Forbidden Stories

Forbidden Stories We are a collaborative journalism network devoted to pursuing the work of silenced reporters.


In the face of Russian influence operations in Africa, journalists must collaborate or keep quiet. One of them is breaking the code of silence. Revelations tomorrow.

Le Monde DER SPIEGEL Radio France RFI DER STANDARD .center Важные истории

Laurent Richard, founder of Forbidden Stories, delivered a keynote address at the Vereniging van Onderzoeksjournalisten ...

Laurent Richard, founder of Forbidden Stories, delivered a keynote address at the Vereniging van Onderzoeksjournalisten annual meeting in Rotterdam. In front of more than 300 , he emphasized the vital role of journalism in upholding , especially in the face of mounting threats like and cyber-surveillance. Richard highlighted the increasing danger to journalists worldwide: 700 journalists have been killed in the past 10 years.

Yesterday,  accepted the Otto Brenner Stiftung Award on behalf of all the   media partners. This recognition underscores...

Yesterday, accepted the Otto Brenner Stiftung Award on behalf of all the media partners. This recognition underscores the vital need for journalistic access in conflict zones—especially in , where Palestinian journalists face daily threats to keep the world informed.

👉 Read more about this projet:

🔴 "Enemies of the People" Respond to Trump's Election: “Without Information, No Democracy”We spoke with more than half a...

🔴 "Enemies of the People" Respond to Trump's Election: “Without Information, No Democracy”

We spoke with more than half a dozen journalists from around the world, including members of Forbidden Stories’ network of journalist partners and journalists living in countries where they are regularly threatened, about the potential impacts of Trump’s election on their daily work. ⤵️

“The return to power of the man who refers to journalists as ‘enemies of the people’ promises the darkest hours for those who attempt to investigate in the name of the public interest,” said Laurent Richard, journalist and executive director of Forbidden Stories. “Without journalists free to work independently and safely, there can be no information. And without information, no democracy”.

  | Révélations sur des biens mal acquis azerbaïdjanais. Alors que   s'apprête à accueillir le monde entier, nous publio...

| Révélations sur des biens mal acquis azerbaïdjanais. Alors que s'apprête à accueillir le monde entier, nous publions avec 4 partenaires une nouvelle enquête du projet poursuivant le travail de journalistes membres du média indépendant AbzasMedia arrêtés fin 2023. ⤵️

Point de départ de cette nouvelle enquête : un message laissé sur notre dans lequel la rédaction d’Abzas Media menacée par le régime d’Ilham Aliyev a sauvegardé le brouillon d’une enquête inachevée.

Reprenant leur travail, nous avons découvert avec nos partenaires FRANCE 24, d'Lëtzebuerger Land, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, un montage en forme de poupée russe passant par le Luxembourg et des sociétés citées dans les , derrière une villa sur la Côte d’Azur estimée à 5,8 millions d’euros.

Nous révélons l’identité des anciens propriétaires de la villa : c’est un fonctionnaire azerbaïdjanais et sa femme, une “amoureuse de la France”, décorée de la Légion d’honneur et des Palmes académiques.

Nous révélons aussi que Khagani Bashirov, un homme d’affaires franco-azerbaïdjanais, inculpé au Luxembourg pour blanchiment d’argent, a un temps été en affaires avec le fonctionnaire propriétaire de la villa, via une société censée avoir des activités dans le coton.

Rachetée par une société monégasque en 2019, la villa est désormais entre les mains du puissant patron de l’AS Group, Shahin Movsumov, également frère du conseiller économique du président de la république d’ , Ilham Aliyev.

✍️ Par Eloïse Layan et Youssr Youssef


| Revelations about ill-gotten gains in Azerbaijan. As prepares to welcome the world, Forbidden Stories and 4 of its partners are publishing a new investigation as part of the project, continuing the work of journalists from the independent media AbzasMedia arrested late 2023. ⤵️

The starting point for this new investigation was a message we received via , in which AbzasMedia, threatened by Ilham Aliyev's regime, saved the draft of an unfinished investigation.

Taking over their work, we discovered with our media partners from FRANCE 24, 'Lëtzebuerger Land, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, a Russian-doll-like business set-up involving Luxembourg and companies mentioned in the Panama Papers, behind a villa on the French Riviera valued at 5.8 million euros.

We reveal the identity of the villa’s former owners: an Azerbaijani civil servant and his wife, a “lover of France,” decorated with the Legion of Honor and an Order of Academic Palms.

We also reveal that Khagani Bashirov, a Franco-Azerbaijani businessman indicted in Luxembourg for money laundering, was at one time in business with the owner of the villa via a company supposedly involved in cotton.

In 2019, the villa was bought by a Monaco-based company. Its current owner is a powerful man named Shahin Movsumov. Head of the Azerbaijani conglomerate AS Group, he is also the brother of the economic advisor to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. ⤵️

✍️ By Eloïse Layan and Youssr Youssef

¿Quiere unirse a la Red SafeBox y actualmente se encuentra en Guatemala? Venga a visitar nuestro stand durante el Foro C...

¿Quiere unirse a la Red SafeBox y actualmente se encuentra en Guatemala? Venga a visitar nuestro stand durante el Foro Centroamericano de Periodismo en Guatemala.

En América Central, 49 periodistas y redacciones ya son miembros de nuestra Red SafeBox y mantienen a salvo su información sensible. En caso de ser secuestrados, encarcelados o asesinados, Forbidden Stories y sus medios socios podrán continuar sus investigaciones y difundirlas a nivel internacional.

