JazzduMétro Media

JazzduMétro Media JazzduMétro is a media project and streetwear brand founded by Marvin Parks. "Métro Equals People"


"Métro Equals People" Happy Birthday Young Lady.


Bonne année
Happy New Year

One of the biggest compliments I ever got as a stand-up comedian is when I was sitting in KFC eating and two young Frenc...

One of the biggest compliments I ever got as a stand-up comedian is when I was sitting in KFC eating and two young French boys approached me. Speaking French, they recalled a joke from a show I was in several days before.

This Saturday night at 8pm, I will be on the final Don't Tell Comedy of 2024. If you are free, please come out and support. Not just me, but in Paris, there is an English-language comedy community that I have been part of for the past seven years, that I have been using my platform to advocate for, in spite of its musical name.

Don't Tell Comedy is a brand of comedy shows in various cities around the world. The catch is the location of the show isn't revealed until the night of the show 🤫

You can make your reservation here:

Get tickets to a secret comedy show in 11eme, St Maur on 12/28/24. Experience live comedy in Paris like never before! See details here.


"Métro Equals People" Holiday Edition

This is from 2020.

I met a young lady at Madeleine métro station who stopped to tell me got a new job.

I don't remember what the job was, only that she was happy to get it.

You can watch the "Métro Equals People" seriesvhere and also on JazzduMétro Media's Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube channel.

Wednesday was the occasion of my 48th Birthday. I celebrated with some friends and this morning I had a hot chocolate wi...

Wednesday was the occasion of my 48th Birthday. I celebrated with some friends and this morning I had a hot chocolate with my friend Elisabeth and her 3-year old Cairn Terrier Scott.

Thank you both for your hugs and for your continued support.

"Mercredi était l'occasion de mon 48e anniversaire. J'ai célébré avec quelques amis et ce matin, j'ai pris un chocolat chaud avec mon amie Elisabeth et son Cairn Terrier de 3 ans, Scott.

Merci à vous deux pour vos câlins et pour votre soutien constant."


Merci de votre attention et contribution de cette projet.

J'ai arrivé à €465,00/€3 500,00



Today marks the 11th anniversary of my arrival to Paris.

This journey as an expat, immigrant, migrant, dissident, asylum seeker (haha) hasn't been without its challenges.

It's funny because people told me "You should 'try' Europe." suggesting that my visibility and success as an artist would increase. That is the case, in some ways. But here is the thing:

1. I didn't come to Paris to further pursue a career as a jazz musician. Paris, on an $83.30 round-trip flight was meant to be a vacation, not a permanent or long-term stay.

I came here for what was to be a 2-3 week respite from NYC. I had been working in NYC, independently, as a housekeeper and furniture mover and working various retail jobs to eat and to have and maintain whatever passed, at the time, as a place to stay.

As it stands today, I am not pursuing a career as a jazz musician. I tell you all this everyday and you don't get it. I have been surgical in my explanation of this.

2. The Jazz Police, as many refer to it, is alive and well in Paris. It doesn't matter how good you can sing, how many followers you have, how creative your ideas are, and blah blah If they aren't interested, forget it.

I have worked my butt off for crumbs. And people think you are supposed to be grateful for crumbs and be satisfied and humble. That is how it is no matter what region of the world you live in.

I am not having it and perhaps, my opportunities decreased and my reputation for being arrogant and difficult has increased. But I know what I want and refuse to take no for an answer and I demand to be respected.

3. Being in a place where all I really can do is be creative, pulled so much out of myself, beyond a natural singing talent. I am inspired by what's possible.

I started doing stand-up in Paris at 40 years old. Managed to engage young people with jazz. Began developing ideas for a streetwear brand and sold several items. Flew to Italy and made and released an album on a label. Played a few festivals. Appeared on TV and radio in France. And began building my own platform.

4. It doesn't have to be perfect. It has to be manageable. If you want a change, then take the first step.

I do love Paris and I am grateful for my time here. I haven't even scratched the surface yet.

But I do want to take the time to thank everyone who has been supportive and helpful, here and abroad. Stay tuned.


Thank you for watching and enjoying this video. Please do not forget to SHARE or REPOST .media JazzduMétro Media content

Merci d'avoir regardé et apprécié cette vidéo. N'oubliez pas de PARTAGER ou de REPOSTER .media les contenus de JazzduMétro Media et pour avoir contribué à développer cette marque.

"Métro Equals People" et pour avoir contribué à développer cette marque.

Média (singulier : médium) sont des outils ou des canaux utilisés pour stocker et diffuser des informations ou du conten...

Média (singulier : médium) sont des outils ou des canaux utilisés pour stocker et diffuser des informations ou du contenu. Le terme fait généralement référence aux éléments de l'industrie des médias de masse, notamment la presse écrite, les actualités, la photographie, le cinéma, la radiodiffusion et les médias numériques. Ces moyens jouent un rôle clé dans la communication et la publicité.

