIC Personnel
JEENA ISAAC- Writer & Artist
KENNY HYSLOP- Producer, Remixer, Artist and Label Artwork
JIM SAVAGE- Videographer and Artist
JOHN HARTON- Label Co-ordinator
Contact details
GLOBE MUSIC Email - [email protected]
Instagram - Globe.Music, Record Label
Twitter - Globe Music
Telephone - David Allan: 07941 102581
DAVE ALLAN- [email protected] JOHN [email protected]