Mire en el enlace a los periodistas y redacciones que ya son miembros de la Red SafeBox ⤵️

Safebox network Members of the SafeBox Network Some journalists who secure their information with Forbidden Stories want to make it clear to those who threaten them: killing the journalist will not kill the story. Français English The journalists who make it publicly known that they share their inf...

We are pleased to announce that three independent journalists—Virgile Ahouansè from Benin, Etonam Sossou from Togo and F...

We are pleased to announce that three independent journalists—Virgile Ahouansè from Benin, Etonam Sossou from Togo and Febriana Firdaus from Indonesia—have publicly shared their membership to the . They ensure that their sensitive information are secure, so that we could pursue their work, should anything happen to them while investigating.

¿Es periodista en América Central y sufre amenazas por sus publicaciones? ¡Venga a visitarnos durante el Foro Centroamer...

¿Es periodista en América Central y sufre amenazas por sus publicaciones? ¡Venga a visitarnos durante el Foro Centroamericano de Periodismo desde el jueves! En nuestro stand, podrá descubrir cómo proteger de forma segura su información sensible a través de la .

Tuer le messager ne tuera pas le message.  👉Faire un don (Les dons des résidants français sont désormais défiscalisables...

Tuer le messager ne tuera pas le message.

👉Faire un don (Les dons des résidants français sont désormais défiscalisables lorsque vous faites un don via ce lien) :

Montelíbano, 7:10 p.m. on October 16, 2022. Known by locals as “the people’s voice”, Columbian journalist Rafael Moreno ...

Montelíbano, 7:10 p.m. on October 16, 2022. Known by locals as “the people’s voice”, Columbian journalist Rafael Moreno who tirelessly denounced corruption, illegal armed groups and environmental crimes in his native department of Córdoba is shot dead. What his murderers didn't know was that we would team up with 32 media partners to pursue his unfinished work.

Each day leading up to the day, we will highlight a Forbidden Story until the enemies of the press realize that whatever they were trying to hide has been magnified.

In the days leading up to his killing, Rafael was in contact with Forbidden Stories to secure his documents through our . The threats the Colombian journalist was receiving were becoming more and more disquieting. The Rafael Project is the first time we triggered the SafeBox Network mechanism and pursued investigations entrusted to us.

Through this collaborative investigation, we unmasked a massive system of cronyism, the probable embezzlement of public funds that Rafael had begun to look into, as well as significant information on environmental and health damage by mining companies in Córdoda.

Together with our consortium and republishing partners, we gave global resonance to Rafael’s investigations, and reached more than 37,5 million people, a staggering 670-fold increase compared to his online page—Voces de Córdoba—readership before his assassination. As long as journalism remains under attack, we will need your help—link below.


Xalapa, a city in southeastern Mexico, April 28, 2012. Journalist Regina Martínez, is strangled to death as she was abou...

Xalapa, a city in southeastern Mexico, April 28, 2012. Journalist Regina Martínez, is strangled to death as she was about to publish an explosive report about thousands of individuals who had mysteriously disappeared. What her murderers didn't know was that we would team up with 60 journalists from 25 international newsrooms to pursue her investigations into the links between politicians and drug traffickers.

Each day leading up to the day, we will highlight a Forbidden Story until the enemies of the press realize that whatever they were trying to hide has been magnified.

We investigated the global networks of Mexican drug cartels and their political connections around the world. In China and India, we exposed drug cartels’ expanding supply chain for precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl. In Europe, they investigated the rise of Mexican “cooks” in underground m**h labs in the Netherlands and Belgium.

We gained access to exclusive documents showing how multinational arms manufacturers in Germany, Belgium, Italy, and other countries have sold hundreds of millions of euros in weapons to Mexican states with histories of collusion with criminal groups, fueling violence.

The investigation exposed the deadly risks for Mexican journalists, who face threats and violence for reporting on cartels activities. The project’s revelations spurred reactions, with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador committing to reopening the case of journalist Regina Martínez’s murder, after years of impunity. In 2021, major press freedom groups called on Mexican authorities to ensure justice.

The Cartel Project reached 32 million readers worldwide. That's 160 times Proceso's audience, the Mexican magazine in which Regina Martínez used to publish her stories. As long as journalism remains under attack, we will need your help—link in bio.

Bangalore, September 5, 2017. Journalist Gauri Lankesh is shot dead, two days before her editorial titled, “In the Age o...

Bangalore, September 5, 2017. Journalist Gauri Lankesh is shot dead, two days before her editorial titled, “In the Age of False News” was supposed to be printed. What her murderers didn't know was that we would team up with over 100 journalists from 30 media outlets to expose the inner workings of the global and secretive world of disinformation mercenaries.

Each day leading up to the day, we will highlight a Forbidden Story until the enemies of the press realize that whatever they were trying to hide has been magnified.

Going undercover, we traced disinformation narratives back to their original sources and one of our major revelations was the existence of , an ultra-secret Israeli company that worked with and claims to have manipulated over 30 presidential elections worldwide.

Through this investigation, we exposed how disinformation can threaten democracy and press freedom by destabilizing elections, destroying reputations, inciting violence against journalists, and burying the truth around the world.

Our findings reached the halls of power, with Knack presenting evidence to the Belgian Parliament, Le Monde and Radio France briefing the French National Assembly, and our team addressing the .

Together with our consortium partners, we reached more than 55 million people worldwide—4.400 times more than the readership of slain journalist Gauri Lankesh’s weekly. As long as journalism remains under attack, we will need your help—link below.





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