Bumpy Drives

Bumpy Drives Bianca & Ryan
Van lifer aspirants
Photograph lovers
Come and enjoy the journey with us.

🇬🇧 Last but not least, we had to change our gearstick. I’ve forgotten to take a photo of how it was before, but it had b...

🇬🇧 Last but not least, we had to change our gearstick. I’ve forgotten to take a photo of how it was before, but it had been broken since we got the van and it was pretty annoying to change the gears.
I have to say, Mercedes made a really strong piece of gearstick, because it took us ages and a lot of equipment to remove the old one.
At least now it looks great for the trip tomorrow and it doesn’t even hurt our hands to change the gears!
Ah yes, the trip is starting tomorrow! How exciting, I know. We’ll be sure to post about all our new adventures. Stay tuned. 🙃
🇧🇷 Por último, mas não menos importante, nós trocamos a cabeça do câmbio de marchas. Eu esqueci de tirar foto de como era antes, mas estava quebrado desde que compramos a van e era bem incômodo trocar as marchas.
Eu devo dizer, a Mercedes fez um câmbio bem forte, porque levou horas e vários equipamentos pra remover a cabeça.
Pelo menos no final ficou ótimo pra nossa viagem amanhã e agora nem machuca nossa mão trocar de marcha!
Ah sim, nossa viagem começa amanhã! Tão empolgante, eu sei. Nós vamos postar bastante sobre nossas novas aventuras. Fique ligado. 🙃

🇬🇧 We get in to the most awkward positions to get things done in Bumpy. It’s funny to look afterwards, but not so much a...

🇬🇧 We get in to the most awkward positions to get things done in Bumpy. It’s funny to look afterwards, but not so much at the time…
Of course we had to create a little shelf for our plants, not that we would be able to fit them all, but at least some. It feels more and more like our space, our home. 🌱
🇧🇷 Nos contorcemos nas posições mais esquisitas pra fazer as coisas na Bumpy. É hilário olhar as fotos depois, mas não tão engraçado na hora…
Claro que tínhamos que fazer uma prateleira pras nossas plantas, não que vá caber todas, mas pelo menos algumas. E ela f**a cada vez mais com a nossa cara, o nosso cantinho. 🌱

🇬🇧 So happy with our latest additions! The curtain gives a bit more privacy and matches the one in the cab and the net p...

🇬🇧 So happy with our latest additions! The curtain gives a bit more privacy and matches the one in the cab and the net pockets will be very handy when we are out having a shower in the wild. 😜
🇧🇷 Tão feliz com as nossas últimas compras! As cortinas dão um pouco de privacidade e combinam com as da cabine e as bolsinhas de rede nas portas vão ser muito úteis quando tomarmos banho na natureza. 😜

🇬🇧 Are we done? Never, really. But getting there, on the finishing touches. Possibly one more weekend of work and it wil...

🇬🇧 Are we done? Never, really. But getting there, on the finishing touches. Possibly one more weekend of work and it will be ready for our big summer trip at least! 🤗
🇧🇷 Estamos prontos? Não, nunca. Mas chegando lá, fazendo os retoques. Provavelmente mais um final de semana e finalmente estaremos prontos pra nossa viagem de verão! 🤗

🇬🇧 It feels weird to be getting to the end… It feels like we are not being as productive, but to be honest, there’s not ...

🇬🇧 It feels weird to be getting to the end… It feels like we are not being as productive, but to be honest, there’s not much more to do.
We have Bumpy nearly all ready for the Europe trip and there are only a few details we are finishing off.
Hopefully it all goes well and we can enjoy the fruits of our labour! 😅
🇧🇷 É uma sensação estranha estar chegando no final… Parece que não estamos sendo produtivos, mas na real, não tem muito mais pra fazer.
A Bumpy está quase toda pronta pra viajar a Europa e só tem alguns detalhes que estamos terminando.
Espero que dê tudo certo e que possamos aproveitar os frutos do nosso trabalho! 😅

🇬🇧 Yes, we had to go back home. It feels quite nostalgic to have to unpack Bumpy…But we’ll soon be back on the road, and...

🇬🇧 Yes, we had to go back home. It feels quite nostalgic to have to unpack Bumpy…
But we’ll soon be back on the road, and for now, we’ll keep the memory of the amazing time we had in her.
Europe is waiting for us! 😆
🇧🇷 Sim, tivemos que voltar pra casa. Nos sentimos muito nostálgicos tendo que esvaziar a Bumpy…
Mas em breve estaremos de volta na estrada, e por agora, temos a memória de tudo de maravilhoso que passamos com ela.
Europa, nos aguarde! 😆

🇬🇧 Not long ago I read an article about a man who walked 1000 miles of the UK coastline and this was, in his opinion, th...

