Daz In The Hat Radio - Inner Sanctum

Daz In The Hat Radio - Inner Sanctum This page is for those involved in the running of Daz In The hat Radio only - NOT to be shared

Who is this months Artist in The Spotlight? Tune in at 8pm (UK time today) to find out.Email the answer to competitions@...

Who is this months Artist in The Spotlight? Tune in at 8pm (UK time today) to find out.

Email the answer to [email protected] no later than 9:30pm tonight with ATS Dec in the subject line & win an album.

Joltin Joe Radio all the way from South Carolina, USA is on Daz In The Hat Radio now!Listen to the show on www.dazintheh...

Joltin Joe Radio all the way from South Carolina, USA is on Daz In The Hat Radio now!

Listen to the show on www.dazinthehat.com

Check out our station schedule for which show follows Joltin Joe at 5pm & win yourself an album in our free to enter competition.

Email your answer to [email protected] no later than 16:45 (UK Time) today with Wednesday Schedule in the subject line.


... Oh, just two more things:

Due to a couple hitches with the schedules a while ago I was in touch with HippyNet Tech Support, while I have always been lead to believe shows need to be exactly 60 or 120 long, I have now been advised they should 'ideally' be a few seconds longer.. 1:00:04 or 2:00:05 for example, if you could ensure this it would save a lot of time editing & adding jingles before scheduling.

Lastly, a couple of presenters have created mixes, if anyone else would like to add some as well it would be much appreciated.
Preferably mixes (just music & jingles) should be an hour long, to fill gaps in the schedule.


Hi everyone, sorry about not posting for so long, will try & keep you more up to date from now on!

Firstly, we have a new presenter about to join us, Rashad Khan who will be presenting a 90's dance show, have just sent him an invite to Inner Sanctum.

Out Of The Hat - if you would like to contribute to this months 'Out Of The Hat' newsletter you still have a bit of time.

It would be great if all presenters could put together a small piece either about themselves, shows or what's coming up during the next month that would be great... be a good to have this as a regular feature if possible - please don't feel obligated to do this every month though.

There have been a few questions about a 'listen again' facility:

The web hosting package I took out some months ago didn't have enough bandwidth/storage space to offer this, however the hosting company were offering an upgrade as a very cheap 'Black Friday' deal so I have just taken advantage of it.

As this will mean building a complete new website using Wordpress it'll take a bit of work so will keep you up to date.

Walk A Mile In My Shoes - I was recently approached Shipley Carers Resource with the idea of doing a show about Young Carers. The show has been recorded & is now on a new 'Podcast' page on the website.

I am thinking about doing other shows of this kind on a regular basis as they should help the station as a whole reach a wider audience. If any of you would like to record an episode let me know - or should you have any other ideas please say.

At present Walk A Mile In My Shows is hosted on Mixcloud to allow listeners to tune in whenever they like. If this takes off I'll look into taking out an actual podcasting package for these types of shows.

Something else I have been thinking about is a way for us all to 'meet' each other, due to distance & time differences this will be physically impossible but we could hold monthly/bi-monthly Zoom meetings... anyone interested?

Competitions - I have already spoken to a couple of you about holding competitions as a way to hook in listeners. As far as the legalities of competitions UK law states that, as long as we don't charge an fee we don't have to sign up for a licence.

I have done a couple on Hat Tracks & Jukebox offering albums as prizes (physical albums to those on mainland Britain, digital for those outside - to cut cost on postage).

Lastly, if you all could approach bars in your areas which host live music, local companies, cafe's, community organisations etc to ask if they would stream the station on their premises I would be grateful.

The idea behind this - venues would be offering customers something different than the usual put out by national stations.

They'll be supporting a not for profit station, plus, as far as bars are concerned, they will get the chance to discover local more artists worthy of being booked.

In return for streaming the station companies/organisations will be acknowledged as a 'Friend Of Daz In The Hat Radio' - Get their venue/logo added to the website, have details included in the newsletter & get credited on shows. Any thoughts/views on this or other ideas to boost listener numbers either comment below or DM/Email me.



Morning, have been monitoring the station & it appears that all is well, shows are running correctly & glitches with sound have been finally sorted 👌!

To make handling the schedule easier could all those with fortnightly, monthly & bi-monthly shows let me know when you plan for the shows go out, for instance my 'Artist In The Spotlight' & 'Music From The Vault' change on the 1st of every month.

Thanks to those who have sent in pieces for Octobers Newsletter, there is still time to send in more should you wish.