Quand j'ai créé JazzduMétro Media en 2017, je souhaitais publier du contenu audiovisuel pertinent pour la musique jazz et pour mon expérience en tant que musicien de jazz.

Entre 1999 et 2007, j'ai été bénévole dans deux stations de radio publiques à Baltimore et, depuis, j'ai eu la vision de posséder et de gérer une structure de production et de médias.

(Exemples de sociétés de médias : Okayplayer, Konbini, Vice, Topito, Pubity, Pitchfork, Les InRocks, etc.)

Au cours des 7 dernières années, l'objectif s'est élargi pour inclure la défense des causes suivantes :

la communauté anglophone de comédie dans laquelle je participe (je suis À LA FOIS humoriste stand-up à Paris et musicien accompli)

la pratique des spectacles de rue (ou le busking)

la sécurité publique dans le métro parisien (c'est-à-dire la lutte contre les pickpockets)

J'ai créé une série intitulée "Métro Equals People" qui met en avant les passagers du métro parisien dans de courtes vidéos, comprenant des interviews et des segments où ils interprètent une chanson avec moi, montrent leurs talents ou partagent leurs histoires personnelles. L'action ne se limite pas au métro. Il y a également des visites dans des commerces locaux et des événements.

PupduMétro, exclusivement sur Instagram, concentre sur du contenu lié aux chiens.

JazzduMétro n'est PAS, comme je l'ai insisté pendant près d'une décennie, une performance de jazz par moi ou un autre artiste ou groupe d'artistes dans le métro parisien. Il a été créé comme une extension de mon engagement avec les passagers que je rencontre dans le métro parisien lorsque j'y joue réellement.

Je ne chante ni ne joue exclusivement dans le métro parisien, mes apparitions y servent seulement à saluer les gens et à inviter à une performance live dans un club de jazz ou un autre lieu de spectacle. Il y a ceux qui assistent pour la première fois à un événement de jazz ou de comédie à mon invitation.

Ce qui est souvent négligé, c'est la corrélation entre mes apparitions dans le métro parisien et le nombre de places occupées dans les espaces de jazz et de comédie de la ville.

L'accueil du public et les résultats de cet engagement sont ce qui a inspiré la marque JazzduMétro et son initiative médiatique. Ainsi, j'ai voulu développer un dialogue continu avec le public en tant qu'artiste local.

Réseaux sociaux :

>Instagram : 10 500+

>PupduMétro sur Instagram : 1 014

>TikTok : 488

>YouTube : 1 110 abonnés

>Facebook : 1 300+ mentions "j'aime" ; 1 200 abonnés

Une partie malheureuse de mon expérience en tant que musicien dans le métro parisien a été d'avoir été témoin de l'activité des pickpockets. Je ne "pourchasse" pas les pickpockets. J'ai :

•confronté ces individus verbalement et physiquement (je me suis cassé un doigt lors d'une altercation et j'ai reçu trois agrafes sur la tête après avoir été agressé avec une boucle de ceinture)

•intervenu dans de nombreuses tentatives de vol

•discuté avec la police locale et les agents de la RATP

•distribué une lettre ouverte aux passagers du métro, écrite en français et en anglais

•présenté du matériel de stand-up sur mes expériences en tant qu'artiste de métro

•publié un contenu sur les pickpockets dans le métro parisien qui a obtenu 3,7 millions de vues sur Instagram et qui m'a valu une invitation sur la chaîne de télévision française M6 pour raconter mon histoire

•réalisé une annonce de 16 secondes pour rappeler aux passagers de rester vigilants dans le métro parisien

•composé et interprété une chanson intitulée "Public Safety Message (The Pickpockets Song)", que je joue quotidiennement pour sensibiliser les passagers au danger des pickpockets. J'ai publié des vidéos dans ma série "Métro Equals People", où l'on me voit interpréter cette chanson accompagné d'une bande sonore devant des voyageurs.

Je lance cette campagne pour récolter des fonds afin de produire un nouvel enregistrement de "Public Safety Message (The Pickpockets Song)" avec un groupe en studio. Les fonds serviraient également à employer des étudiants de l'école audiovisuelle ESRA (École Supérieure de Réalisation Audiovisuelle) pour réaliser une courte vidéo sur la composition de cette chanson et pour informer davantage le public sur ce fléau.

La sortie de cette chanson va au-delà d'une performance de jazz ou d'une chanson populaire et pourrait toucher l'industrie du tourisme, car Paris est la première destination touristique mondiale. Cela pourrait également aider à obtenir des sponsors pour les initiatives plus larges de JazzduMétro Media, qui incluent, encore une fois, la promotion des aspects culturels de ma communauté d'adoption.

