Carnets Geol.

[ISSN 1634-0744] Independent, peer-reviewed, bi-lingual geoscience e-magazine with emphasis on stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology

As announced a few days ago, our latest -short- paper on Argentinian   is in press at  . [

As announced a few days ago, our latest -short- paper on Argentinian is in press at . []. It should be available online on January 20 (2024). Abstract: "Asymmetric ooids are documented in a brackish Maastrichtian to Danian paleolake in NW . Their distinctive asymmetric growth pattern is likely related to an uneven distribution of the Extracellular Polymeric Substances ( ) around the coated , within which calcite fibers (i.e., the ' ') have grown. This pattern is unlikely to be mistaken for that of other 'eccentric' ooids, such as wobbly ooids, spiny ooids, hiatus ooids, half-moon ooids, 'broken' ooids sensu lato, or collapsed (referred to as 'distorted' ooids)."

  like you've never seen before!Here are sketches of no. 1 to 3.The corresponding   is "in press" at  .

like you've never seen before!
Here are sketches of no. 1 to 3.
The corresponding is "in press" at .

  like you've never seen before!Here is no. 3.The corresponding   is "in press" at  .

like you've never seen before!
Here is no. 3.
The corresponding is "in press" at .

  like you've never seen before!Here is no. 2.The corresponding   is "in press" at  .

like you've never seen before!
Here is no. 2.
The corresponding is "in press" at .

As you possibly know, once and while,  . (an OA independant scientific journal) launches a   campaign. The goal of the n...

As you possibly know, once and while, . (an OA independant scientific journal) launches a campaign. The goal of the new campaign is to collect funds to support some . Currently, Bruno R.C. Granier and his coauthor are looking for few hundreds € (~300) to cover expenses related to the shipment of scientific material from the USA (and return). The project should reveal a (or a ) in affecting the department of earth sciences of one of the largest university in the USA.
You can make a difference by donating by March 15, so that the material is not sent back to the USA without being examined by our investigators. Click on the following link to (starting from 5 €).


Published in Carnets

Here are the logos of some partners of JK2018:• Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (APA)• Association Paléontologique F...

Here are the logos of some partners of JK2018:
• Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (APA)
• Association Paléontologique Française (APF)
• Sociedad Española de Paleontología (SEP)
• Società Paleontologica Italiana (SPI)
• Societatea Paleontologilor din România (SPR)
• Comité Suisse de Stratigraphie (strati.CH)
• International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification (ISSC)
• International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO)
• Юрская комиссия МСК (Russian "Jurassic Commission")
• Меловая комиссия МСК (Russian "Cretaceous Commission")
• Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology (SSP) - European Geosciences Union (EGU)
• International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS)
• Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)
• The Paleontological Society

Égypte : une fraude zoologique :D

Égypte : une fraude zoologique :D

Mais la supercherie n'a pas tenu bien longtemps.

Carnets Geol. is a partner of the forthcoming JK2018  meeting (Geneva, CH, 5-8 december 2018).

Carnets Geol. is a partner of the forthcoming JK2018 meeting (Geneva, CH, 5-8 december 2018).

10th International Symposium on the Cretaceous

10th International Symposium on the Cretaceous

(with support from Carnets de Géologie)

(with support from Carnets de Géologie)


Carnets de Geologie - Notebooks on Geology, an open-access geoscience journal published electronically, which concentrates on stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology.


Avenue Le Gorgeu


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