Uche Okeleke

Uche Okeleke Deacon, theologian and bible scholar. Telling the love and grace of God to a modern world.

Isaiah 41 verse 13 For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will hel...

Isaiah 41 verse 13
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

You are not without help!
Every day, on a constant, life is always throwing challenges our way. For some of us, it is loads of bills to pay with little revenue.
For some others, it is one nagging health issue after the other. For yet another, it is a marital problem that keeps resurfacing.
Some of us are dealing with a struggling business that just won't stay profitable or a job that is either elusive or unstable.

It could even be as bad as a combination of two or three of the above or all of it.
What I want you to know today is that no matter how hard and impossible things are looking right now for you, do not give up on God. He is your help and he will help you.
He hasn't forsaken you nor left you alone. He is with you.

I pray that you find the grace to stay in his promise. That your faith will sustain you through your darkest hours till you break through. Amen.

It may be dark today, but I am walking to the light. The sorrows of this night shall not discourage me from waiting for my morning. God is my help. God is with me. I will wait and I will prevail. Amen.

Ephesians 4 verse 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building othe...

Ephesians 4 verse 29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Words are spirits. Whenever we open our mouths to speak to the hearing of people, we don't only communicate with their physical senses but with their spirits. Most importantly, we are also communicating with our own spirits.

This is why wholesome and healthy speech is vital for our own physical and mental well-being. The vile and hurtful words we speak to people don't only hurt them, but it also settle into our own spirits to breed bitterness and anger. This is the same with positive words. The more we speak kind words, the more our spirits take them in, and it breeds peace and grace in us.

Think about it. The words might be targeted at another person, but you also hear it. And your spirit hears it.

I pray that from today, you will only speak kind and uplifting words to people and to yourself. I pray that you will find the grace in the words you speak and the words you hear. Amen.

My words are spirit and life. My words bring life to people and to me. My mind and spirit are enriched by good words I speak at all times. Amen.

Hebrews 11 verse 6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that h...

Hebrews 11 verse 6
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

As children of God, we are often keen on what to do to please God. We want to be in good standing with him. We fancy the idea of being cool with him.

What is usually the challenge is knowing exactly how to please God. What is that single act that is certainly pleasing to God? You can be of good behaviour, pray, preach the gospel, etc.

However, pleasing God begins and ends with nothing else but coming to him. This means fellowship. God desires our worship, communication, and constant reverence.
It is impossible to please God without coming to him first, and you can't come to him if you don't believe he exists and rewards those who come to him.

I pray that you will always find the courage and will to come to God at all times, especially at your lowest times. I pray the reward for seeking God will be given to you every time you come to him. Amen.

I am filled with faith. I have the grace of God on me. I come to him and receive grace. There is no obstacle between me and my fellowship with God, and my fellowship with him yields peace and healing for my spirit, soul, and body. Amen.

Hebrews 10 verse 22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having o...

Hebrews 10 verse 22
let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

God desires to be close to us. As far as he can go in establishing a solid communion with us, God has. He has sent his only son to die. He has given us the assurance of forgiveness of sin.

Because relationships are a mutual agreement, it is now heavily reliant on us to do our part of accepting him, drawing close to him and loving him back.

What, however, holds us back from doing this most times is our guilt and feeling of being inadequate. We too often allow the mistakes and misdeeds of yesterday to deter us from living whole today. We forget that God is love and isn't keen on judging us but on forgiving us, being justified by the blood of his son, Jesus.

It doesn't matter what your past is. Allow Jesus to cleanse your heart. Come boldly with faith to God the Father. Be lost in his love. Forgive yourself, for he has forgiven you.

I pray for you today. As you submit your heart to God, every guilt that burdens your heart will melt away before his love. The faith to stand forgiven will swell in your heart, and you will walk free and blameless. Amen.

I am free from guilt. My sins are forgiven. My past is behind me. Today, I am bold before God, my father, in a perfect relationship. I cleanse my conscience of all guilt and shame. Amen.

Hebrews 4 verse 10 to 11 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us,...

Hebrews 4 verse 10 to 11
for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.

One of the most crucial values of being born again is the peace and calmness of mind that comes with trusting God.
We live in a turbulent world. As long as you are alive, you will face trials and life's challenges. But most of the time, these challenges loom larger than they truly are.

The prevalent nature of the human mind is such that it exaggerates problems, perhaps to motivate you to take them seriously and solve them. But at the same time, it can have a crippling effect when it blows it out of proportion. This is where anxiety and depression oftentimes come from.

Trust in Jesus would help you deal with this. This is the rest Paul talks about. The rest of mind that comes with trusting God.

I pray that you will find rest in God's sure word to you today. I pray everything that troubles your soul will be taken away by the power of Christ. Amen.

All the burdens of my heart are lifted by Christ. Today, I chose to enter into God's rest. The peace of God reigns in my heart. All my worries are taken care of because I trust in God. Amen.

Hebrews 3 verse 1Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, wh...

Hebrews 3 verse 1
Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.

