Directed by the amazing Audrey Mascina
Produced by badassfilms.tv
Le Paradoxe du Homard
Réalisé par Jeanne Sigwalt
Produit par badassfilms.tv
A short film written and directed by Nono Ayuso
'Terra Cene' tells the story of a 2021 re-make of the Golden Record NASA sent into space aboard The Voyager in 1977 to portray the diversity and beauty of life and culture on Earth
Only this time, it’s not about showcasing our beauty, culture, and evolution as a species, but rather a plea for help.
The Karman Project is the nonprofit and independent "space-for-impact" foundation behind The Space That Makes Us Human series on NOWNESS
Find out more: https://buff.ly/3y2fGHR
- MASQUE 19 -
A short film directed by Marko Roth
Produced by badassfilms.tv
👉 https://badassfilms.tv/real/marko-roth/
MARKO ROTH "This film is based on true events. Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the numbers of domestic abuse cases went through the roof. When France imposed an extremely strict lock-down, the victims were trapped at home with their abusers 23 hours a day. They were only allowed out for one hour to go to a pharmacy or a grocery store. French pharmacists came up with a way victims could secretly ask for help: The code word MASQUE 19. The short film “Masque-19” shows the psychological horror most victims are experiencing while trying to leave their partner. And how the code word offered a way out.We wanted to offer support to anyone in the world who might see this film and consider leaving an abusive partner."