Croatan Edition

Croatan Edition Independent European publishing house focused on Black travelling, Extraordinary Adventures, Urban my

Croatan Edition

[email protected]


Repost The 4th Dimension : " Aloha folks! It is not without a certain emotion that we officially declare our retirement ...

Repost The 4th Dimension : " Aloha folks! It is not without a certain emotion that we officially declare our retirement from your reality. As every good things come to an end, we were pushed to retire by our manager , using his own words “you are too old to be fun & bankable”.
Tired by his multiple demands for us to switch on TikTok (this is not gonna happen, ever) we have came to the breaking point, and we were forced to sign off the contract with him, then ultimately, engage our retirement from The Fourth Dimension.
As we are actually crawling under legal fees, we’ll organize a last event into our secret head quarter at the end of the week from Friday 9th to Sunday 11th in Paris, where we’ll offer you all of the last items & gems for sale at a very good price and great discounts. Everything must go! (lawyers are expensive) See you there for the last time friends 😢"
reparations for our farewell party are well under way.
We’ll be pleased to welcome you for the last time at our (not so much anymore) Secret Headquarter™, 23 rue Ramponeau, métro Belleville from tomorrow ’till Sunday.
Here’s the opening timetable :
Friday ~ 18:00 - 22:00
Saturday ~ 14:00 - 22:00
Sunday ~ 14:00 - 20:00
We are looking forward to see you all ✌️

SPLEEN 75Now available on our website.WWW.CROATAN-EDITION.COM204 pages18 x 21 cmlimited edition, 75 copiesblack & white ...

Now available on our website.

204 pages
18 x 21 cm
limited edition, 75 copies
black & white digital printing
language : FR 🇫🇷
printed in Europe

Excerpt from Spleen 75 by Radouan Zeghidour, 2022.Now available on our website.📸 Unknown

Excerpt from Spleen 75 by Radouan Zeghidour, 2022.
Now available on our website.
📸 Unknown


Il y a près d’un an, des groupes de voisins vigilants se sont constitués dans le but de traquer les tags dans la...


Il y a près d’un an, des groupes de voisins vigilants se sont constitués dans le but de traquer les tags dans la ville. Le 24 avril 2021 au soir, l’un d’eux filme par sa fenêtre, un flagrant délit de signature. Immédiatement, il publie la vidéo sur internet. S’en suit alors une traque acharnée sur Twitter, afin de déceler l’identité du saccageur et de le clouer au pilori. Au cours de l’enquête, un suspect est désigné, et se retrouve accusé d’être l’auteur des tags Spleen75. 

Le présent livre retrace cette traque, dont les éléments ont été publiés quotidiennement par les inquisiteurs sur internet : photographies, commentaires, indices et plaintes. Ce compte rendu est suivi de la confession de Spleen75, véritable brulot du Bossu de Stalingrad contre sa ville, « cette immondice, qui s’est vendue aux plus offrants, ignoble furoncle qui a cédé à leurs désirs de merveilles, promesse d'une citadelle hybride, mélange du Loft et de Créteil Soleil. »

Dear readers, Since the first day of war, thanks to book selling, donations & fund raising event, we manage to send a to...

Dear readers,
Since the first day of war, thanks to book selling, donations & fund raising event, we manage to send a total amount of 10550 € to our friends and contributors Ihor Okuniev, Volodymyr Pavlov and Vladislav Sharapa. We are more than thankful for your generosity. Together, they form a group of volunteers based in Кyiv and carry out a good number of local aid actions, bringing medicine and food to isolated people, offering transportation to shelters for the most fragile. At the same time, they organize charity sales of artworks in order to financially support our artist friends in Ukraine. The situation is still really bad, and we are still determined to support them in this courageous and supportive approach and we give them all our confidence to work in the most just and useful way for the Ukrainian people and their artistic community. We maintain our call for donation :

S L A V A U K R A I N I !

www.croatan-edition.comDear readers,for the past 13 days Ukraine has been undergoing the aggression of Russian decision ...

Dear readers,

for the past 13 days Ukraine has been undergoing the aggression of Russian decision makers.

In view of the situation, it is important for us to support Ukrainian humanitarian initiatives.