Christ is our everything. The entire premise of being a Christian is that you identify with Christ. He is who you look up to and try with every single day of your life to emulate and live to please.

One curious reality about this is that we are inundated about how we have to make Christ the focus of our lives with regards to how we act, and strive for holy living, however, we most often lose understanding of how much of this applies to our times of struggles.

Incidentally, Christ is more keen about us keeping our focus on him in times of troubles than any other times.
When we are in that financial pit. When we are beset with despair and worries about the future. When our jobs or business aren't going so well.
Those are the most important times to keep our focus on Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith.

I pray that you will find renewed hope and strength in your spirit as you keep your gaze on Christ Jesus and whatever troubles you will vanish. Amen.

I stay focused on Christ. The mountains before me are nothing compared to the power of Christ who is in me. I shall not be shaken or moved by the trials of life because I know Christ works in me. Amen.

Hebrews 2 verse 11Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not...

Hebrews 2 verse 11
Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.

Our salvation by Christ Jesus is such that we were not only saved by his grace, but we are made to become one with him.
We are become one with Christ not merely by way of an upgrade on our part, but he, Christ, is not ashamed to be one with us and calls us his own.

This gives me so much pride and courage in life. The constant awareness that Christ thinks of me as not just a follower but as brother, in spite of my human flaws. It surely puts some springs in my steps.

I pray that you come to the full understanding of your place in Christ. That you may walk with the knowledge that casts out fear, shame, and depression. Amen.

I am one with Christ. He calls me brother/sister. I will never feel small or unworthy before the things of this world because the Lord of Lords thinks so highly of me.

Ephesians 4 verse 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Humility, gentility, ...

Ephesians 4 verse 2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Humility, gentility, kindness, patience, and love. This is the winning team for a calm and smooth life, both spiritually and mentally.
You will find that people who possess or exhibit this combination of virtues tend to be happier and go through life with the least hassle and chaos.

This doesn't mean they don't face their fair share of huddles through life like everyone else. It just makes them handle life differently in a positive way.
You will find that the way you perceive and approach a challenge is more than half the job of solving it.

I pray for you. You will be endowed with the grace to live with humility, gentleness, kindness, patience, and love so that you will begin to find life easier. I pray as you do so, lines will begin to fall unto you in pleasant places. Amen.

My life is easy. I have a smooth life. I am kind, humble, gentle, patience and loving. I am empowered to find grace among people and before angels. Amen.

Titus 1 verse 15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. I...

Titus 1 verse 15
To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.

Our perspective of the world around us and, of course, how our minds interpret regular incidents and events of our lives is primarily fashioned by the nature, contents, and inherent design of our mental subconscious.

What Paul is referring to here is the simple reality of the half full and half empty mibdset.

The same rainfall that some would see as vexatious could be quite a delight for others.

Essentially, it isn't about the circumstances but how we perceive it and what we make of it.
To the pure, all things in life is pure. But what would make us pure? Jesus tells his disciples in the gospel of Saint John, "Now you are clean by the words I have spoken unto you."

I pray for you. The word of God spoken into your spirit will purify you. Your mind will be sanctified so much that you will find peace, joy, and positivity in every situation of your life.

I am purified by God's words. I give thanks in all situations because my mind is bright, and my spirit is energized to see the hand of God in all things that concern me.
I take charge of my mind and clear it of all clutter clouding my perception. Amen.

First Timothy 6 verse 12Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when y...

First Timothy 6 verse 12
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

We often wonder what it actually means to fight the good fight of faith. There have been dozens of opinions amongst Christians and bible scholars on what this means.
Well, this is what I can categorically tell you.

The just shall live by faith. Our walk with God is nothing but a walk of faith. Being born again is a vocation of faith. In other words, faith is all it takes to be saved.
Recall Abraham believed God, and it was counted as righteousness.
Because faith is all that is demanded of us.

Now, why is faith become a fight then? Because since faith is all it takes to be saved, the devil is keen to rub you of it. The fight of faith is the fight to stay believing in God in spite of what life throws at you. It is the fight to hold on to your trust in the power of God over your life and circumstances even when it seems your situation is hopeless.

This is not a once and for all fight. It is a fight you have to keep fighting every single day of your life. Thankfully, it is all the fight you have to fight.

I pray for you today. You will stay winning in this fight of faith. The devil and the circumstances of life thrown your way will not rub you of your faith. Amen.

I am a child of faith. I conquer every and any challenge of life by the faith of God I hold on to. I trust that God is with me. He is bigger than my fears and burdens. He will make all things beautiful for me in his time. Amen.

First Thessalonians 5 verse 5You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or...

First Thessalonians 5 verse 5
You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.

To be a child of light is to be in clarity about the things that others are flummoxed about most of the time.
To be in the light of God means to bright hope about your future and the confidence that God will perfect all that concerns you.
In essence, even when things are not clear to you how you would get out of the fix you find yourself, you have a calmness in your spirit. This calmness arises from your inner witness that God has got your back and everything will be alright.

