La Pomme d'or Publishing

La Pomme d'or Publishing La Pomme d’or publishes scholarly books on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine studies, History of Culture and Art.

It is a French academic publisher, based in Seyssel.


A fresco depicting the Virgin Mary from the pre-iconoclastic period (726-842) has been discovered in a Byzantine church on the Greek island of Naxos.

Radu G. Păun (ed), Histoire, mémoire et dévotion.Regards croisés sur la construction des identités dans le monde orthodo...

Radu G. Păun (ed), Histoire, mémoire et dévotion.
Regards croisés sur la construction des identités dans le monde orthodoxe aux époques byzantine et post-byzantine. La Pomme d'or, Seyssel 2016

Radu G. Păun (ed), Histoire, mémoire et dévotion.
Regards croisés sur la construction des identités dans le monde orthodoxe aux époques byzantine et post-byzantine. La Pomme d'or, Seyssel 2016


Radu G. Păun:
Approcher le vivre ensemble : repères pour une discussion

Andrei Timotin:
Direction spirituelle et pouvoir séculier à Byzance aux IXe-XIIe siècles

Smilja Marianović-Dušanić:
La typologie des cultes des saints rois dans les pays serbes au Moyen Âge

Ivan Biliarsky:
Le tsar sur la montagne

Mariam Chkhartishvili:
Saint George of Mtatsminda and the Forging of Georgian Identity in the 11th Century

Vera Tchentsova:
La croix et la bannière: le monastère de Vatopédi et la formation de l’ idéologie constantinienne
dans la Moscovie du XVIIe siècle

Boško Bojović:
Stefan Dušan et le Mont Athos. Légitimation impériale et caution religieuse

Elka Bakalova:
Les dons pieux du prince valaque Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521). Sur le reliquaire du chef
de saint Jean Baptiste du Musée Topkapı Saraı à Istanbul

Margarita Kuyumdzhieva:
Some Remarks on Donations by the Wallachian Prince Matei Basarab in Bulgarian Territories

Lidia Cotovanu:
“Qu’on prie pour moi là-bas et ici”. Donation religieuse et patriotisme local dans le monde
orthodoxe des XVIe – XVIIe siècles

Radu G. Păun:
L’ordre de l’éternité. Sur la mémoire liturgique du monastère de Hilandar (Mont Athos, XVIIe –XVIIIe siècles)

Ovidiu Cristea:
Guerre, Histoire et Memoire en Moldavie au temps d’ Étienne le Grand (1457-1504)

Konrad Petrovszky:
History, Commemoration and the Creation of Local Tradition in the Earlier 17th Century:
The Case of Patriarch Pajsije I of Peć

Ovidiu Olar:
Prophecy and History in the Greek-Romanian World. Matthew of Myra, Paisios Ligaridis, and Chrysanthos Notaras

L’aniconisme dans l’art religieux byzantin. Actes du colloque de Genève (1-3 octobre 2009). (Eds) Matteo Campagnolo, Pau...

L’aniconisme dans l’art religieux byzantin. Actes du colloque de Genève (1-3 octobre 2009). (Eds) Matteo Campagnolo, Paul Magdalino, Marielle Martiniani-Reber, André-Louis Rey. Musées d’art et d’histoire de Genève - La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2015

L’aniconisme dans l’art religieux byzantin. Actes du colloque de Genève (1-3 octobre 2009). (Eds) Matteo Campagnolo, Paul Magdalino, Marielle Martiniani-Reber, André-Louis Rey. Musées d’art et d’histoire de Genève - La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2015

The stylishly dressed birds disporting themselves on the cover of this book are not fashion icons. They form part of the aniconic mural decoration of an eighth- century Byzantine church on the Greek island of Naxos.
What is aniconic decoration, and what is its function in a religious space where one expects to find depictions of sacred images? The question applies not only to Christian worship, but even more so to the other monotheistic religions, Judaism and Islam, which regard the visual representation of invisible holiness as basically problematic.
Various approaches to these issues are provided by the eighteen authors of this volume, which publishes the papers of a colloquium held in 2009, at the Museum of History and Art and the University of Geneva.


Marie-France Auzépy:
La signification religieuse de l’aniconisme byzantin

Philippe Borgeaud:
Imitatio diabolica : démons et image

Silvia Naef:
Islam and Images: A Complex Relation

Ioanna Rapti:
Le statut des images dans l’art et le culte arméniens

Marielle Martiniani-Reber:
Textiles et décors peints aniconiques

Paul Magdalino:
Le patriarche Jean le Grammairien et la théorie de l’aniconisme

Juan Signes Codoñer:
Theodore Studite and the Melkite Patriarchs on Icon Worship

J.M. Featherstone:
Icons and Cultural Identity

Nano Chatzidakis:
Le sujet de la restitution du culte des images dans les icônes : variations du contenu dogmatique

Catherine Jolivet-Lévy:
De l’aniconisme en Cappadoce : quelques réflexions à la lumière de découvertes récentes

