The Barefoot Horse Magazine

The Barefoot Horse Magazine International Quarterly Barefoot Horse Magazine. Print & Online We are a quarterly magazine for owners with barefoot horses.

As barefoot horse owners ourselves we felt marginalised by other main stream horse mags which often contained information/ads that were irrelevant to us and so we decided to set about bringing you your own mag and The Barefoot Horse Magazine was born!

PPT unbalances the foot, ultimately causing pain. Learn so you can stop this.Join now: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Heal...

PPT unbalances the foot, ultimately causing pain.

Learn so you can stop this.

Join now: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

The BHM Team ❤️

Are your horse’s hooves being trimmed by trends and opinions?

Two X-rays illustrating the core problem with modern hoof care: subjective, personal preference trimming (PPT).

These hooves weren’t suffering from laminitis or a horse with poor conformation.

No, these hooves were damaged by persistently ignorant hoof care practices that ultimately resulted in sore, crooked horses because their P3s (coffin bones) were totally unbalanced.

• Too much toe, not enough heel.
• Too much heel, not enough toe.

Who caused it? Ignorant humans.

Why? Inadequate education.

What do they follow? Personal preference, rather than the constants dictated by the horse’s anatomy.

This is the result. Poor lame suffering horses. And sadly, this problem is everywhere - worldwide.

👉 Make sure this isn’t your horse.

Educate yourself on natural hoof parameters and what true balance really means - and stop your ‘professional’ doing this!

Learn to follow the horse’s needs - not trends or opinions.


p.s. learn to read your horse’s hooves and recognise the devastating effects of PPT - join The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

NPAs should never happen. Imbalanced hoofcare is always the cause.The BHM Team ❤️

NPAs should never happen. Imbalanced hoofcare is always the cause.

The BHM Team ❤️

If your horse has an NPA, the hoofcare isn't truly balanced.

No excuse. No blaming the horse because he or she just hasn't got 'good feet'. No wedges or shoes needed to correct it.

This Thoroughbred was suffering from imbalanced hoof care, resulting in a too-positive P3 angle in his front feet and negative P3 angles (NPA) in his hinds.

The effect on his posture was clear: he stood camped under both in front and behind - a telltale sign of discomfort and imbalanced hooves.

Sadly, this scenario is extremely common - we see it everywhere. We are forever correcting NPAs in hind feet and rotated P3s in fronts (that is the usual way round but it can reverse - or any combo tbh).

Why? Because the person trimming or shoeing the hooves fails to balance the feet correctly.

The root cause? PPT - Personal Preference Trimming.

If you don’t follow the horse’s natural parameters - Mother Nature’s true constants - then you’re guessing. You simply cannot balance correctly.

The majority of hoofcare pros rely on the hoof-pastern axis (HPA) as a guide, but this isn’t a constant when hoof care is dictated by PPT. And let's face it, most hoofcare is riddled with PPT.

The result? Misaligned feet and a host of avoidable issues for the horse.

The fix is simple: here we removed the shoes and balanced correctly.

In just two trims, his balance was restored, and often we can achieve this in a single trim.

The worst part? Most owners have no way of knowing whether their horse’s feet are balanced or not.

So if you’re told your horse has an NPA in the hinds or rotated P3s in the fronts, the problem isn't you or your diet or management, or the horse, the problem is with the trim - it is wrong, and the balance is off.

Balance isn’t subjective - it’s precise and essential for your horse’s health and comfort. Your horse is trying to show you his or her correct balance right there from the bottom of the foot.

If you ignore what the horse is showing you - you will fail to balance correctly.

Don't settle for anything less than correct hoof care and correct balance.


p.s. learn more by joining our free rehab group - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

Something we've banged on about for years. All horses need hay 24/7. Not now and again.Find out more here: The Phoenix W...

Something we've banged on about for years. All horses need hay 24/7. Not now and again.

Find out more here: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

The BHM Team ❤️

Feed Hay All Day! If you don't, your horse will suffer without it.

Driving around, what do we see? Horses standing in fields with NO HAY. It’s winter here, and horses need fibre to maintain their health and generate warmth.

But let’s be honest - this isn’t just a winter issue is it?

Even in summer, many horses are left to graze on little more than short stressed grass, leading to spikes in sugar levels, lacking the consistent, safe energy and digestive benefits that fibre from hay provides.

We're talking hay - REAL HAY - not fibre out of a bag in one or two feeds per day!

