
Rodoid Rodoid is a non-profit netlabel focused on releasing quality electronic music under a Creative Commo is a non-profit netlabel focused on releasing quality electronic music under a Creative Commons license. Although we don’t question the legitimacy of making money out of music and art in general, we strongly believe that one shouldn’t always have to pay for it, and that’s one of the reasons why we chose to make our music available for everyone to download at no charge. Another obvious r

eason for releasing eps and albums in the mp3 format is that it allows us to break free from the financial constraints inherent to running a commercial label : by reducing the production costs to almost nothing (mainly storage and bandwidth) we can afford to put out music by emerging young artists without having to worry about how we will get our money back. As far as style is concerned, there are no strict guidelines underlying our artistic choices other than those of our subjective tastes and moods, although we tend to concentrate on experimental-oriented music that manages to stay innovative without necessarily being tweaked beyond comprehension.




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