Since the beginning of Croatan Edition, we carry Ukraine high in our hearts.

We are fraternally and artistically linked to several groups from Kiev, Yalta and Odessa.

Today, we added a donation button on the website and will continue to donate all our sales (excluding shipping costs) directly to our friends and contributors Ihor Okuniev, Volodymyr Pavlov and Vladislav Sharapa.

Together, they form a group of volunteers based in Кyiv and carry out a good number of local aid actions, bringing medicine and food to isolated people, offering transportation to shelters for the most fragile. At the same time, they organize charity sales of artworks in order to financially support our artist friends in Ukraine. We are determined to support them in this courageous and supportive approach and we give them all our confidence to work in the most just and useful way for the Ukrainian people and their artistic community.

All our thoughts go to those who are fighting there to defend their freedom, those who are organizing solidarity on the spot, those who, by the millions, are forced to leave their country under the bombs, those who help as they can in Europe and elsewhere. Our thoughts also go to those in Russia, who are fighting against the Putinist dictatorship and its ignoble war.

Thank you for your support !

S L A V A U K R A I N I !


Dear readers,in 2014, during the week of events organised for the launching of Croatan Edition, we lived the annexation ...

Dear readers,
in 2014, during the week of events organised for the launching of Croatan Edition, we lived the annexation of Crimea with our Ukrainian friends and contributors & Children’s Cruisade who where with us in Brussels at the time.
8 years later, western wait-and-see attitude to Putin leads us to the recent invasion of Ukraine.
Today, we stand with people of Ukraine, who are currently fighting alone for their country and freedom.
From now on all incomes from Croatan’s website (shipping excluded) will be send to, helping those in need. In other words, what you pay on the website will be directly donated.
We also have a thought to our Russian friends who are getting repressed by Russian government for protesting against the war.
We stand against the war, we stand against Putin.
À l’amitié internationale!

🔧 NEW PUBLICATION www.croatan-edition.comTendo Lee Fûk (Vietnam) que le transport de...


Tendo Lee Fûk (Vietnam)

Alors que le transport de marchandises était une activité noble de la SNCF jusqu’aux années 1970, les effets de la crise énergétique de 1973-1979, le déclin progressif de l’extraction minière, la crise de la sidérurgie, le tournant de la mondialisation ainsi qu'une politique aveugle favorisant les transports routiers ont constitué les causes de la chute impressionnante du fret ferroviaire français. Depuis plus de vingt ans, le fret ne vit qu’à coup de plans stratégiques dont aucun n’a pu enrayer la chute. Une chute qui s'illustre notamment par des dépôts de trains quasiment vide rencontrés au fil de nos pérégrinations.

Freight train transport was one of the most noble parts of the french railway system until the 70's. Social and economic shock of world events such as the energy crisis of 1973-1979, the fall of the mining industry, steel industry, and globalization are all contributing factors to the collapse of the freight system in France. Consequences of this fall can be illustrated by the empltyness of the french freight yards today.

Screen print
10 layers
60 x 50 cm
Rivoli Standard Ivoire 250g paper
limited edition, 30 copies
signed by the artist
printed in France 🇫🇷
by Éditions Terrain Vague
shipped in a tube

« Campagne des Chiens de la Route » is an ode to freedom ; a highlight through three contemporary travel books relating three expeditions of the Road Dogs pack. Aboard freight trains, the latter explore remote places as they wander between industrials zones, empty buildings and other marginal territories. Each operation is a full adventure by itself, with its share of encounters, adrenaline and suspended moments.

www.croatan-edition.comA.T.F.D. PRÉLUDES10 EURJack Tezam (France) poster préfigure la sorti...

10 EUR
Jack Tezam (France)

Ce poster préfigure la sortie du grand Guide :
A.T.F.D. (About The Fourth Dimension ou Archipelago of The Fourth Dimension). Travail en cours à paraître pour Halloween 2024.

