
Paravision Paravision Music is a production label based in Marseille.

Paravision Music présente E S P R I TS  N O M A D E S, une soirée de concerts en soutien à la cause palestinienne au tra...

Paravision Music présente E S P R I TS N O M A D E S, une soirée de concerts en soutien à la cause palestinienne au travers de l’association marseillaise Sawt Palestine 🔻🇵🇸 Public averti, public curieux, nomades, venez Tous.tes, venez en nombre, ça va être très chouette + GAZA need$ youuu 🌞

avec ::
* Clovis Carbone x Cheval Chien (alternatif)
* Pedro Milux x Diego Mabrulé (steady bop)
* Tribune De La Plèbe (babycore)

> samedi 25 janvier - 19:00 (ouverture des portes)
M A N i F e S T e N
59 rue Thiers
13001 Marseille
Entrée 5€ conseillé
Restauration palestinienne par Ahmed

affiche par 🤍
(en concert à Marseille bientôt 🎤🎹 stay tuned)


Excited to unship 2024 with the release of the single TODAY, a new piece by Detroit based artist Emily Roll and Marseill...

Excited to unship 2024 with the release of the single TODAY, a new piece by Detroit based artist Emily Roll and Marseille city dog Diego Mabrulé.
The modus operandi used in Today is the same than the one used in their very first collab show ‘Emotional Labor Of Small Talk’ (named after another piece by Emily) which consisted in composing & mixing music with pre-existing spokenword works by Emily. The show was shown in May 2022 in Marseille at La Salette abandoned church for ’13 Vents’, a memorable free party. Symmetrically another group of collaborative pieces between Roll & Mabrulé used the opposite principle, i.e vocal featurings when words are composed and recorded after an instrumental suggestion. That is the way for the pieces O.B.E - Out Of Body Experience - PV008©2022 and the sweet/acid track called RESCALINE - PV011©2023.

Emily might st.roll(!) around France in the coming future, we’ll let u know … In the meantime we do hope you will enjoy Today ¡!



words laid out, spoken and recorded by Emily Roll
music & mix by Diego Mabrulé
mastered by
art cover : Caroline Gander

released December 30, 2024
PVAAS © Paravision Music, Marseille, 2024

track by PARAVISION music

📯 New release by ATRX !! Check out !!> Lost Memories is the sophomore album of Italian experimentalist ATRX  published o...

📯 New release by ATRX !! Check out !!

> Lost Memories is the sophomore album of Italian experimentalist ATRX published on Paravision Music. It’s a collection of 10 experimental tracks composed and assembled during different impro sessions between 2022-2024. You will find, if not memories, clear evocations of ATRX’s savoir-faire, resulting in a unique blend of organic and mysterious atmospheres. A road-movie soundtrack of a film no one watched but everybody is likely to remember.

Marcello Groppi (ARTX) plays : electric guitar, vocals, percussions, field recordings, keyboards, samples, objects.

Lost Memories is available in digital and limited edition cassettes (20 copies).


mastered by Nicolas Jacquot
photo cover by Rémi Luc

Dedicated to Eugenio


¿ Who Does The Swallow Mourn ?

Trouvé ? Tentez votre chance et gagnez H.A.S.L // B.L.I.S, le dernier album de Roland White au format de votre choix (vinyl, CD ou K7). Plusieurs bonnes réponses, physiques et métaphysiques, 1 seul.e gagnant.e ¡!

Send 💌

Holà ciao, brand new release in the music ocean ~H.A.S.L // B.L.I.S comes outside alongside Roland White's Four Seasons ...

Holà ciao, brand new release in the music ocean ~

H.A.S.L // B.L.I.S comes outside alongside Roland White's Four Seasons tetralogy (still unfinished today), yet rendering a more accessible music than the previous releases. Though, be sure you will meet again with pastoral eclecticism and rough-and-refined arrangements and harmonies. The asymetric construction of the album sort of reveals White's personal yin/yang vision of life fullfilment, refusing simplicity within comprehension & judgement but favoring coemergence, multicausality and indulgence.

Can be taken as a bridge over spare time left until Fourth Season album comes out. Cannot be taken as a bridge over spare time if you treat every moment as it is not preparation for something else.

Includes :
01 - Hardin
02 - Aspen (ft. Karina Blur)
03 - Shagma
04 - Limbo (ft. Antonia Rivera)
05 - Bliss
06 - Lovizal
07 - Initials (ft. Antonia Rivera)
08 - Senser

Available in Digital, Vinyls, CD’s, Cassettes, for all budgets.
NOT available on all streaming platforms, as usual.

to listen/purchase :


All music produced by Roland White except Lovizal's chord sequence made up and played by Chloe Anna 🎸

Mastering by Anthony Cali

Art cover : Caroline Gander
Graphic design : Marilou Gosselin

PV014 ℗ + © Paravision Music, Marseille, 2024


sauvez la date Le Couvent Le Vortex / Agenda concerts souterrains Marseille

L’intégralité des podcasts réalisés pour Tikka Radio est désormais archivée sous forme de playlist, rangé du + récent au...