🇬🇧 Not long ago I read an article about a man who walked 1000 miles of the UK coastline and this was, in his opinion, the best one.
We were skeptical at first, but as we had already planned to go to Cornwall, thought of checking it out. It didn’t disappoint, it’s pretty beautiful and with a sunny day like that day, even more so.
As a bonus, we got to see feral goats, laying on the track as we walked. What a nice day that was! 🐐
🇧🇷 Não faz muito eu li um artigo sobre um homem que caminhou 1000 milhas no litoral do Reino Unido e essa foi, na opinião dele, a melhor.
Nós f**amos desconfiados no início, mas como já tínhamos planejado ir a Cornwall (município vizinho), decidimos dar uma olhada. Não nos desapontou, é muito lindo e com um dia de sol como aquele, mais ainda.
E como bônus, ainda vimos bodes selvagens, deitados no meio da trilha que estávamos caminhando. Aquele foi um dia bem legal! 🐐

🇬🇧 We had the most amazing first trip we could have asked for! Not a single major problem and lots of fun.Even the showe...

🇬🇧 We had the most amazing first trip we could have asked for! Not a single major problem and lots of fun.
Even the shower was better than expected and we were nice and clean every day. The best bit was that we used less water than we thought we would. Many people would use 125L a day, we can almost get a week out of that.
Can’t wait for our summer trip in Europe! 🤩
🇧🇷 Fizemos a melhor ‘primeira viagem’ que podíamos ter! Nenhum grande problema e muita diversão.
Até o chuveiro é melhor do que esperávamos e f**amos limpinhos todos dias. A melhor parte é que usamos menos água do que esperado, muitas pessoas usam 125L em um dia e nós quase duramos uma semana.
Mal posso esperar o nosso verão na Europa! 🤩

🇬🇧 Wild parking is the best. We have been enjoying a lot of Bumpy, with very little to complain about. Is this the life ...

🇬🇧 Wild parking is the best. We have been enjoying a lot of Bumpy, with very little to complain about. Is this the life we dreamt about?
🇧🇷 Estacionar no mato é a melhor coisa que tem. Nós temos aproveitado muito com a Bumpy, com muito pouco pra reclamar. É essa a vida que sonhamos?

🇬🇧 Our first night away in Bumpy! We found a nice spot surrounded by trees on a very quiet road, waking up with birds an...

🇬🇧 Our first night away in Bumpy! We found a nice spot surrounded by trees on a very quiet road, waking up with birds and looking up at the trees (through the skylight). Our adventure begins here. 🙃
🇧🇷 Nossa primeira noite fora, na Bumpy! Achamos um lugar legal, rodeado de árvores numa rua tranquila, acordando com os pássaros e olhando as árvores pela janela (pelo teto solar). Nossa aventura começa aqui. 🙃

🇬🇧 We are ready! But are we? What is to be ready?A bit of philosophy, I know, but to be honest I don’t think we’ll ever ...

🇬🇧 We are ready! But are we? What is to be ready?
A bit of philosophy, I know, but to be honest I don’t think we’ll ever be 100% ready. We have done so much in these past couple of weeks and Bumpy looks nothing like a simple van anymore. But still, it feels like there’s so much remaining to do and fix. And we’ll go away, test everything and come back with lots of other things to fix, I’m sure.
All good, we can do this! 💪🏼
🇧🇷 Estamos prontos! Mas será que estamos? O que é estar pronto?
Tô filosofando um pouco, eu sei, mas na verdade eu acho que nunca vamos estar 100% prontos. Nós fizemos tanto nessas últimas semanas, e a Bumpy não parece nada com a simples van que um dia foi. Mas ainda parece que tem tanto pra fazer e arrumar. E vamos ir viajar e voltar com muitas outras coisas arrumar, tenho certeza.
Tudo bem, a gente consegue! 💪🏼

🇬🇧 LED on! But no light yet💡Of course we would have issues with our lights right when we are planing on going away for t...