This is the direct opposite of being in darkness. Darkness is hopelessness. Darkness translates into an inability to see any light at the end of the tunnel of your life even when there are plenty evidence to hope.

I pray for you, that being born again, you will find the light of God in your life. This light will give you hope and faith for life. Amen.

I have hope. I am in God's light and his light gives me strength. I am confidence of God's grace to give me a sure future. Amen.


Colossians 1 verse13 to 14
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

A simple nutshell way to put the purpose of our salvation through Christ Jesus is, we were full of sin by our nature and in darkness but now we are forgiven and cleansed from the nature of sin and now brought into his light.

All these are direct results of God's love and grace. If you believe in Jesus, you are saved, and if you are saved, you are in God's light. In his light, there is no despair. There is no confusion. There is no panic. All because the Holy Spirit guides us and comforts us.
Trust him to put your heart at rest in his protection and guidance. Trust his forgiveness to vanish your guilt.

I pray for you today that you will find peace in the light and love of God. I pray your mistakes in the past will cease to trouble you now and forever. Amen.

I am born again. I am forgiven of all my sins, and I live free of guilt. I am set free from all burdens of guilt and shame. Today, I live in the light of God. My path is clear, my future is bright. Amen.


Philippians 2 verse 1 to 2
Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.

Life in Christ has just one basic requirement, that is love. Love is the new law for believers because love is the fulfilment of all the laws.
Until one begins to walk in total love without any reservation, one will struggle to fully come into the liberty and grace that abounds in Christ. Essentially speaking, being in Christ means walking in love.

You need to walk in love to experience peace, joy, and other benefits of salvation.
I pray for you today, that you will grow in your walk of love so that you will fully enjoy the fruits your salvation.

I am a child of love. The love of God dwells in my heart and I show love abroad to everyone. I am also emboldened to receive love from God and humans. The love of God in my heart shields my soul from depression and anxieties by the power of God, Amen.


Galatians 4 verse 7
So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

On many occasions in the past decade, I would find myself worried about several different matters ranging from my job, my health or something as flimsy as a smudge on the shirt I wore to a meeting last week.

I would bother and worry about these things so much that it would begin to distract me from the real business I should be more focused on today.
I can't say at what exact point I was freed from this but I can say what I began to do about it. I began keeping my mind occupied with certain scriptures, one of which is the above.
I am no longer a slave to the issue of life, but a son and an heir.

I pray for you, you will be established in your awareness as an heir to the riches of God's kingdom. You will flourish and excel in the safety of your sonship. Whatever troubles your soul will be vanished by the powers of your place in God's family. Amen.

I am not a slave to worry, anxiety and depression. I have been made an heir to the kingdom of God and my life is full of the peace of God. Amen.


Ephesians 1 verse 4.
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love.

Here is something that gladens my hearth each time I am faced with struggles and troubles in my walk with God; I didn't choose him first, he chose me first. I love him first, he loved me first.
I am in this journey because God predestined me, chose me and blessed me to walk with him.

So, whatsoever the world throws at me on this walk, I know it will all come together for my good.
This is because God has chosen this path for me and I am holy and blameless before him no matter how far I sway or how hard I fall.
Most importantly, he chose me in love.

I pray for you today, that as you keep your gaze on God, you will find peace in your spirit. The grace of God will be abundant on you to walk with him blameless.

I am not afraid of anything. I am not inferior to anything and anyone. I am special. God found me. God chose me. God loves me.
I am perfect in God's eyes. I am blameless. Amen.


Luke chapter 3 verse 5 to 6.

Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all people will see God’s salvation.’ ”

This was John the Baptist saying what we would become the reality upon the manifestation of Christ.
Valleys becoming plains and bent paths straightening could only conote smoothness of things that use to be rough at the entrance of the salvation of Christ.
There may be all around you, diverse kind of challenges, but for the sake of your salvation, you will experience calm and clarity within your spirit.

I pray for you today that you will begin to manifest the benefits of your salvation. Any mental cluster causing you sorrows will be vanished in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Christ has come into my life. The valleys of depression are made plain in my life. All crookedness is straight and I have a clear mind. The power of Jesus takes away all that troubles my soul.
I declare that I am anxious for nothing for God's salvation has come into my life. Amen.


‭John 1vs1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Besides God, the only other thing that existed in the beginning before angels or heaven or earth was The Word. This essentially becomes God himself as his word cannot be separated from him.

This is likewise with humans, too. Your word is your authority. Your words are only as powerful as you are. The reverence or faith people have in your word is the exact reverence and faith they have in you.

Hence, God's word is God as far as his subjects know. Since we were all made by his word and for his word, we continue to be sustained by his word.

I pray for you today. The word of God spoken to you and of you this moment shall sustain your divine health, peace, and strength. You will be kept in safety everywhere you go and in all things you do, you shall prosper greatly because it is in God's words that you proper exceedingly and be in good health in body and soul.
I pray that whatever troubles you in body and mind shall be cast aside by the power of this word of God coming to your spirit. Amen.





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