L’intégralité des podcasts réalisés pour Tikka Radio est désormais archivée sous forme de playlist, rangé du + récent au + ancien. N’hésitez pas à aller vous y perdre, c’est quand même en tout 32h d’ars combinendi de haute couture. Grand merci à toustes les, et graphistes 🙏🌻🫧

ars combinendi | Marseille roster & collabees -is-short -al-d -739606198 -6 -612731279

HelloO,enjoy the new/old piece Shagma, a blues guitar based music high by dissident bodhisattva Roland White, clipped by...


enjoy the new/old piece Shagma, a blues guitar based music high by dissident bodhisattva Roland White, clipped by friend from afar Katia Yurko. Take a rest and relish the colorful lines of the two associates, shaggy pics and pitches, beginner’s mind calls no straight expertise but heart shakes and bliss attacks revealed.

Shagma is an escaped track from the album H.A.S.L // B.L.I.S by Roland White, releases September 3, 2024. More to come ..

mastered by Anthony Calvi

escaped track from H.A.S.L // B.L.I.S, upcoming album, releases September 3, 2024 on Paravision Musicvideo by Katia Yurko, 2024

~ last tune 😵‍💫

~ last tune 😵‍💫

✏️__there__is____no_final____goodbye smooth operator -music


14 février 2021, signature devant ni dieu ni maitre notaire ! 3 ans déjà que nous avons racheté et transformé Manifesten en propriété d'usage collectif !
Depuis 3 ans plus de 300 événements ont eu lieu (présentations de livres et de films avec auteurs, cantine de soutien, concerts… ) tous gratuits ou à prix libre. Des groupes d'apprentissage, d'accueil, de soin et de lutte se sont mis en place et une quinzaine de collectifs s'organisent et/ou ont des activités hebdomadaires dans ces locaux.
Manifesten est géré par un collectif d'une quinzaine de bénévoles non destinés à devenir salariés.
L'année 2024 est the big year où bon nombre de micro-prêts s'entrecroisent ! C'est une année charnière pour nous financièrement, nous avons décidé de doubler les adhésions sur le terrain d'adhésions en ligne puisqu'il s'agit de remettre de l'essence dans le moteur et d'attaquer la côte avec vous. Comme toute association, les adhésions sont indispensables à l'usage du lieu. Cette année, ces adhésions peuvent aussi s'envisager en soutien à hauteur de dons. C'est le moment d'adhérer si vous êtes à Marseille, de passage ou de loin pour pouvoir suivre en tant qu'usager toutes les activités de Manifesten, pour soutenir cet achat et le remboursement des micro-prêts individuels et sans intérêt ou juste parce que ce que nous faisons vous plaît et vous désirez apporter votre petite brique chatoyante à l'édifice...
>> Pour adhérer c'est par ici <

Escaped track from the forthcoming Fourth Season album, clipped by Katia Yurko ! Company is the second collab between Ju...

Escaped track from the forthcoming Fourth Season album, clipped by Katia Yurko ! Company is the second collab between Julia Minkin and Roland White, coming after Unraveling released in March 2021. Check out 🌾

Escaped piece from Roland White’s forthcoming album Fourth Season, ultimate episode of The Four Seasons tetralogy. To get to listen/buy the 3 first albums, p...

>> new track out ~ peace

>> new track out ~ peace

✏️__there__is____no_final____goodbye smooth operator -music

Hi there !! First of all, best wishes to everyone ^^~ ETERNITY BY TERM, 12’ piece is out ¡! It is a very special release...

Hi there !! First of all, best wishes to everyone ^^

~ ETERNITY BY TERM, 12’ piece is out ¡! It is a very special release to begin the year 2024 which, at first glance, doesn’t seem so promising regarding the anthropologic level of wisdom. But who really knows about things ? Isn’t a large amount of chaotic phenomenons yet conspiring for the sake and liberation of us all ? We like to think so. We like freedom as we revere the open nature of human soul that embraces anger and fear, contrition and doubts. Let us be, let us love, and let’s see …


* Composed, performed and recorded by Louise Balalas Pitous and Nicolas Jacquot, December 2023

Eternity By Term is based on a poem by Emily Dickinson, which appears half spoken half hummed thanks to the complicity of Vinora Epp and Turner Williams Junior

The first monologue is a quote from Permanent Vacation (1980) by Jim Jarmush

** in memoriam Leonardo Fabini, Italian composer and fellow friend who passed in August 2023 **

PVAAR ℗ + © Paravision Music, Marseille, 2024




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