I'm only looking for a short paragraph of 1-200 words, pieces could follow on from the profiles on the website, what listeners can look forward to on shows during October, basically anything music or Daz In The Hat Radio related.

Tomorrow I'll be meeting with Nick Cody again to put together another set of jingles, mostly for my own shows but there maybe a couple other 'station wide' ones, if so I'll send them on.

Listening figures are still low, which is to be expected with being a new station, with this in mind it would be great if everyone could promote their own shows when they are due to go out & the station itself as much as possible.

An idea Mike Evans from Unsigned Radio had was to contact all artists (indie/unsigned) featured on shows asking them to follow station/show on social media & share posts.


Morning, station schedule has now been updated on the website with details of when every show will be repeated during the the week.

This will allow you all to announce on your own shows & on social media the times listeners can tune in.

As some have more than one show I have made sure no presenter has one show following another, this has meant some re-jigging, but have tried to make sure all 'original' broadcasts have same slot.

The PDF is on Dropbox & the link is below, should you rather I email the schedule direct let me know.

Should anyone like to have their slots changed please contact me & please try & get all shows to me by the day previous to it being aired (at least) to allow time for attaching image, uploading & scheduling.

Lastly, please promote the station & your shows as much as possible.



I have been looking over the schedule again & will be making a few changes to the repeats (only).

The reasoning behind is to try & make sure shows by the same presenter are not broadcast on the same day as their other shows (or at least not consecutively.
I should have the updated schedule completed today, will upload it to the website & post it on here.
Should anyone like a PDF copy emailed to them please let me know.


With it coming to the end of the month I'm starting to put together Octobers newsletter, Out Of The Hat.

Last month I included presenter profiles & thought it would be good if everyone would like to write a piece (around 100-200 words or so) about their shows, maybe what listeners can look forward to during the month for example, the choice is yours.

I like to get the newsletter out as close to the beginning of the month as possible so If you could have the pieces to me by the end of the month or Sunday at latest that would be great. And if you'd like to put together a piece each month that would be even better.

Message or email me if any questions.


Morning all,

Firstly you maybe aware that there were a few glitches with the station on Tuesday - shows were broadcasting but there was no sound!

After a number of emails between myself & Hippynet the problem was resolved, & everything appears to be running ok.. As it is impossible for me to monitor 24 hours a day please 'tune in' periodically & let me know if any problems occur.

To make the schedule more appealing to listeners I have made a couple of alterations.

Each & every show is repeated on a different day than when first scheduled, I have also noted when each show receives its 'first' play.

I have uploaded a PDF copy onto dropbox, please check it, if I have missed any show or you'd like to change the day/time it goes out please contact me:

Lastly I was recently contacted by The Polka Hop, a bar in Wakefield - https://www.thepolkahop.co.uk

Daz has requested permission to air Daz In The Hat Radio on their premises, Daz - yes another Daz!! Although Darren, Not Darrel, came across us via FB & was impressed by all presenters & us playing a lot of music by independent, unsigned artists.

As this will allow the station to reach a larger audience I have agreed & will be sending over a few flyers & posters for display, I will also be popping over next week to meet Daz & view the view in person.

This has also highlighted new opportunities & will be visiting other venues & premises to see if we can get more places to broadcast the station.

If you could do the same that would be great - or if you'd prefer I do please send me the details.


I have noticed the occasional show hasn’t played as scheduled, and been in conversation with Mike Evans who set up Unsigned Radio & recommended Hippynet to me.

He has been in touch with the company about this on several occasions & been advised there numerous variables that can cause this making it near impossible to guarantee there will be no glitches of this sort.

For my part I try to monitor the schedule as much as I can correcting any problems the minute I’m aware the schedule has gone astray.

Obviously I am unable to monitor 24 hours day so it would be appreciated if all could ‘tune in’ when possible & let me know if shows are not running as they should asap so I can correct any problems.

If anyone would be interested in lending a hand with this let me know

Saying that I have a friend who I’ve approached as far as assisting with the back office, website, scheduling etc which will help.

*Best way to notify me of scheduling problems would be via text or WhatsApp*

If you haven’t got my moby please DM me & I’ll pass it on.

Page 2 of schedule:

Page 2 of schedule:

Have just updated website with semi-permanent schedule of shows.As there are still plenty of free slots (mixes/repeats) ...

Have just updated website with semi-permanent schedule of shows.

As there are still plenty of free slots (mixes/repeats) I was thinking it maybe an idea to have a couple of days which focus on one presenter or show.