Why does the equine world do this? Why is there such resistance, especially at livery yards, to feeding hay in fields? Are pristine paddocks really worth the gut issues, ulcers, depression, and overall suffering this causes horses?

Horses need hay ALL DAY - 24/7!

- Not grass instead of hay.
- Not bagged feeds loaded with harmful additives and inappropriate feedstuffs.
- Not piles of supplements to try to counteract the damage caused by excessive grass and insufficient fibre.

The pathological consequences are always costly: scoping for ulcers, endless gut issues, colic, and - tragically - horses enduring unnecessary pain throughout their bodies because many owners simply don’t understand the distress caused by lack of natural fibre in hay.

Horses need to live as naturally as possible:

- They need to go out.
- They need to socialise with their own kind.
- And they need access to hay at all times.

If you can’t provide these basic necessities, the unfortunate truth is that your horse will suffer. If your livery yard says no to hay in the fields - MOVE.


p.s. find out more about feeding your horse's gut in a species appropriate way and why HAY should be the cornerstone of your horse's diet - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

Another common error in trimming. These great caverns down the sides of the hoof, which can go on to cause cracking, usu...

Another common error in trimming. These great caverns down the sides of the hoof, which can go on to cause cracking, usually at the toe quarter. Do you know what causes them?

The BHM Team ❤️

A common issue caused by a common trimming mistake.

Do you recognise what’s happening here and why the hoof looks like this? This is a very common problem that huge populations of horses face.

Notice this is occurring on the lateral edge of each foot?

Over time, this persistent deformation of the wall and sole has led to changes in the distal lateral edges of P3, particularly the LF causing it to deform and lose bone (osteonecrosis).

This is a direct result of constant pressure on the soft vascular tissues around the bone starving it of nutrition with persistent low grade infection.... resulting in off and on lameness.

The same thing happens when P3 is placed in a hyper-positive position (rotated) and the tip is under constant stress.

Incidentally, this is the same trimming error which causes seedy toe and white line disease.

We know the reasons behind this very common problem and, more importantly, how to prevent it. The question is, do you? (We can't bring bone back though, those miracles we don't perform).


p.s. you want to learn about hoof problems and how to fix them, join our free rehab group - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

Bars, bars, bars - so misunderstood!Learn more in HM's free rehab group: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof HealthThe BHM Team...

Bars, bars, bars - so misunderstood!

Learn more in HM's free rehab group: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

The BHM Team ❤️

Bars: Yet Another Misunderstood Element of Hoof Care

Bars have been universally misunderstood worldwide for decades.

Should we leave them? Are they for grip? If they "pop up in-between trims” should we avoid touching them?

The reality is simpler and more logical: neglecting proper bar maintenance can have serious consequences for your horse's comfort and health.

Here’s why understanding bars matters:

- Pressure Points: Overgrown bars can create pressure in the middle of the foot, an area naturally designed to be hollow. Less natural concavity in the foot means these bars exert even more pressure at every step.

- Fast Growth Between Trims: This can happen for a few reasons:�

1️⃣ Bars weren’t trimmed flush to the hard sole plane (HSP)
2️⃣ Exfoliating sole gives the illusion of faster bar growth
3️⃣ Lack of varied terrain to naturally wear bars down

In this image, we see a true bar alongside a mass of accreted bar material - what we call a mono-bar. As this mono-bar develops, it wraps around the apex of the frog. Is this natural? No.


- Hidden Sole: Underneath the accreted bar material lies sole, hidden by excess material that shouldn't be there.

- Infections: Dirt buildup under overgrown bars easily leads to infection. Those little black spots under the bar? They’re like icebergs - tiny on the surface, but deeper and wider underneath. Bars left untrimmed increases these infections and are the most common cause of painful abscesses.

The Hard Ground Dilemma - Foot soreness on hard ground isn’t usually about the sole. It’s often due to:

- Poor frog condition
- Overgrown, infected bars
- Improper P3 alignment
- Toes trimmed too short, leaving the horse walking on their sole

Your trimmer might tell you it’s your fault that your horse is footsore - but the majority of the time, it’s theirs not yours.

The solution? Learn hoof care. Proper bar maintenance is a game-changer for your horse’s hoof health and overall soundness.


p.s. Have questions about bars? Join our free hoof rehab group - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

If you normalize it, you’re part of the problem. The BHM Team 😢

If you normalize it, you’re part of the problem.

The BHM Team 😢

Every Destroyed P3 Started With Toe Chopping

Why the uptick in P3 osteonecrosis - BONE DEATH? Every horse we’ve seen with a destroyed P3 had a history of toe chopping.

