
uberraum Fashion and luxury film production agency

Our vintage digital vertical rig. This emulates the filming style of the 60’s by not only getting a very similar film lo...

Our vintage digital vertical rig. This emulates the filming style of the 60’s by not only getting a very similar film look, but also the handling of the camera and form factor are quite similar which makes the movement and shakes quite similar to films that were filmed in the sixties. Previous and next posts are examples of the results.
Photos by the most talented:
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Part of the magical trip to Indonesia following Artist Elina El Daher. We visited two temples which were only reachable by motorcycle. One in a mangrove fore...

Introducing our Vintage Digital Vertical Rig.

Introducing our Vintage Digital Vertical Rig.

Part of the magical trip to Indonesia following Artist Elina El Daher. We visited two temples which were only reachable by motorcycle. One in a mangrove fore...

Another view showing the video installation in Karrinyup with 3d animation as content. Video installation created with  ...

Another view showing the video installation in Karrinyup with 3d animation as content. Video installation created with

Video installation we created with  for Face 2 Face Orthodontists in  Karrinyup, Western Australia. It has a 5min loop o...

Video installation we created with for Face 2 Face Orthodontists in Karrinyup, Western Australia. It has a 5min loop on the theme of water and allows for custom content to be displayed. DM us for more information.


For the Haute Couture presentation of Jenny Hytönen for AZfactory we created a life size scanner to create slowly developed photo loops. Jennys concept was about time loops, how ideas about the future from the past influences our ideas in the present. The scanner would scan models, if they did not move the resulting scan would look like a regular photo. If they did move the movement would distort the image in time, thereby creating our own small time loops.
A big thanks to AZfactory and Mauro Grimaldi for entrusting us with this project.
Concept & Development: Kai V. Ahlefeld & Maria Spahn
Camera: Renaud Drovin
AV Partner: Nicolas Manichon Fosphor


We offer art direction for all kinds of presentations.
This reel showcases some examples of our work from the last two years.

Music by: 21Kyro https://lnkd.in/g8j3Kb3x

Today is the beginning of the future of food. Uberraum in collaboration with Anywhere launched the website for The Culti...

Today is the beginning of the future of food. Uberraum in collaboration with Anywhere launched the website for The Cultivated B : https://www.thecultivatedb.com

One of the most interesting companies we ever worked for. They are researching the future of foods.


Yesterdays Night Swim Influencer Event for H&M In Berlin. H&M will hold public night swims the next two days, but as far as I know they are all booked out already.
Set Design: uberraum
Art direction: Kai v. Ahlefeld and Maria Spahn
A huge thanks to the production team of K2 for putting their trust in us to realise this amazing installation.
Special thanks to the teams of Untitled Project and Studio Babelsberg .


Yesterdays Night Swim Influencer Event for H&M In Berlin. H&M will hold public night swims the next two days, but as far as I know they are all booked out already.

Set Design: uberraum
Art direction: Kai v. Ahlefeld and Maria Spahn
A huge thanks to the production team of K2 for putting their trust in us to realise this amazing installation.
Special thanks to the teams of Untitled Project and Studio Babelsberg.


Come and see our latest installation! The Reversed pool installation for H&M In Berlin, Auguststr. 11. Due to the generosity of H&M this installation will be open to the public free of charge from 9am to 10PM every day from today until Monday. So if you are in Berlin, stop by and check it out. it is well worth it.
Art direction, 3d animation and sound design: Kai v. Ahlefeld and Maria Spahn
A huge thanks to the production team of K2 for putting their trust in us to realise this amazing installation.
Special thanks to the teams of Untitled Project and Satis&fy .


Making Off! Reversed pool installation for H&M In Berlin, Auguststr. 11. Due to the generosity of H&M this installation will be open to the public free of charge from 9am to 10PM every day from today until Monday. So if you are in Berlin, stop by and check it out. it is well worth it.
Art direction, 3d animation and sound design: Kai v. Ahlefeld and Maria Spahn
A huge thanks to the production team of K2 for putting their trust in us to realise this amazing installation.
Special thanks to the teams of Untitled Project and Satis&fy .


Jump into the pool with us! Reversed pool installation for H&M In Berlin, Auguststr. 11. Due to the generosity of H&M this installation will be open to the public free of charge from 9am to 10PM every day from today until Monday. So if you are in Berlin, stop by and check it out. it is well worth it.
Art direction, 3d animation and sound design: Kai v. Ahlefeld and Maria Spahn
A huge thanks to the production team of K2 for putting their trust in us to realise this amazing installation.
Special thanks to the teams of Untitled Project and Satis&fy .


We are proud to have been part of this amazing new website for Penhaligon's . Artysium , who created this virtual world powered for entertainment, social engagement and virtual economies, asked uberraum for the Art Direction for this 3d fantasy environment. The visual creations were assured by our long time proven team of Maria Spahn and Kai V. Ahlefeld . It was great fun and widened our horizon to work on a 3d based web interface. Have a look for yourself and let us know what you think:

Luxury, as it could be.So pleased to have been asked with Maria Spahn to contribute to @180 Amsterdam's new report focus...

Luxury, as it could be.

So pleased to have been asked with Maria Spahn to contribute to @180 Amsterdam's new report focused on luxury, as it could be. The report gathered a range of fresh perspectives from experts around the world, from Paris to Vietnam, Australia and the UK to take a closer look at the influence premium and luxury brands are having in culture.

Download the report here to see what the world of luxury looks like within the shifting retail landscape.


180 LUXE. Today, in the premium luxury industry, traditional brand building models are breaking as cultural relevance, innovation and speed to lead take more prominence.

Zoom session at  avenue de la Grande Armée Paris 17Thanks again for this amazing collaboration

Zoom session at avenue de la Grande Armée Paris 17
Thanks again for this amazing collaboration


24 Rue Camille Desmoulins




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