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Le Réseau « Partenariat contre la radicalisation violente dans les villes », PRACTICIES mobilise des réseaux de villes européennes, des chercheurs en sciences humaines, politiques et sociales, des experts et professionnels de la radicalisation, et d Le réseau "Partenariat contre la radicalisation menant à la violence dans les villes" PRACTICIES mobilise des villes européennes, des chercheurs en s

ciences humaines et sociales et des acteurs de la société civile afin de proposer de nouvelles méthodes et approches pour comprendre le phénomène de la radicalisation menant à la violence et de nouveaux outils et pratiques de prévention. A travers ce partenariat solide, nous envisagerons favoriser une recherche globale sur la radicalisation menant à la violence; créer une dynamique de dialogue et de coopération entre les acteurs sociaux et académiques; développer des outils d'intervention innovants et créer un réseau urbain fondé sur une coopération pratique.


C'est un sujet controversé que celui du retour en Europe des femmes parties combattre ou se marier en Syrie, cédant à l'appel du djihad....


Are you a prison or probation officer, law enforcement agent (police officer, intelligence services), social worker, psychologist, or a community actor/non-state service provider working closely with criminal justice services? If so, IPS and the INTEGRA Consortium would like to hear your opinion on detecting the current situation gaps in multi-agency cooperation in the context of radicalisation prevention, deradicalisation, disengagement and rehabilitation programmes. Your answer is especially relevant if you are working in Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece or France! All other EU MS practitioners are invited to participate as well. Make your voice be heard by clicking on this link:


(2020). Violent extremism, mental health and substance abuse among adolescents: towards a trauma psychological perspective on violent radicalization and deradicalization. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. Ahead of Print.


Call for Working Group Leaders


Interviews Issue #5 “We talk to extremists, not about them” – prevention, intervention, deradicalisation Jorge Laires July 22, 2019 GermanyNGOViolence Prevention Network // Interview: Ariane Wolf, Violence Prevention Network Head of International Affairs and Transnational Cooperation   JT: Wh...


Director-General Featured issue #5 Interviews Issue #5 Middle East Penitentiary reform Radicalisation Technology Comprehensive efforts to reduce overcrowding, implement technology and counter extremism Jorge Laires July 19, 2019 Jordan // Interview: Brigadier Ayman Turki AL Awaisheh Director General....


Director-General Europe Interviews Issue #5 Penitentiary reform Technology The Polish prison modernisation programme as a turning point Jorge Laires July 22, 2019 Poland // Interview: General Jacek Kitliński Director General of the Prison Service, Poland   JT: Could you please give us an overview ...

Madrid- Steering Committee - 25-26 September 2019

Madrid- Steering Committee - 25-26 September 2019

Madrid - 25 - 26 September - Steering Committee

Madrid - 25 - 26 September - Steering Committee


Cover Interviews Issue #5 The ambitious justice reform in France Jorge Laires July 22, 2019 No Comments FranceJustice reform // Interview: Nicole Belloubet Minister of Justice, France JT: The Justice Programming and Reform Act 2018-2022 is a voluminous document of 109 articles covering many aspects,...


>>LIRE. PHOTOS & VIDÉO. Revivez la cérémonie d'hommages aux victimes de l'attentat de Nice comme si vous y étiez De la terre vers le ciel. Là où ces anges n’auraient jamais dû aller si vite. Si violemment. Si injustement. Ce dimanche soir à 22 h 34, heure précise de l’attentat...


The question of what to do with Islamic State fighters, their wives and children keeps policy makers and security experts awake at night. But we should worry less about those returning, and more about convincing them not to go in the first place.

5 days training event -INTEGRA - Integrated community, probation ​and prison services radicalisation prevention approach...

5 days training event -INTEGRA - Integrated community, probation ​and prison services radicalisation prevention approach -
Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès - june 2019 -





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