Every. Single. One.

If you toe chop - you are abusing that equine, and heading towards irreparable damage.

Hacking off the toe wall forces horses to walk on their soles, increasing unnatural pressure towards the tip of P3… leading to bone death, P3 degeneration, and irreversible damage.

And yet, you justify it with outdated excuses like “bringing back the breakover” and “removal of lever forces.”

This isn’t care - it’s cruelty. You’ve just normalized it.

If you can’t see the connection, you’re not looking hard enough. Horses deserve better. Stop the abuse. Save P3.


p.s. want to see countless X-rays of P3 osteonecrosis caused by toe chopping? Join our free rehab group: The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health


This group has only been going just under one year. Has 10.5K members and is now producing some fantastic rehab stories - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health 👏

Check it out! The BHM Team ❤️


P3 rotation is caused by incorrect hoof care.

Find out more The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

The BHM Team ❤️



The BHM Team ❤️

WHAT IF... We've Been Viewing FOUNDER Completely Wrong?

For decades, the narrative around founder has been this: the lamellar attachment fails, P3 rotates and sinks, and the DDFT aids and abets the process. That was called the SADP (Suspensory Apparatus of the Distal Phalanx) theory.

This is what researchers told vets, and what vets told farriers - and it’s shaped how the world views founder.

But let’s hit pause for a moment. What if this entire perspective is wrong?

What if... the researchers, who had no understanding of a balanced natural foot and couldn’t read a hoof capsule to tell if it had been manipulated or not, got it wrong from the start?

Then those researchers passed their flawed theories onto vets, who also couldn’t read or trim a capsule to natural parameters.

The vets, in turn, passed this misinformation onto farriers, who were then guided to perform trims based on completely incorrect principles.

And the result? The wrong trim. Over and over again. Horses suffering unnecessarily. But everyone blaming it on systemic laminitis?

Take a look at this x-ray. Now ask yourself:

👉 Has P3 really “gone walkabout”? Did it rotate and sink into oblivion, dragging the rest of the leg, shoulder, and body with it?


👉 Has the hoof capsule been manipulated by poor trimming and care?

Think about it - really look at the x-ray, the dorsal hoof wall, the heels...
.. P3 hasn’t gone anywhere. It’s still in its rightful place within the skeletal system, suspended by the leg and connected to the rest of the body.

What’s actually happening is that the hoof capsule is being distorted and trimmed out of alignment, the dorsal wall shortened, the sole thinned...
.. for instance in this x-ray, because of incorrect hoof care, this horse has lost a ⅓ of P3 AND a ⅓ of the hoof capsule.

Look again.

NOW do you see it? 👀

Don’t take our word for it - go look at more x-rays. As many as you can.


p.s. if your horse has been diagnosed with founder or P3 rotation, then you better join the one group on the internet that is changing the face of the equine world - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health


Trimming to the HSP!

The BHM Team ❤️

It's high time fake news was seen for what it really is - and why millions of horses still lose their lives because of i...

It's high time fake news was seen for what it really is - and why millions of horses still lose their lives because of it.

If your horse has rotation or pe*******on of P3 (coffin bone) don't believe them when they tell you it was caused by systemic laminitis - it wasn't... it was caused by incorrect hoof care.

Find out more by joining the only group on the internet actually tackling this massive problem - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

Fantastic graphic Hoofing Marvellous 👏

The BHM Team ❤️

When Will the Misinformation Stop? 🤦‍♀️

For decades, the assumption - yes, assumption - that P3 rotates and sinks in the hoof capsule has wreaked havoc in the equine world. Millions of horses have been euthanised because of this completely unproven theory, and many more will continue to suffer as long as this outdated rhetoric persists.

Every day, horses are put down with phrases like:

❌ "There's no hope."
❌ "P3 has torn away from the laminae and sunk, penetrating the sole."

People like Lindsey Field (LF) perpetuate this nonsense, echoing theories like the SADP hypothesis by Pollitt - ideas that have NEVER been proven in the field (or living horses used as lab rats). Meanwhile, horses continue to pay the price.

Let’s Be Clear:

👉 P3 does NOT rotate or sink of its own accord.
👉 The damage is caused by incorrect hoof care.

Look closer at the heels and the hoof capsule of every ‘rotated P3’ you see on x-ray or cadaver - the heels are or have been unnaturally high and many have had their toes removed to keep an inline false HPA.

Pe*******on? Lack of true dorsopalmar hoof balance and continual removal of the toe wall and sole.