Cela fait plus de dix ans que nous nous attelons à la tâche : pirater, archiver, façonner, ériger, cartographier... dix ans à inventorier nos faits d’âmes et états d’armes.
Le guide A.T.F.D. (About The Fourth Dimension) retrace l’histoire de notre organisation et détaille la genèse de ses légendes. Point par point, il propose des clés de compréhension pour arpenter cette dimension ‟autre”, celle que nous nous amusons à appeler la quatrième. Cependant, les termes ‟envers de la cascade”, ‟autre côté du miroir”, ‟infra-monde”, ‟inter zone” ou bien même ‟monde inversé” pourraient tout aussi bien qualifier l’ailleurs dont il est question ici.
THE FOURTH DIMENSION est un territoire structuré en archipel, composé de quatre entités principales : 4TH ISLAND, ROAD DOGS REGION, CROATAN PENINSULA, CESIO'S B.O.A.T (Bailout Operations Among Tax-heaven).
Ces enclaves utopistes s’opposent, aussi bien sur la carte que dans ce qu’elles sont, ou font semblant d’être. La complémentarité, ADN de cet ensemble d’îlots, est la tactique qui leur permettent d’effectuer une colonisation du réel sans compromis. Depuis son commencement (la nuit d’Halloween 2008), cette quatrième dimension prend racine dans l’imaginaire, puis s’étend dans le réel par ses actions. Mais l’inverse est tout aussi vrai. L’ensemble des éléments la constituant tisse un réseau labyrinthique en perpétuelle évolution, vaste dédale dans lequel vous serez bientôt invité·es à vous égarer, par le biais de ce guide.


This poster is an introduction to the huge Guide :
A.T.F.D. (About The Fourth Dimension or Archipelago of The Fourth Dimension).
W.I.P. scheduled release for Halloween 2024.

It has been ten years since we started working on this project : hacking, archiving, shaping, building, mapping... ten years of inventorying our deeds and quests with vivid discussions.
The A.T.F.D. (About The Fourth Dimension) guide traces the history of our organization and details the genesis of its legends. Point by point, it offers keys to understanding ‟another” dimension, the one we like to call the fourth. However, terms including the ‟twighlight zone”, ‟other side of the mirror”, ‟infra-world”, ‟inter-zone” or even ‟upside down” could just as well qualify the parallel universe we are talking about.
THE FOURTH DIMENSION is a territory resembling an Archipelago, composed of four main lands : 4TH ISLAND, ROAD DOGS REGION, CROATAN PENINSULA, CESIO'S B.O.A.T (Bailout Operations Among Tax-heaven).
These utopian enclaves oppose each other, both on the map and in what they are, or pretend to be. Complementarity, the DNA of this set of islands, is the tactic that allows them to colonize reality without compromise. Since its debut (on Halloween night in 2008), The Fourth Dimension seekas refuge in the imaginary, then extends into the real by its actions. But the reverse is also true. All the elements that make up this fourth dimension weave a web in perpetual evolution, a vast maze in which you will be soon invited to disorient yourself, by diversion of this guide.

Préludes 01
Jack Tezam, 2021
14 x 19,8 cm
digital print
Munken Lynx Digital BLANC, 300 g/m2

Préludes 02
Jack Tezam, 2021
Munken Lynx Digital BLANC, 90 g/m2
language : FR 🇫🇷 / EN 🇬🇧 / CNM 🇹🇼

400 copies

English translation : Mogli
Mandarin translation : Lee Yi Cheng
Thanks to : Acelitos, JG.CH-J, Silence
& Aline for the help


🐇 Follow the white rabbit >more informations : The 4th Dimension

🐇 Follow the white rabbit >
more informations : The 4th Dimension

Dear Readers,holiday season is coming, meaning it’s time for our traditional Winter Sale! FREE SHIPPING on all orders ab...

Dear Readers,
holiday season is coming, meaning it’s time for our traditional Winter Sale! FREE SHIPPING on all orders above 25€, no matter where you live on the planet. It starts today ‘till the end of December on our webstore


En 2019, Road Dogs est le premier collectif récompensé par la Révélation Art Urbain ADAGP / Palais de Tokyo. Road Dogs, collectif formé en 2010, est une meut...

Dear Readers,Our books have been added to the display and are up to grabs Studio H13 LYON

Dear Readers,
Our books have been added to the display and are up to grabs Studio H13 LYON




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Independent & wandering publishing house focused on freight hopping, nature exploration, urban or pagan myths, extraordinary adventures and the alike. [email protected]