L'argent collecté servirait à financer les salaires des musiciens, les coûts d'enregistrement et de mixage, le design graphique et la photographie, ainsi que la création de supports promotionnels.

Media(singular: medium) are tools or outlets used to store an… Marvin Parks needs your support for Chasing dreams and fighting crooks w media, humor and music

I am fundraising for a new recording. Details inside: Je collecte des fonds pour un nouvel enregistrement. Détails à l'i...

I am fundraising for a new recording. Details inside:

Je collecte des fonds pour un nouvel enregistrement. Détails à l'intérieur :

C'est publié en anglais. Je mets à disposition une traduction en français.

Media(singular: medium) are tools or outlets used to store and … Marvin Parks needs your support for Chasing dreams and fighting bad guys with humor and music

  "Métro Equals People"

"Métro Equals People"

My buddy Elias was graduating from The Victor Hugo School in 2019 and invited me to his high school graduation because h...

My buddy Elias was graduating from The Victor Hugo School in 2019 and invited me to his high school graduation because his father couldn't make it. This is a photo of me and Elias' mom after the graduation ceremony.

This is us, this afternoon, more than five years later at La Motte-Picquet Grenelle métro station, where he and I first met. Elias is currently living in London where he started studying law, but decided to play music full-time and teaches guitar and bass.

Kids are an important part of my experience as a musician in the Paris underground. And it is amazing to watch them grow up.

"Métro Equals People" like Elias

Nat King Cole was an enormously popular entertainer, earning $4,500 a week in Las Vegas in 1956. He headlined at the whi...

Nat King Cole was an enormously popular entertainer, earning $4,500 a week in Las Vegas in 1956. He headlined at the whites-only Thunderbird Hotel, where he wasn't allowed to venture beyond the showroom and the cook's resting area behind the kitchen. Cole's road manager was given a room in the hotel because he was white, but the high-paid feature attraction had to find other accommodations. He regularly stayed in a rooming house on the West Side.

Frank Sinatra was a great fan of Cole's. While performing at the Sands, Sinatra noticed that Cole almost always ate his dinner alone in his dressing room. Sinatra asked his valet, a Black man named George, to find out why. George explained the facts to Frank. "Coloreds aren't allowed in the dining room at the Sands."
Sinatra was enraged. He told the maitre d' and the waitresses that if it ever happened again, he'd see that everyone was fired.

The next night, Sinatra invited Cole to dinner, making his guest the first Black man to sit down and eat in the Garden Room at the Sands.


La Motte-Picquet Grenelle


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The JazzduMétro™ Story

JazzduMétro™ is the personal brand of Paris-based American jazz singer and comedian Marvin Parks created in 2017. The brand was inspired by his engagement with commuters as a participant of the RATP Musiciens du Métro program. Métro=People.

JazzduMétro™ is not an actual organization or group and is not RATP Musiciens du Métro nor is it an agency of or in direct affiliation of RATP. RATP Musiciens du Métro was founded in 1997 as a collaboration between Métro Espace Accords and RATP and is currently made up of 300+ amateur and professional musicians who participate on an audition basis. JazzduMétro™ was created by Marvin Parks as a means to promote his artistic interests, which include Jazz music, comedy, media and design. Marvin Parks, himself, has been a participant in RATP Musiciens du Métro since October, 2016.

The JazzduMétro™ logo was designed by Marvin Parks and references specific points of jazz history. "Jazz" was created by black American musicians and introduced to Europe in 1918. "duMétro"(which is obviously French) speaks to Parks' personal story of being a jazz musician in the Paris subway. It is always spelled >>JazzduMétro

It is mistakenly believed often that he "started out" or had been "discovered" singing in the métro parisien. However, Parks' beginnings as a jazz performer began in 1992 in his hometown of Baltimore, Maryland after winning a Gold Medal in NAACP ACT-SO Competition with his performance of the Nat 'King' Cole classic "Nature Boy", and notably as well, becoming the only male singer to be named a finalist three times in Baltimore's Billie Holiday Vocal Competition[2001*2nd place; 2002; 2006*3rd place]. He has also performed with The Morgan State University Choir and is an alum of Betty Carter's Jazz Ahead Residency Program at Washington DC’s The Kennedy Center[2002]. Parks was using his presence in the Paris métro as means to engage with the métro’s daily commuters as way to build an audience for his recurring show “Marvin Parks: American Jazz Singer”. The show ran from 2015 to 2017 at Cave du 38 Riv. When Parks saw people from the métro in his audiences, he decided to create a brand that would represent a similar engagement between the jazz and comedy scenes and the public and that would lead them to attend jazz and comedy performances in the city of Paris. The idea is to brand himself was also inspired by New York City's iconic street performer, The Naked Cowboy.