If anyone has a back catalogue of 6 one hour shows (or less if 2 hour/mix), & would like to send them in please do so.

Also, if you would like to change day/time of your present shows please let me know.

Should any of you have any other ideas about filling slots please let me know


Morning everyone, am in Headingley, Leeds for a few days & have been putting out a load of flyers, it would be appreciated if you could all push Daz In The Hat Radio across media - both your own shows & the station itself, plus share all posts which come up.

Also, there are still quite a few empty slots which I'm filling with repeats & mixes.

If you'd like to put together 'Mixes' 1 or two hours of music with just a few jingles (when recording mixes I usually include jingles every 15-30 mins) it would be appreciated.


Welcome to the Inner Sanctum Brooke Michele Eboule


Thank you to those who've shows have aired so far.

We have had people with us since we launched, a few leaving & returning.

Listeners from UK, US, Italy, Denmark so we can safely say we have gone global!!!!


Hi everyone, well the big day is here!!! Over the past few days I've been busy putting out flyers in the area.. Leeds, Bradford, Keighley, Bingley, Saltaire & Shipley.

Also been putting out posts across social media, please share (all can be found on Daz In The Radio FB page).

I have also uploaded a copy of the schedule up to & including Wednesday, a copy of this is on the website I have to fill in a few gaps for Thurs & Fridays Schedule which I'll do over the weekend.

I've also uploaded one with a couple of flyers onto Dropbox, please share across your own social media platforms.

Unfortunately it would cost too much to send out printed copies to you all but should any of you like to meet up I could pass a few on.

Should you wish to print out your own please do.

Fingers crossed we'll have a few listeners at midday, either way it is just a matter of giving the station & your own shows as much publicity as possible & building the Daz In The Hat Radio profile.

Should you come across anyone who would be interested in hosting a show put them in touch with me.

Thanks everyone for coming on board.


After hearing there were a few glitches with Hippynet platform decided make sure all is running ok before we launch on Saturday.

Daz In The Hat Radio is live now playing the introduction it's started & ended on time.. so all speed ahead!!!

Have put out flyers around Bradford & Leeds, will put more out tomorrow.. please spread the word & hopefully we'll have a few listeners for the launch

Thanks to you all for coming on board

Daz In The Hat Radio now has its PRS Licence

Daz In The Hat Radio now has its PRS Licence


Morning, just to update everyone, after recording a few more mixes I have re-juggled the launch day playlist, however everyone's shows stay in the same time slot, it is only the slots for 'Mixes' that have been altered.

Also, due to the launch being at midday & hearing that a few people won't be able to listen in I have scheduled all shows to repeat on Monday 11th from 12am.

This means all shows will be played twice (just as on other days):
Hat Tracks 12-2am & 12-2pm
New 4U - Tony 'Uncle Tone' Haynes - 2-3am & 2-3pm

Instead of kicking off the day with a special 1 hour intro show I have decided to record a promotional one to place directly on the website (www.dazinthehat.com) as soon as possible.

I will be taking out the PRS license today (once again thank you Nick Cody from Green Eyed Records for covering the cost).

Those who haven't already sent in an intro could you please do so asap


I am planning to put together a couple of “taster” shows to promote the launch of the station.

I thought it would be a good idea if all presenters could record a short piece introducing themselves to include on this as well as for the launch show I’m recording to go out 11-12 on the 9th.

If you could send in a short piece, around 30 secs to 1 min long.. two if you’d like & get them to me asap.


Have been updating schedule for launch day & it it now filled!

Will be updating website over the weekend


Hi everyone, I have now scheduled all shows sent in (all times BST):

Sat 9th

11-12pm: One off intro to the station - still being recorded.
12-2pm: Hat Tracks - Daz In The Hat
2-3pm: New 4U - Uncle Tone
3-5pm: Under The Floorboards - Kyle Hamilton
5-7pm: Joltin Joe Radio
7-8pm: Smooth Vinyls - 'Big' John Burrows
8-9pm: Artist In The Spotlight - Daz In The Hat


At present, with Artist In The Spotlight being a monthly show it has been scheduled to broadcast-8-9am & 8-9pm every day through Sept (morning broadcasts to start on Sunday 10th) to fill gaps.

All weekly shows to be broadcast twice a day in keeping with same time slots - example: episode 2 of Under The Floorboards is scheduled for Sat 16th 3-5 (am & pm).