It's not laminae failure or gravity or weight of the horse (or outer space) causing catastrophic laminitis - it’s the failure to properly balance the hoof and manage the heels.

Something you wouldn’t know unless you were a hoof capsule expert AND have rehabbed horses with P3 rotation and pe*******on successfully - many times.

Copyright? Oh, It’s ALL HERS.

Let’s make this clear: we are not flouting copyright. We fully attribute all of this nonsense to LF. Every word of it is hers, and frankly, she can have it. We don’t need it. The world doesn’t need it. Equines don’t need it. What we do need is to stop this dangerous misinformation that costs horses their lives.

Let’s Fact Check:

1️⃣ LF claims: "P3 plunges down as its suspensory apparatus fails."
🔍 Reality: No. P3 is still suspended by the leg and joint - it hasn’t “fallen” anywhere. The problem stems from poor hoof care, not systemic collapse. Which we (and others) have proven over and over and over.

2️⃣ LF suggests: "The coronary band changes because of force from above."
🔍 Reality: The dorsal wall growth slows due to hoof imbalances (chopping off and removing toe), pinching the coronary band - not because of some mythical downward force.

3️⃣ LF’s dramatic cadaver experiments: Removing the sole and frog from a hoof and applying force doesn’t replicate a living horse's anatomy or mechanics. Of course you can make it fail - there’s no body or blood flow or living connective tissue to affect any results.

Why This Matters?

This isn’t just about debunking a theory that’s had its strangle hold on the equine world for decades - it’s about saving lives. Horses are dying because of this misinformation. Rehabbers with decades of experience have proven that with proper care:

✅ You can stop rotation and tearing of the laminae (it is after all a heel problem NOT a toe or weight problem)
✅ You can reverse P3 pe*******on
✅ You can restore balance and give horses a second chance (if there is no serious osteonecrosis caused by incorrect imbalanced hoof care)

Questions her followers should be asking LF…

1️⃣ How many horses have you actually successfully rehabbed? Can you provide verifiable cases?

2️⃣ Can we see the data, x-rays, and photos of your work? We would like to hold you to the same high standards everyone holds us to. Transparency is key.

3️⃣ What happened to the pony you were rehabbing that didn’t survive under your care? Full disclosure, please. And while you’re at it, can you also clarify how much it cost you to fly an expert (?) over to provide advice (tenotomy of the DDFT) - which you ignored anyway (at least you got that right)? The cost to pay for said expert’s (?) flights and the vets, that your followers paid for? Accounts please?

4️⃣ What happened to the chestnut horse that the owner took away from you? You told the world it was "over its laminitis and had moved on to continued care." That wasn’t exactly true, was it? Would you like to show the pictures of the trim you left him with? The owner is now in the Phoenix group getting the help she deserved.

5️⃣ Why continue to promote theories you’ve never tested or proven yourself? And why call those who have successfully rehabbed these cases “laymen”?

6️⃣ Why not tell your followers the truth about your attempt to join HM and get into the Phoenix group which we banned you from? You told us you would drop all other professionals you claim to follow if we let you into HM. Do you remember that, Lindsey? Because we do. We have your words.

Your followers deserve to know the truth. If we were them, we’d demand it.

Transparency matters, especially when lives are at stake. Let’s stop the charade and start being honest - for the sake of the horses.

We are constantly hauled over the coals for lack of evidence, even when we put out more evidence than ANYONE else on the internet - get real folks.

The Truth:

It’s time to stop blindly following misinformation and start focusing on what works. Proper hoof care - not outdated theories - saves horses. If you truly want to understand catastrophic laminitis, stop relying on out-of-date textbooks and start learning from those who have spent decades successfully rehabbing horses in the field.

Here’s something that may not surprise you: Lindsey Field to our knowledge has never rehabbed a single horse with P3 pe*******on. We have. Many. And, the evidence is all over the internet for all to see.

We won’t apologise for calling out the fake news that continues to cost horses their lives. If you’re ready to embrace the truth, take a look at the photos, data, and success stories from real-world rehabs. The evidence speaks for itself.

📚 Coming Soon: An 🚀 lesson to debunk this harmful rhetoric once and for all. It’s high time these lessons made a comeback.

📝 And just to be clear: I am Lindsay Setchell - don’t confuse me with the namesake.

And Finally…

When you run back to LF and share what we’ve said, we already know what’s coming. She’ll call us bullies, or laymen, or some other dismissive term to deflect from the truth. Same old story, isn’t it?

