Woke up very early this morning. I felt hungry and kept thinking about Tom Leitch whose death I heard of yesterday. Tom and I were not really friends as such but we shared a lot of good times together when he was the 'sound man' for 'The Pieros' and in the days when he used to come along to Shorelink Community Writers 'Summer Parties' held at Nicola Rodmell's farm. I still have a lot of photos from that time and with all that has happened in the last three years or so most of it seems like a lifetime ago now...The one 'ray of hope' coming out of these thoughts being that I joined Shorelink in late March/April 2004 - 20 years ago this year. Until I left in about 2018 I had experienced 16 happy years of fun, happy memories with people like Alvin Culzac, Sally Patricia Gardner, Roland Gardner, Bean Kennedy, Bin Kennedy, the late Robert Brandon, Paul Cooper, Bill Myers and Anthony Berry, Jan Wilkins, Tania Pearce and a whole host of others. We did picnics, nights out to the theatre, FEDfests and two or three MINIfests as well as 'Hastings Hullabaloo!' and numerous Christmas time gatherings and lunches. All of which go to prove that if things come right for you a LOT of good things can happen to a person in 16 years! I am so blessed to have known all of the above people and to have met 'my old sparring partner' Harvey Summers through my association with Shorelink and Alvin Culzac. Will such good times ever come again? Maybe buy even if they don't I have many fantastic memories to keep me warm.. Lots of love to all and sincere condolences to Tom's Leitch's family, friends and colleagues... ###