🇬🇧 LED on! But no light yet💡
Of course we would have issues with our lights right when we are planing on going away for the first time.
Not to worry, we’ve got good torches for the trip. And besides, we do have some other lights in the van that work well (thankfully). 😅
All with patience and time, we’ll get there.
🇧🇷 LED pronto! Mas sem luz ainda💡
Claro que teria um pepino com as luzes bem quando decidimos sair na nossa primeira viagem.
Sem problemas, temos lanternas bem boas. E também temos outras luzes que estão funcionando bem na van (ainda bem). 😅
Tudo com tempo e paciência, vamos chegar lá.

🇬🇧 There’s still a few doors to adjust, handles to attach, and other details but we are so pleased with the results so f...

🇬🇧 There’s still a few doors to adjust, handles to attach, and other details but we are so pleased with the results so far.
We are planning on going on our first (small) adventure with Bumpy next week and we are so excited with all the progress we have made.
It feels like it was yesterday when we bought her and started this very long journey.
Wish us luck for next week, and we hope that nothing (major) goes wrong! 🍀
🇧🇷 Ainda tem umas portas pra ajustar, uns puxadores pra aparafusar, mas estamos tão felizes com o resultado até agora.
Estamos planejando nossa primeira (pequena) aventura com a Bumpy semana que vem e estamos tão empolgados com todo progresso.
Parece que foi ontem que compramos ela e começamos essa enorme jornada.
Nos desejem sorte pra semana que vem e esperamos que nada (muito grande) dê errado. 🍀

🇬🇧 Ah yes, the other thing we did get done last weekend was the vinyl flooring! It didn’t take as long as we thought it ...

🇬🇧 Ah yes, the other thing we did get done last weekend was the vinyl flooring! It didn’t take as long as we thought it would, but we had to put it down and back up a million times to make it fit well. Now just missing the silicon on all corners to make it all waterproof. 🙃
🇧🇷 Ah sim, a outra coisa que terminamos final de semana passado foi o chão de vinil! Não demorou tanto quanto imaginamos, mas tivemos que colocar e tirar um milhão de vezes pra caber direitinho. Agora só falta o silicone em todos cantos pra deixar a prova d’água. 🙃

🇬🇧 Such a basic thing, that makes such a difference in our lives! We’ve got a spice rack and it fits perfectly under our...

🇬🇧 Such a basic thing, that makes such a difference in our lives! We’ve got a spice rack and it fits perfectly under our sink. As we want to make use of every bit of space, this works well here with the space next to the sink that would otherwise be unused. 😅
🇧🇷 Uma coisa tão básica, mas que faz toda diferença na nossa vida! Compramos uma prateleira pros nossos temperos e cabe direitinho embaixo da pia. Como queremos utilizar todos espaços disponíveis, embaixo da pia ficou um ótimo lugar que de outra forma seria desperdiçado. 😅

🇬🇧 We decided to make holes in our doors! After making so many holes in Bumpy, we didn’t want to stop with the hole saw!...

🇬🇧 We decided to make holes in our doors! After making so many holes in Bumpy, we didn’t want to stop with the hole saw! 🤣
Ok, it wasn’t quite like that, but we thought it would save on weight and also give a special touch. What do you think?
🇧🇷 Nós decidimos fazer buracos nas nossas portas! Depois de tantos feitos na Bumpy, não queríamos terminar com os buracos! 🤣
Ok, não é bem assim, mas pensamos que iria poupar no peso e também dar um toque especial. O que acha?

🇬🇧 People often ask us, ‘when will it be ready?’, and it is hard to get across that every job has multiple steps and sev...

🇬🇧 People often ask us, ‘when will it be ready?’, and it is hard to get across that every job has multiple steps and several small details that need sorting. There is cutting of a front face, then fitting, sanding and re fitting, many times cutting once more, then priming, painting and attaching. You would think that is done, but no, then we need to paint the screws!
Hopefully you can now see why everything takes so long. 😅
🇧🇷 As pessoas sempre nos perguntam ‘quando vai f**ar pronta?’, e é difícil explicar que todo trabalho tem vários passos e muitos detalhes que precisamos organizar. Temos que cortar a madeira, fazer o teste, lixar e testar novamente, muitas vezes cortar mais uma vez, passar a base, a tinta e depois aparafusar. Daí você acha que acabou, mas não, porque temos que pintar os parafusos!
Espero que agora dê pra ver porque tudo leva tanto tempo. 😅

🇬🇧 Finally got to test our hookup point this week. Ryan’s job studying about electrics has paid off and it all works per...

