ZED An independent French producer and distributor of documentary films, broadcast worldwide.


Producteur et distributeur indépendant depuis bientôt 30 ans, la société ZED, dirigée par Manuel Catteau, est un acteur majeur du paysage audiovisuel et compte, parmi ses partenaires, les plus grands diffuseurs internationaux : France Télévisions, Canal+, ARTE, BBC, National Geographic, Discovery, PBS, ZDF, NHK, SBS ou CuriosityStream. Grâce à une solide équipe de 7 producteu

rs, ZED produit une quarantaine de films par an, couvrant tous les genres majeurs du documentaire de création : histoire, science, investigation, découverte, art et culture et films de société — et investissant tous les canaux de diffusion, qu’ils soient linéaires, non linéaires ou audio (podcast). Dotée d’un catalogue de plus de 2 000 heures, ZED est aujourd’hui un distributeur majeur sur la scène internationale, représentant presque 200 sociétés de production françaises et étrangères dont elle distribue les contenus. La diversité et l’audace de ses documentaires lui ont permis d’être nommée 5 fois parmi les 10 meilleurs producteurs français de l’année (Prix Procirep), et de remporter à trois reprises le Prix de l’Export TVFI, récompensant le documentaire le plus vendu à l’international. En 2019, 2020, 2021 et 2022, ZED intègre la liste des 100 meilleures sociétés de production dans le monde (REALSCREEN GLOBAL 100). L’exigence, la créativité et la qualité de ses films sont régulièrement récompensées dans les festivals du monde entier. C’est ainsi que la série "Hobbies" produite pour Canal+ a été sélectionnée au Festival de Cannes 2019 dans la catégorie Meilleur Court-Métrage ; que "Le Mystère des Rivières Volantes d’Amazonie", en plus de sa large diffusion dans le monde entier, a notamment remporté le prix "Best Scientific Documentary" au SILBERSALZ Science & Media Awards en 2022 ; que "Kalahari, l’Autre Loi de la Jungle", produit pour France Télévisions et Blue Ant Media a été récompensé du Trophée d’Or au Festival Deauville Green Awards, et a séduit 2,85 millions de téléspectateurs lors de sa diffusion en prime-time sur France 2 ; et que le film "Les Singes Dorés de Hubei", produit pour ARTE, China Media Group et National Geographic a remporté le Grand Prix du Festival International Nature Namur 2022.


An independent producer and distributor, founded by Manuel Catteau almost 30 years ago, ZED is a key player in French documentary production, with a raft of major international broadcasters among its clients: France Télévisions, Canal+, ARTE, BBC, National Geographic, Discovery, PBS, ZDF, NHK, SBS or CuriosityStream. Thanks to a strong team of 7 producers, ZED produces around 40 films a year, covering all genres in non-fiction: history, sciences, wildlife, investigation, current affairs and art & culture — and investing in all broadcasting platforms, whether linear, non-linear or audio (podcast). With a catalogue of 2 000 hours, ZED is also one of the major international sales companies and represents almost 200 prestigious French and foreign production firms, handling distribution of their output to broadcasters across the globe. In the past few years, ZED has been nominated 5 times among the 10 Best French Producers of the Year, and has won three times the French Export Award that rewards the most well distributed programs abroad. In 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, ZED has been nominated by REALSCREEN as part of the Global 100, the annual snapshot of the best production companies working in the non-fiction industry. Over the years, ZED has built its reputation by crafting high-end and acclaimed films, recognized in the most famous international festivals and very often garnering audience ratings. The series "Hobbies" produced for Canal+ was selected at the Cannes Film Festival (Short Film Palme d’Or Category); "Rivers Above the Canopy", widely distributed throughout the world, won the “Best Scientific Documentary” award at the 2022 SILBERSALZ Science & Media Awards; "Kalahari, Land of Secret Alliances", produced for France Télévisions and Blue Ant Media, won of the Gold Trophy at the Deauville Green Awards Festival and gathered 2.85 million viewers in prime-time on France 2; and more recently the film "Golden Monkeys: Braving the impossible", produced for ARTE, China Media Group and National Geographic, won the Grand Prize at the 2022 International Nature Namur Festival.


39 Rue Des Prairies


01 53 09 96 96


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An independent producer and distributor specialized in factual documentaries, the company ZED, led by Manuel Catteau, has been on the international scene for more than 20 years now, leading co-productions with major international broadcasters such as France Televisions, Canal +, ARTE, BBC, National Geographic, Discovery, PBS, ZDF, NHK or ABC Australia.

Thanks to a strong team of 6 producers and the unique know-how of renowned directors and writers, ZED produces around 40 films a year, covering all genre in non-fiction: history, sciences, wildlife, investigation, current affairs and art & culture. With a catalogue of 1200 hours, ZED is also one of the major international sales companies and represents more than 130 prestigious French and foreign production companies, handling distribution of their output to broadcasters across the globe.

On the strength of its audacity and the diversity of its documentaries, ZED has been nominated 5 times among the 10 Best French Producers of the Year, and has won three times the French Export Award that rewards the most well distributed programs abroad. In 2019, ZED has been nominated by Realscreen as part of the Global 100, the annual snapshot of the best production companies working in the non-fiction industry.

Over the years, ZED has built its reputation by crafting high-end and acclaimed films, recognized in the most famous international festivals and very often garnering record audience ratings. Hi**er Youth tapped into the 5 top rated programs on National Geographic US while Living Universe, a 4x52' series about the search for the exoplanets, is currently a top performer for CuriosityStream. Its last production Hobbies is currently going for the Short Film Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

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