Or perhaps she’ll take it a step further, like before, and splash it all over her page with some charming merch - the kind said previous expert (?) oh-so-professionally promoted, labelling us as CTs.** That’s the level of professionalism we’re dealing with, folks.

She’ll dig up as much dirt as she can - we’re ready for it - we will be able to explain every single last little bit of it.

The reasons not to post this - mental health - OURS! Because it will bring on more gas-lighting by some of the professionals not quite telling the truth on the internet.

Should we keep getting distracted by the noise? No. But… the point remains the same: horses are dying because of misinformation.

Who are you going to trust with a living, sentient equine - someone who actively rehabilitates and saves horses in the field, or someone focused on post-mortem studies in a lab? The surgeon or the pathologist, after the fact? Think about it.

We won’t stop speaking the truth, no matter how much merch they print.

Pictures - pictures - pictures - x-rays - x-rays - x-rays - rehabs - rehabs - rehabs - let - us - see - them - Lindsey - Field!

Lindsay (with an 'a') Setchell, HM.

Photo attached for explanation of what is really happening with P3 rotation - copyright HM.

UK Horse Owners 👉 Whatever you do - if you can get time away... don't miss this! It will be the most valuable 3 horsey d...

UK Horse Owners 👉 Whatever you do - if you can get time away... don't miss this! It will be the most valuable 3 horsey days you will ever spend in your life. Unforgettable!

Book here now:

The BHM Team ❤️

The Phoenix Way

Amazing collaboration and learning, driving change from the grassroots level. 👏Becks Nairn - Hoofing Marvellous - Gawswo...

Amazing collaboration and learning, driving change from the grassroots level. 👏

Becks Nairn - Hoofing Marvellous - Gawsworth Track Livery

The BHM Team ❤️

Amazing images ❤️The BHM Team ❤️

Amazing images ❤️

The BHM Team ❤️

Can you spot the difference?The BHM Team 🤔

Can you spot the difference?

The BHM Team 🤔

Can you spot the difference?

These images are taken from a video by research vet, Andrew van Eps, where he says that P3 is rotating and sinking in the capsule because it has lost its connection to the hoof wall.

You can see the separation is increasing and the gas line becoming more prominent.

However, P3 is not sinking and not rotating in the capsule of its own accord.

So, for the eagle-eyed, what is happening here?

If you can’t work it out, here is a video explaining it.


p.s. the world is full of misinformation, join our free rehab group to find out why - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

When were they going to call it quits?Join The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof HealthThe BHM Team 🧐

When were they going to call it quits?

Join The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

The BHM Team 🧐

A recent case: 18 months of 'remedial' composite shoes, X-rays every 4 weeks, and constant toe removal – yet still NO progress!

This pony’s owner was told he had laminitis, rotation and sinking of P3 requiring special remedial farriery.

Over the course of 18 months she spent more than £12,000 – about half to the vet and half to the farrier.

Every 4 weeks shoes were replaced on both front feet, and X-rays were taken. And yet, despite all this intervention, the pony continued to suffer.

At what point was the vet or farrier going to call it quits? It was becoming critical.

Then we stepped in. We removed the shoes, lowered the heels, and explained to the owner that while the toe would take a long time to grow out, it had to be allowed to grow down naturally now.

We balanced the foot, although knowing that without a toe wall the foot lacked a proper balance point.

Our charges?

Just a fraction of what the farrier was billing – 3/25ths of their cost every 4 weeks (not including the vet's fees for X-rays).

The owner had been rinsed.

On our advice, after ditching the shoes, she bought a pair of relatively inexpensive hoof boots and created a small track system.

DIET - MANAGEMENT - BALANCED HOOF CARE (the recipe to success, so why aren't the pros catching on?)

Now, for the first time in ages, this pony has a life again, currently spending half his time out of boots with NOTHING on his feet!

Would you call this ignorance? Daylight robbery? Or plain malfeasance? Whatever label you choose, one thing is clear: this kind of misinformation has got to stop.

The farrier and vet were never going to reverse the rotation of P3 with high heels and constant toe removal - because they thought it was caused by systemic laminitis.

It was PPT that caused this pony's harm: Personal Preference Trimming.

How many other equines lost their lives when the pros called it quits?

Owners are starting to wise up, and they’re getting angry. This owner is STEAMING.


p.s. is this your pony right now? Join our free rehab group and learn how to stop this merry-go-round - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health

We really do need to stop normalising this.  The BHM Team 🫤

We really do need to stop normalising this.