🇬🇧 Finally got to test our hookup point this week. Ryan’s job studying about electrics has paid off and it all works perfectly!
We had an electrician coming along to check it all and make sure we won’t have issues in the future.
🇧🇷 Finalmente testamos nosso ponto de conexão elétrico essa semana. O trabalho do Ryan de estudar muito sobre elétrica não foi em vão e tudo funciona perfeitamente!
Um eletricista veio testar tudo pra ter certeza que não teremos problemas no futuro.

🇬🇧 We have finally managed to lay some of our vinyl flooring. It is only a small section between the seats but it was a ...

🇬🇧 We have finally managed to lay some of our vinyl flooring. It is only a small section between the seats but it was a good amount to start with, before we tackle the rest of the floor soon. Very fiddly, but hopefully it will work well. Let us know what you think of the pattern we picked in the comments. 🙃
🇧🇷 Nós finalmente conseguimos colocar um pedaço de vinil do chão. É só uma parte pequena, entre os sofás, mas uma boa quantia pra começar, antes de atacar o resto em breve. É bem complicado, mas esperamos que dê certo. Nos diz aí nos comentários o que achou do modelo que escolhemos. 🙃

🇬🇧 We have the first cupboard door ready! How exciting.Yes, it took us longer than expected, mainly because we started w...

🇬🇧 We have the first cupboard door ready! How exciting.
Yes, it took us longer than expected, mainly because we started with the hinges upside down, but we got there in the end and it looks pretty good. Wait to see the finished product. 😁
🇧🇷 Nós terminamos a primeira porta do armário! Tão emocionante.
Sim, levou mais tempo do que esperado, principalmente porque começamos com as dobradiças de cabeça pra baixo, mas chegamos lá no final e ficou bem legal. Espera pra ver o produto final. 😁

🇬🇧 We’ve set up our bed ready for the first night in Bumpy!Ok, we didn’t actually spend the night there, but is good to ...

🇬🇧 We’ve set up our bed ready for the first night in Bumpy!
Ok, we didn’t actually spend the night there, but is good to know that the sheet fits. 😅
What we have done was a bit more of the overhead cupboards. Now nearly ready for the doors. 😉
🇧🇷 Nós preparamos nossa cama pra primeira noite na Bumpy!
Ok, a gente não passou a noite nela, mas é bom saber que o lençol cabe direitinho. 😅
O que nós realmente fizemos foi um pouco mais dos armários aéreos. Agora quase prontos pras portas. 😉

🇬🇧 The overhead cupboards on top of the benches are nearly done (except the front face and doors) but we decided to add ...

🇬🇧 The overhead cupboards on top of the benches are nearly done (except the front face and doors) but we decided to add another long small overhead all the way to the back doors. We really need lots of storage space for our stuff and with this size cupboard, we can still sit up on the sofa comfortably without hitting our heads.
We keep changing our plans and adding more furniture just so we never finish building Bumpy! 😆
🇧🇷 Os armários aéreos acima das bancadas estão quase prontos (exceto pela frente e portas) mas decidimos colocar outro armário aéreo pequeno e bem longo, que vai até as portas de trás. Nós precisamos de muito espaço pra guardar nossas tralhas, e com o tamanho reduzido desse armário, ainda podemos sentar confortáveis no sofá sem bater a cabeça.
A gente muda os planos toda hora e inventa mais móveis pra nunca acabar com a construção da Bumpy! 😆

🇬🇧 Despite not looking like much, we have started the other overhead cupboard. It takes quite some time to get all the b...

🇬🇧 Despite not looking like much, we have started the other overhead cupboard. It takes quite some time to get all the battens cut to the right length for it to look at least a bit straight (or less wonky). We have been doing lots of small jobs lately, which we can’t really show on photos, but it all makes a big difference in the end.
Bumpy is coming along well. 😁
🇧🇷 Apesar de não parecer muito, nós começamos o outro armário aéreo. Leva um tempão pra cortar todos sarrafos no tamanho certo pra f**ar reto (ou menos torto). Temos feito vários detalhes ultimamente, o que não da pra mostrar muito nas fotos, mas tudo faz uma grande diferença no final.
A Bumpy tá tomando uma forma legal. 😁

🇬🇧 We have finally tested the hot water and then we were able to attach the shower connections, which was great! It’s sm...

