3 years! Thank you for taking part in this experience 🤗✨
Paris based videographer ✨ creating with talented people from around the world 🤩
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Hi! I'm @saidelimam, currently based in Paris. 📽️I'm a videographer working with talents from over the world to make creative videos 💃🤸
My goal is to make emotional videos that leave an impact on each one's heart/soul, displaying a good image of cities, industries or art.
All work shared here is under an Attribution-ShareAlike-NonCommercial Creative Commons license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ That means you do have the right to share my work or adapt it to your needs, as long as you credit me and not for a commercial purposes. The work you share using any of the resources from this page must be under this same license.
Become my Patron to support upcoming projects and get credit on them as a sponsor.