FOLLIA @folliafilm, Karlsruhe Kinemathek @kinemathek
Samstag 9 November, 21h.
Deutsche 🇩🇪 Première ❤️
Imminent take-off for flight ✈️ Breda-Catania, 🇳🇱with company @filmhuisbreda
Please put your seat belts. Turbulences expected on the road.
2 flights :
Saturday August 24th, 20h. WAANZIN / FOLLIA @folliafilm Screening + Q&A with director Charles @charlesguerinsurville + live jazz concert with the great pianist Omar Soliman @omarcasol_ and the Portughese singer Ema Lucas @emalucas.artiste and the American jazz bassist Rocco Stilphen🔊🎷🎺
Sunday, August 25th, 11h. @folliafilm + lunch. 💃🍷🍕
Thank you to Jacky Terrasson @jacky_terrasson to have signed the fabulous music and to Roberto Stimoli @bobbaobab74 for his superbe Sicilian music
FOLLIA @folliafilm at @kinomeer
Albanian Première 🇦🇱🇮🇹🇫🇷🙏❤️
Sun, wind, Moon
#romances #frenchcinema #albaniancinema #italiancinema
Τρέλα (FOLLIA) @folliafilm bientôt en Grèce ! 🇬🇷🏛️🏺🥙
FOLLIA @folliafilm / çmenduri
Premiere soon in Albania !!!! 🇦🇱 🇮🇹 🇫🇷
Dans un fabuleux cinéma sur la plage @kinomeer à Durres @durresalbania_
7 pays !!! ✈️🚘💃
@octel.films @elllymotion
FOLLIA (Waanzin) @folliafilm
Avant Première à Breda, aux Pays-Bas
24 et 25 août 🇳🇱🍾🚘
Au cinéma Filmhuis @filmhuisbreda
Attachez vos ceintures !! Embarquez pour Catane !! 🌋🇮🇹
Bientôt en Pologne !🇵🇱✈️
Follia @folliafilm at Babylon @babylonberlin
German Premières 🇩🇪
The German-Sicilian trip goes on !
CINÉ-PSY-THEATER: Monday July 1, 8pm, followed by a Q&A with psychologists Karla Bernat @psychologue_expats and Camille Le Sant from Berlin’s Centre Pensées @centre_pensees
The « Enttäusche Mich Together » association @enttaeusche_mich will act during the screening, mixing fiction and reality, cinema and theater, in the footsteps of Pirandello.
Follia @folliafilm, un film-puzzle.🧩
Festival des Avant-Premières du cinéma français
Avec Danil Vorobyov @dania.vorobyov interprète de Cyclope, alias God Eyes. 🌋🥂❤️🛵
#tolstoi #karocinema #cinemaindependente #institutfrancais