Henry Maguire:
« They worshipped the creature rather than the Creator ». Animals in 8th century art and polemic

Nicole Thierry:
Les peintures iconoclastes d’Al Oda en Isaurie. Un exemple de la persistance iconodoule dans le décor iconoclaste

Maria Xenaki:
Ornement et texte : le cas de l’ensemble funéraire de Karşıbecak à Göreme, Cappadoce

Charalampos Pennas:
Reassessing the non-iconic decoration in the Byzantine Cyclades

Maria Campagnolo-Pothitou:
« Comme un relent d’iconoclasme » au début du XIIe siècle : le témoignage sigillographique

Jim Crow et Sam Turner:
L’archéologie des églises aniconiques de Naxos

Christodoulos A. Hadjichristodoulou:
Aniconic Cyprus

Matteo Campagnolo:
Y a-t-il une monnaie iconoclaste ?

Klimis Aslanidis:
Remarks on the architecture of the church of Hagia Kyriaki at Apeiranthos, Naxos


5th-century ivory with the empty Tomb of Christ
The representations include two Evangelists (Luke as a bull and Matthew as a winged figure), Tomb of Christ, Soldiers Asleep at the Tomb, and Marys and Angel at the empty Tomb of Christ
At Castello Sforzesco in Milan


Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ from the Syriac Rabbula Gospels
From Late 6th century Syria
At Biblioteca Laurenziana in Florence

Trevor Layman. “The Incineration of New Babylon”:The Fire Poem of Konstantinos Stilbes. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2015.http:...

Trevor Layman. “The Incineration of New Babylon”:
The Fire Poem of Konstantinos Stilbes. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2015.

Trevor Layman. “The Incineration of New Babylon”:
The Fire Poem of Konstantinos Stilbes. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2015.

In 1197 a cataclysmic fire swept through Constantinople. Emerging from warehouses along the Golden Horn, it engulfed multistorey mansions, monasteries, the Italian Quarter, and the church of the Theotokos Kyriotissa. The clergyman Konstantinos Stilbes recalled the devastation in a poetic lament for the suffering of the citizens of New Rome, pitiably transformed into a "New Babylon" scourged by God. This book presents the poem in English translation alongside the original Greek, and accompanied by a detailed commentary. Stilbes' poem sheds light on Constantinople's medieval topography and is a testament to the sophistication of Greek poetry on the eve of the Fourth Crusade.

Emma Maayan Fanar, Revelation through the Alphabet. Aniconism and Illustrated Initial Letters in Byzantine Artistic Imag...

Emma Maayan Fanar, Revelation through the Alphabet. Aniconism and Illustrated Initial Letters in Byzantine Artistic Imagination. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2011.

Emma Maayan Fanar, Revelation through the Alphabet. Aniconism and Illustrated Initial Letters in Byzantine Artistic Imagination. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2011.

The book explores aniconic tendencies in the post-iconoclastic lectionaries, with special emphasis on illuminated initial letters, unravelling their sources and models and offering an innovative approach to the enigma of their sudden and widespread appearance in the late ninth- and tenth-century Byzantine manuscripts.
The unique position of illuminated letters, as part of the text on one hand and of the pictorial programme on the other, creates a variety of artistic possibilities concerning their forms and meanings, which transcend other forms of manuscript illumination. The timing of their spreading, notably the end of the ninth century, is not accidental but deeply tied to the fundamental changes in Byzantine art and thought after the iconoclastic period.

Tonia Kiousopoulou, Emperor or Manager: Power and Political Ideology in Byzantium before 1453. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 201...

Tonia Kiousopoulou, Emperor or Manager: Power and Political Ideology in Byzantium before 1453. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2011.

Tonia Kiousopoulou, Emperor or Manager: Power and Political Ideology in Byzantium before 1453. La Pomme d'or, Geneva 2011.

Byzantium in the 15th century is too easily dismissed as the anachronistic tail end of an ancient ecumenical empire, whose only achievements, apart from the heroic last stand of Constantinople in 1453, were the contribution of literary Hellenism to Renaissance humanism, and the preservation of Orthodoxy from the encroachment of Catholicism.

This book argues that in struggling to survive as a small fortified enclave at the heart of Ottoman territory, Byzantium adopted the social structure and political ideology of a secular, territorial city-state on the Italian model.
It thus presents the empire of the last Palaiologoi in an entirely new light.

Alicia Simpson, Stephanos Efthymiadis (ed), Niketas Choniates: A Historian and a Writer. La Pomme d'or S.A., Geneva 2011...

Alicia Simpson, Stephanos Efthymiadis (ed), Niketas Choniates: A Historian and a Writer. La Pomme d'or S.A., Geneva 2011.

Alicia Simpson, Stephanos Efthymiadis (ed), Niketas Choniates: A Historian and a Writer. La Pomme d'or S.A., Geneva 2011.


