"BIOrganicLifestyle.EU" is a project proposed by the most representative and important organic agri-food trade organizations established in Italy and the Netherlands; it aims to increase and strengthen the consideration of the European organic agriculture in three internal markets (Germany, Italy, France), highlighting the specific features of organic agricultural production methods in the EU.
The target markets show a great commercial potential (both in terms of volume and value), especially based on the growing interest on organic products such as extra virgin olive oil, wine, cereals, fruit and vegetables, etc. France, Germany, and Italy represent a challenge in the organic food products demand t: the goal will be to get in close contact with consumers in these countries to increase the perceived value of products proud to exhibit the European organic logo ensuring an image of European excellence together with tradition and national cultural heritage.
The cooperation between “European Organic Partners” and “BioNext” greatly contributes to increase the Union’s added value and to highlight the diversity of the Union’s agricultural products. European Organic Partners and BioNext share the same thought about the European organic production and the desire to emphasize its standards through a common strategy. They also participate in the same European and International associations as IGOP and IFOAM-EU. The proposal aims is to highlight specific features of organic European agricultural production methods, particularly in terms of respect to the environment, sustainability and nutritional aspects (including proper dietary practices as well as food safety, traceability, authenticity, origin and labelling) and the characteristics of organic products, particularly in terms of quality, taste, biodiversity, human-labour and traditions.
Activities will propose an “organic” and unique message addressed to different target groups (consumers, trade, and influencers) to ensure detailed and clear information about organic foods and its positive effects on consumers’ lifestyles and diet. During the three years, the program will promote a wide set of organic products through the development of direct-contact activities defined based on target groups’ needs and proposal goals. “Think organic” has to be the new European consumers’ life-style.
Organic food is increasingly becoming a crucial matter in Europe. Consumers are now more concerned about their nutrition habits (e.g. where food comes from and how it has been processed) and they find a clear answer in organic foods and beverages.
As a result, the organic market in Europe is growing faster than any other in the food and beverage industry, and this positive trend will continue in the next year too. The organic products on the spot will be obviously certified as organic, in compliance with the European Organic Regulation and its Union Quality Scheme.
It is very important to enhance the awareness among trade operators and consumers about the European organic Logo and to guide consumers in making conscious choices, helping them recognize between organic certified products and others with a fancy label only, such as “bio-friendly”, “natural”, “from nature”, “green”, “sustainable”, "eco-friendly”.
The activity also aims to increase awareness of the European logo and its values (both in France and in Germany consumers recognize the national brands AB and BioSiegel respectively, which is to the detriment of foreign operators).
BIOLS.UE is perfectly coherent with the EU Regulation as well as the contents included in the Committee for organic farming’s website: www.organic-farming.europa.eu.
The decision to share the project has the strategic aim of activating a collaboration among organizations and companies from different countries, sharing initiatives and promoting mutual understanding.
Following a brief description of proponent organizations.
European Organic Partners S.C.R.L. (Italy)
European Organic Partners is a new Organic consortium aimed to «Promote and inform the consumer about organic agriculture». It is representative of Italian organic market based on the fact that, the share of Italian market of the members of one of its founder, AssoBio, was over 50%.
In order to become a member of EOP a company has to perform one or more activities in the field of research, training, promotion, production, processing, distribution, consumption, consumerism and services in the organic agri-food sector.
BioNext (The Netherlands)
Bionext is the Dutch organization of the organic supply chain, established and based in the Netherlands. Bionext acts on behalf of the whole Dutch organic sector. Bionext acts as a spokesperson for organic businesses and is the contact for all parties with an interest in organic food and farming (civil society, government, politics, media, and consumers).
Bionext is a non-profit organization, and has three members: BioHuis (organic farmers), BioNederland (organic traders and processors) and Biowinkelvereniging (organic specialized shops), which have a market share over 70%.
Bionext and its members have strong relations with the other organic organizations in Europe. A representative of Bionext is a member of the board of IFOAM EU. Biohuis is represented in IFOAM Farmers Group and Copa Cogeca. BioNederland is represented in the Opta-EU (Organic Processing & Trade Association).
Project activity
The promotion and information activities of organic production methods and products on n. 3 target countries (Italy, Germany, France) - subject of Grant Agreement No. 825786 signed with CHAFEA - are addressed to different target groups with specific objectives (consumers, retailers, Ho.re.ca and journalists) and will be developed in three years (2019-2021). It is a strategic goal for proposing organizations to define and disseminate a homogeneous European vision of the advantages of organic products. The main strategies will be, first of all, to inform consumers by supporting them in making responsible decisions in the search for organic food and secondly to train the stakeholders in the supply chain to promote and inform consumers in the most precise and effective way possible also involving journalists and bloggers as strategic influencers in media activities.
For the development of direct activities (trade exhibitions, POS promotions, incoming, workshops, seminars, press events, ADV, etc.) the total budget of € 8,019,255.35 was approved, with a contribution of € 6.415. 402.28, equal to 80% of the value of the admitted expense.