So why music video produced by Emilie Sandoval first track from D
Clock n' Works "Mister hides" LIVE
Clock n' Works is back on track in early 2012 soon more to be announced but meanwhile
Live take of "Mister hides" a track from Clock n' works last 5 tracks EP "However you wanna call it"
Directed by Guillaume Corde & Camille Grenier
EP available anywhere on digital, order CD and get more infos :
DESCHANNEL's "Words should wound" Live at Telerama dub festival
Deschannel Live at Telerama Dub festival (Nov 2011) ...coming soon : Deschannel's So Why music video and some brand new fat remixes of "the worst thing of all"
Risky Business (Harper's Bazaar / Silvouplay's "For her" ) st. Yu
Starring Yulia Kharlapanova
Model (Elite Paris)
Benjamin Kanarek
Benjamin Kanarek and Frédérique Renaut
Creative directors
Vanessa Naudin
Fashion editor
Make-up / Calliste, Paris
Patrice Delaroche
Hair / Agence Aurelien, Paris
Freddy Baby, Paris
Digital retouching
Assistants :
Benoit Tremblay / Photographer assistant
Léa Usseglio / Stylist assistant
Vichika Yorn / Make-up assistant
Special thanks to
« Change » advertising agency /
Yulia's Co-stars from Change agency :
Béatrice, Cédric, Cyril, David, Jérémy, Laurent and Ylan
Soundtrack :
« For Her »
written, performed and produced by SILVOUPLAY drums by Clive Deamer
Publishing : Osorno Publishing
Extract from Electric Family LP Available on CD Digital and vinyl.
P and C Osorno Records 2010
Video directed by Frédérique Renaut C 2011
Risky Business (Harper's Bazaar / Silvouplay's "For her" ) st. Yu
Starring Yulia Kharlapanova
Model (Elite Paris)
Benjamin Kanarek
Benjamin Kanarek and Frédérique Renaut
Creative directors
Vanessa Naudin
Fashion editor
Make-up / Calliste, Paris
Patrice Delaroche
Hair / Agence Aurelien, Paris
Freddy Baby, Paris
Digital retouching
Assistants :
Benoit Tremblay / Photographer assistant
Léa Usseglio / Stylist assistant
Vichika Yorn / Make-up assistant
Special thanks to
« Change » advertising agency /
Yulia's Co-stars from Change agency :
Béatrice, Cédric, Cyril, David, Jérémy, Laurent and Ylan
Soundtrack :
« For Her »
written, performed and produced by SILVOUPLAY drums by Clive Deamer
Publishing : Osorno Publishing
Extract from Electric Family LP Available on CD Digital and vinyl.
P and C Osorno Records 2010
Video directed by Frédérique Renaut C 2011
DESCHANNEL's SO WHY / Battlefield Bad Company 2 GAMECLIP
DESCHANNEL's "SO WHY / Battlefield Bad Company 2" HD GAMECLIP exclusive Broadcast on Gameone music HD.
DESCHANNEL's New album MODERN ISN'T PROGRESS available anywhere on CD and Dgtl. Check it out !
SILVOUPLAY / Bad Fascination feat. Ashley Thomas
Bad Fascination Nouvel EP de SILVOUPLAY sortie le 4 Juillet.
SILVOUPLAY feat. Ashley Thomas
starring Nina Roberts
Directed by Blandine Brière and Clara Jambu
Post-production : Celidja Pornon
(Ashley Thomas / Sebastien Peronnet - Bastien Aubry)
Publishing : Osorno Publishing
P and C Osorno Records 2011
BAD FASCINATION EP xclusive DGTL release July 4
1 "Bad Fascination" feat. Ashley Thomas
2 "6'58" ELECTRIC RESCUE Psykorock remix
3 "interlude"
4 "Something stupid SILVOUPLAY rework"
Bad Fascination TEASER
"BAD FASCINATION" !unreleased track by Silvouplay feat. Ashley Thomas out monday June 20 !
SILVOUPLAY feat. Ashley Thomas
starring Nina Roberts
Directed by Blandine Brière and Clara Jambu
Post-production : Celidja Pornon
(Ashley Thomas / Sebastien Peronnet - Bastien Aubry)
Publishing : Osorno Publishing
P and C Osorno Records 2011
BAD FASCINATION EP xclusive DGTL release JUNE 20
Viral Clock n' Works EP teaser
produced by Benoit Courti.
Clock n’ Works' debut EP
"However you wanna call it"
Digital release on April 18
Clock n’ Works are:
Maxime Laperiere (Vocals-Guitar)
Kevin Chamotte(Vocals-Guitar)
Jérôme Baudoin (Bass)
Vivien Bénard (drums)
HOWEVER RELEASE PARTY @ Bus Palladium (Paris) on April 30.
any infos (Gigs EP's /bios etc...) :
Benoit courti :
SILVOUPLAY's U Rock the dancefloor Versus NAIL'D Gameclip
A third Gameclip for SILVOUPLAY vith Famous videoGame NAIL'D.extract from the New album "Electric Family" this radio edit version of the track re-worked by the duet is actually broadcasted on Gameone Music HD and on all the Web channel of MTV france (Itunes video, Deezer video etc...).
Track available exclusively on Digital.
have a check on SILVOUPLAY's album promo page to get to know more about this upcoming French electro act :
all infos on releases from Osorno records :
Pass it on !
Electric Family nouvel album de SILVOUPLAY sortie le 18 OCTOBRE
La synthèse de presque tous les fantasmes électroniques: pop, rock, moderne et vintage. SILVOUPLAY sort du bois armé de ses guitares, machines, synthés gorgés de phaser et prouve que l’électro peut rimer avec des lives débridés tout terrain ou l’improvisation se dispute à une efficacité peu commune.
Electric Family, le kaléidoscope de l’electro 3.0.
...Release party, remix contests et toutes infos sur:
8 Octobre : les 3 petits cochons / Bourges
14 Octobre : bus palladium / tribute Bowie
16 Octobre MAMA-event 2 sets :
- L’art scenik (PARIS) 18h30
- Flèche d'or (Paris) 22h30
29 Octobre Le Noumatrouff / Mulhouse
12 Novembre / Montpellier
17 Novembre Sentier des Halles
13 Decembre The Sub With Mr Nô / templeuve (Belgique)
Sortie digitale exclusive le 4 Octobre.
Inclus: Something stupid, Fat Bass et Anatomy
EP Disponibles: Klochett’, Something stupid et Fat Bass (éd. limitées vinyles et digitales) incl. remixes de Electric Rescue, Beat torrent, Noisebuilder, A.S.P., Sie).