Introduction, Alicia Simpson, Niketas Choniates: the Historian and Stephanos Efthymiadis, Niketas Choniates: the Writer

Paul Magdalino:
Prophecy and Divination in the History

Anthony Kaldellis:
Paradox, Reversal and the Meaning of History

Stephanos Efthymiadis:
Greek and Biblical Exempla in the Service of an Artful Writer

Roderick Saxey:
The Homeric Metamorphoses of Andronikos I Komnenos

John Davis:
The History Metaphrased: Changing Readership in the Fourteenth Century

Luciano Bossina:
Niketas Choniates as a Theologian

Alicia Simpson:
Narrative Images of Medieval Constantinople

Titos Papamastorakis:
Interpreting the De Signis of Niketas Choniates

Paul Magdalino, Maria Mavroudi (ed). The Occult Sciences in Byzantium. La Pomme d'or S.A., Geneva 2006.http://www.pommed...

Paul Magdalino, Maria Mavroudi (ed). The Occult Sciences in Byzantium. La Pomme d'or S.A., Geneva 2006.

Paul Magdalino, Maria Mavroudi (ed). The Occult Sciences in Byzantium. La Pomme d'or S.A., Geneva 2006.


Paul Magdalino, Maria Mavroudi:

Maria Mavroudi:
Occult Sciences and Society in Byzantium: Considerations for Future Research.

Katerina Ierodiakonou:
The Byzantine Concept of Sympatheia and its Appropriation in Michael Psellos.

Paul Magdalino:
Occult Sciences and Imperial Power in Byzantine History and Historiography.

Maria Papathanassiou:
Stephanos of Alexandria: a Famous Byzantine Scolar, Alchemist and Astrologer.

Michèle Mertens:
Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy in Byzantium.

David Pingree:
The Byzantine Translations of Masha’alla’s Works in Interrogational Astrology.

William Adler:
Did the Biblical Patriarch Practice Astrology? Michael Glykas and Manuel Komnenos I on Seth and Abraham.

Anne Tihon:
Astrological Promenade in Byzantium in the Early Palaiologan Period.

Joshua Holo:
Hebrew Astrology in Byzantine Southern Italy.

Charles Burnett:
Late Antique and Medieval Latin Translations of Greek Texts on Astrology and Magic.

George Saliba:
Revisiting the Astronomical Contacts between the World of Islam and Renaissance Europe: the Byzantine Connection.


Icon of Christ and St. Menas
8th century wooden icon from Bawit Monastery in Egypt, now at the Louvre
Today the Coptic Orthodox Church commemorates St. Menas


Portrait of St. Mark from the Rossano Gospels (Codex Purpureus Rossanensis), a 6th-century purple manuscript written in silver ink
Rossano Cathedral in Calabria, Italy

Paul Magdalino, Andrei Timotin (ed). Savoirs prédictifs et techniques divinatoires de l’Antiquité tardive à Byzance. La ...

Paul Magdalino, Andrei Timotin (ed). Savoirs prédictifs et techniques divinatoires de l’Antiquité tardive à Byzance. La Pomme d'or, Seyssel 2019.

Paul Magdalino, Andrei Timotin (ed). Savoirs prédictifs et techniques divinatoires de l’Antiquité tardive à Byzance. La Pomme d'or, Seyssel 2019.


Luc Brisson
Philosophie et oracles : la nouvelle alliance

Andrei-Tudor Man
Chrysippus’ Theory of Divination in Cicero, De divinatione

Andrei Timotin
Divination et providence dans le néoplatonisme tardif (Jamblique et Proclus)

Marilena Vlad
La divination du principe chez Damascius et le silence de Platon

Aude Busine
Les Chrétiens face aux oracles d’Apollon, du rejet à l’adaptation. Retour sur quinze ans de recherche

Francesco Massa
Des démons et des cadavres autour des oracles : polémiques religieuses sur la divination au IVe siècle

Lucia Tissi
Interpréter et conceptualiser les oracles dans l’Antiquité tardive : le témoignage de la Théosophie de Tübingen

Paul Magdalino
Prophecy, Divination and the Church in Byzantium

Jean-Cyril Jouette
La nécromancie dans l’Empire mésobyzantin

Florin Filimon
The Prediction Method by Means of the Holy Gospel and the Psalter: a Late Byzantine Case of a Reassigned Geomantic Text

Béatrice Bakhouche
L’astrologie entre religion et philosophie ou les contours flous de la divination

Victor Gysembergh
Théorie et pratique de la divination dans l’Antiquité et à Byzance : l’exemple des présages attribués à Eudoxe de Cnide

Adrian Pirtea
From Lunar Nodes to Eclipse Dragons: The Fundaments of the Chaldean Art (CCAG V/2, 131-40) and the Reception of Arabo-Persian Astrology in Byzantium

Elsa G. Simonetti
Prophetic (?) Dreams in Plutarch

Steven Oberhelman
How Popular Were the Byzantine Dreambooks? Divination and Byzantine Dreamers

Francesco Monticini
Les rêves et l’énigme : l’oniromancie dans les commentaires byzantins du traité Sur les songes de Synésios




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