Rest of schedule:

Tues 12 Sept
1-3 (am & pm) - FAB - Uncle Tone


Weds 13 Sept:

1-3 (am & pm) Daz In The Hat's Jukebox
5-6 (am & pm) Let The Music Play - 'Big' John Burrows


Thurs 14th
12-1 (am & pm) Midday Mayhem - Uncle Tone


Fri 15 Sept:
12-1 (am & pm) - Vinyl Revelutiuons - 'Big' John Burrows


Sat 16th
3-5 (am & pm) - Under The Floorboards - Kyle Hamilton


As stated above Artist In The Spotlight will, at present, be broadcast 8-9 (am & pm) all month.

Some of the empty slots will be filled with 'Mixes' - tracks played at random - 50's mix, 60's mix, No 1's etc.

Although some of you are yet to send in shows this is the current schedule & can be added, altered as needs be.

As far as shows given time slots:

New 4U
Midday Mayhem
Smooth Vinyls
Vinyl Revolutions
Under The Floorboards

I don't I've missed any shows, if I have I do apologise, please let me know.

Please send in your shows at least 2 days before they are due to go out - to allow time for scheduling.

Should you wish a show's day/time by changed please let me know.

If for any reason you are unable to send a show in please let m know asap to allow slot to be filled.

Schedule will be added to the website either today or tomorrow

Any questions, post comment or contact me direct.

Plus.. if anyone who hasn't got a dazinthehat.com email address wants one please let me know with the name you wish to use.


Facility to set up free dazinthehat.com email addresses is now setup

Any presenter who would like one please let me know.. I can set email address with your first name or 'presenter' name.. whichever you prefer

I have also set up a station address '[email protected]' Please include this in your shows


Can everyone please ensure all shows are 60 or 120 mins long.. especially if you are ending with a jingle.

Songs can be easy to edit/fade out, however it can take a bit of time & work otherwise.

However making sure all shows are the correct length will save a lot of time and would be much appreciated.


Update, I have been putting together the playlist for the launch Sat 9th Sept

We kick off at 11am with a special one hour show from me introducing the station.

12pm-2pm - Hat Tracks - Daz In The Hat
2pm-3pm - New 4U - Tony Haynes
3pm-5pm - Under The Floorboards 01 - Kyle Hamilton
5pm-6pm - Let The Music Play - John Borrows
6pm-8pm - Joltin Joe Radio - Joe Pszonek

As some of you are presenting different shows could you please confirm whether they will be weekly or monthly shows to allow me to schedule for rest & forthcoming weeks.

At present I don't really want to schedule two shows by the same presenter on the same day so may slot a few fillers (mix's - see below) - but not ruled that out yet.

For those who are yet to send in broadcasts please do so asap so I know what slots need filling as I'm planning some 'mixes' that will play tracks at random - 50's mix, 70's Mix, Rock n Roll, Songs From Movies, Country, Unsigned Artists etc.

The other day I posted something about email addresses, I have just heard back from Hostinger & been informed changing to a different email package will give me 100 free address.

I'm just waiting for clarification on a couple of small issues but hope to have an email address for each of you in the next couple of days.

Please let me know what name you would like me set yours under.

Hi all,Wanted to update you on how things are going, have received a few shows from some of you which have been uploaded...

Hi all,

Wanted to update you on how things are going, have received a few shows from some of you which have been uploaded onto the radio platform.

Those who've yet to send anything in please do so asap any problems either post comment, DM or email me.

As the station can broadcast 24 hours a day I am planning to repeat shows twice a day in other words broadcast 12 in total.

Planned launch - 12pm Sat 9th Sept.

Example: when Artist In The Spotlight was on Unsigned Radio it was broadcast 1am & 1pm every day

This plan may change depending on length & how many regular shows we have.

With this in mind please remind me whether you are planning to send in monthly or weekly shows.

Once schedule has been created I'll post time slots.

I have undated Jingles folder:

Bedding tracks I have created sub-folders for length, there is also a sound effects folder as well as station wide jingles - I would be grateful if you could include a couple of station wide jingles in all shows:


Also in the folder is a flyer for the launch, it would be appreciated if all could share it - the more people we can reach the more listeners we get - don't forget to mention the show/s you will be hosting on the station.

I have been asked about station emails, due to having to pay for each new address this isn't something I can afford at present.

However I am awaiting to hear back from my hosting company as to cost should you wish to fund your own email.

Alternatively, if you wish to use your own that is fine with me, should anyone prefer to set up a new, separate email have a look at mail.com this offers a variety of different domain name & is free.

If you haven't already please let me have your social media links to include in your profile.

Any questions contact me.


Shared with Dropbox


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