The BHM Team 🫤

Why We Don’t Chop Toes, Why Toe Chopping Should Not Be Normalised or Glorified, and The Real Cost Of Misguided Hoof Care

There’s a persistent belief in the equine world that chopping off toes is a helpful solution for hoof problems. It’s often justified with reasons like “helping the toe wall grow down straight” or making the hoof look more balanced.

However, this practice can cause significant harm, and in light of recent assertions that we might be 'overdoing' our disdain for toe chopping, let us address why it’s not the answer - and why changing these outdated practices is so challenging.

The Problem With Chopping Toes?

When toes are chopped back, it creates instability in the hoof and puts undue pressure on the sole and the tip of P3 (the coffin bone).

This pressure can lead to:

- Compromised P3: Damage due to osteonecrosis (bone death) becomes a serious risk, especially if the toe chopping has been going on for a long time and the heels are allowed to rise.

- Disrupted Growth Patterns: Toe removal slows down the dorsal hoof wall’s growth rate, which is evident in divergent growth rings. These rings are a sign of imbalance and stress within the hoof capsule - and in severe cases can cause 'pinching', ulceration and severe pain at the coronary band.

- Instability and Imbalance: The lack of a proper toe, has no counterbalance to the heels, which perpetuates biomechanical imbalances and delays healing. There is NO natural balance point when the toe wall is removed.

Why the Logic Behind Toe Chopping Is Flawed?

The idea that removing toes helps the wall “grow down straight” is simply incorrect.

The hoof wall grows straight because of better laminae connection, not because the toe is removed.

Lever forces at the toe aren’t the issue, and we've proven that time and time again - it’s the underlying hoof imbalance, often caused by high heels, that needs to be addressed.

Chopping toes may make the hoof look neater in the short term, but it doesn’t solve the underlying problems. Instead, it creates a long-term struggle for the horse to regain stability and proper hoof function.

Why Changing the Equine World Is So Hard?

The equine industry clings firm to outdated practices and resists change. When videos glorifying toe chopping are shared and celebrated, it sends the wrong message and people need to be responsible:

- It Normalises Harmful Practices: People see these methods as acceptable or even beneficial because they’re widely shared.

- It Undermines Education: Efforts to raise awareness about proper hoof care are drowned out by misinformation.

- It Delays Progress: The equine world moves slowly when it comes to adopting evidence-based practices, and glorifying harmful methods sets progress back even further.

The Better Way Forward

Proper hoof care is about respecting the horse’s natural biomechanics and balancing the hoof according to its natural parameters:

- Keep Heels Down: Frequent trims to lower the heels and restore balance are critical.

- Avoid Toe Removal: Focus on creating a better laminae connection rather than artificially altering the hoof’s appearance.

- Stick to Regular Trims with Compromised Hooves: A consistent schedule, typically every 3 weeks with hooves with not toe wall on the ground - this helps maintain balance and stability - don't let the heels rise especially when there is no toe - think of P3!

The road to change is long, but it’s vital.

We need to stop glorifying harmful practices like toe chopping and focus on raising awareness of proper hoof care. The consequences of misguided hoof care are severe, and the responsibility lies with us to do better.

The equine world doesn’t need outdated methods passed off as wonder solutions - it needs education, evidence, and respect for the horse’s natural biomechanics.

Change starts with us. Speak out, question the norm, and refuse to perpetuate practices that do more harm than good.

If you are someone right now who is normalising and glorifying toe chopping - just look at this x-ray and know that this pony suffered in pain for years before life ended for him. His P3 didn't end up like that because of 'laminitis' - it ended up like that because of constant toe removal and heels left high, crippling him for years.

If your horse, pony or donkey is having their toes chopped, then you need to x-ray often to check the state of P3, to check how fast it is deteriorating, and you need to stop your hoof care pro from doing it immediately!

Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution.


p.s. if you see elsewhere on the internet horses 'recovering' with their toes chopped, ask to look at their x-rays, they won't hide the truth. Join our free rehab group - The Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health




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We are a quarterly horse magazine dedicated to owners with barefoot horses. As barefoot horse owners ourselves we felt marginalised by other main stream horse mags which often contained information/ads that were irrelevant to us and so we decided to set about bringing you your own mag and The Barefoot Horse Magazine was born!

The Barefoot Horse Magazine is available online or in print. The online version can be viewed all over the world wherever you have internet and can also be downloaded so you can read each issue offline. The printed mag is a beautiful glossy magazine and is shipped anywhere and everywhere, doesn’t matter where you live if you prefer to read a printed magazine actually in your hands then we can send it to you!

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