🇬🇧 We have finally tested the hot water and then we were able to attach the shower connections, which was great! It’s small, but looks really nice and will provide some nice warm showers.
The only problem was that when testing the water system we found a couple of leaks and after filling the 120L water tank, we had to empty it all to fix the leaks which were right at the outlet. Nothing is easy, especially with such a tight space. But we’ll manage! 😅
🇧🇷 Nós finalmente testamos a água quente e pudemos instalar as conexões do chuveiro que faltavam, o que foi ótimo! É pequeno, mas ficou legal e vai proporcionar uns banhos quentinhos. O único problema é que quando testamos o chuveiro, descobrimos alguns vazamentos e depois de encher o tanque de 120L, tivemos que esvaziar ele todo pra arrumar os vazamentos que eram bem na saída do tanque. Nada é fácil, especialmente com esses espaços bem apertados. Mas vamos conseguir! 😅

🇬🇧 You know what, nothing that can’t be fixed! After spending the whole week thinking about what could be the issue with...

🇬🇧 You know what, nothing that can’t be fixed! After spending the whole week thinking about what could be the issue with the wires, we got it! It’s all working now and we even have a light under the overhead cupboard. Ryan says it’s just so I don’t cut myself when using the knife. 🔪
We also took Bumpy to check our LPG for leaks and compliance and now we have a gas certif**ate which makes us feel safer. 🙃
🇧🇷 Nada que não se possa arrumar! Depois de passar a semana matutando qual seria o problema com os fios, conseguimos! Tá tudo funcionando agora e temos até luzes embaixo dos armários. O Ryan diz que é pra eu não me cortar quando usando a faca. 🔪
Também levamos a Bumpy pra checar todo gás, vazamentos e conformidade e agora temos um certif**ado de gás que nos faz sentir mais seguros. 🙃

🇬🇧 That was the moment we realised we needed way more cables than we had behind the walls… And the last photo is Ryan co...

🇬🇧 That was the moment we realised we needed way more cables than we had behind the walls… And the last photo is Ryan concentrating on trying to fix the problem.
We connected it all up, but nothing worked.
And sometimes it happens this way, some wins, some losses.
We got a lot done these holidays and this is just a small drawback that we’ll overcome soon. Stay tuned. 🙃
🇧🇷 Esse foi o momento que nos demos conta que precisávamos de muitos mais fios do que tínhamos atrás das paredes… E a última foto é o Ryan tentando solucionar o problema.
Nós conectamos tudo, mas nada funcionou.
E as vezes é assim, algumas vitórias, algumas derrotas.
Nós fizemos muito nessas férias e isso é só um pequeno contratempo que vamos superar em breve. Fiquem ligados. 🙃

🇬🇧 Can you believe we got our sink done and tested all in one day?! I almost can’t.It’s been a long one, but it looks so...

🇬🇧 Can you believe we got our sink done and tested all in one day?! I almost can’t.
It’s been a long one, but it looks so nice and so good to know it all works perfectly.
We did have a small leak when turning it on, but it’s all fixed now and working smoothly. 😁
🇧🇷 Dá pra acreditar que terminamos nossa pia e testamos tudo em um dia? Eu quase não acredito.
Foi um longo dia, mas ficou legal e é tão bom saber que funciona direitinho.
Tivemos um pequeno vazamento quando conectamos tudo, mas tá tudo arrumado agora e funcionando bem. 😁

🇬🇧 This is so exciting, the stove works! We have finished the installation and now we can have some great meals cooked i...

🇬🇧 This is so exciting, the stove works! We have finished the installation and now we can have some great meals cooked in Bumpy.
Later in the week we’ll have it all checked by a gas engineer to make sure we have done it correctly, and we’ll have a gas detector in the van as well as a precaution.🍝
🇧🇷 Tão emocionante, o fogão funciona! Nós terminamos a instalação e agora podemos cozinhar comidas maravilhosas na Bumpy.
No fim da semana vamos levar pra um instalador de gás examinar e ter certeza que fizemos tudo certinho, e também teremos um detector de gás na van como precaução.🍝

🇬🇧 And with this door, we finish all the carpet that was left to do in Bumpy! 🎉It was pretty painful and Bianca was putt...

🇬🇧 And with this door, we finish all the carpet that was left to do in Bumpy! 🎉
It was pretty painful and Bianca was putting it off for ages, but we got it done.
Ryan had to lay under the van to glue the bits down below, but it was all ok, because he loves it down there. 😆
🇧🇷 E com essa porta, nós terminamos todo carpete que tinha pra fazer na Bumpy! 🎉
Foi doloroso e a Bianca tava adiando faz tempo, mas nós terminamos.
O Ryan teve que se deitar embaixo da van pra colar os pedaços de baixo da porta, mas tudo certo porque ele ama lá embaixo. 😆





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