French Communication Services

French Communication Services Help with French paperwork and translations. Est. 2007/ SIRET 504 587 924 00011/ MMA Pro Insured



Just a quick reassuring note from French Wordsmith that if you’re trying to access your online impots / tax space and you can’t, just hang fire!

It is not your system nor anything you have or haven’t done – it is a technical fault their end.

The website is either showing error messages or ‘service not available’ or you can get access but not see any documents or online income tax declaration forms.

There is a technical team behind the scenes frantically trying to sort out the problem – on this, the first day that the online declaration system should be live. What joy!

So, you can happily sit back and have a cuppa, or go and do something more interesting instead!

For translation, interpretation and administration help, contact
French Communication Services for all your paperwork needs in France - so you don't get tangled in its red tape!

Call now to connect with business.

Etcetera magazine April edition - well worth a read! Great for everything in your local community in the Vienne, Haute V...

Etcetera magazine April edition - well worth a read!

Great for everything in your local community in the Vienne, Haute Vienne, Charente, North Dordogne, and south Deux-Sevres... from events, concerts and festivals to shops, produce, products and services.

Do you have your copy of April's etcetera magazine?
Don't forget you can view the digital version plus the previous year's editions for free! Visit our website
Packed full of content (nature, history, gardening, expert advice, health, local and reliable advertisers)... there's something for everyone!

Driving in France with a UK license and wondering if you need to exchange it for a French one? Hesitant to apply without...

Driving in France with a UK license and wondering if you need to exchange it for a French one? Hesitant to apply without understanding things better? Heard of the joys of applying via the fickle French government website ANTS and need guidance before taking the plunge?

Look no further… just click below to get answers to your questions via my blog article: “Do you need to change your UK driving license for a French permis?” which gives clear explanations on when, and who, needs to apply.

You can then decide if you need my low-cost DIY tutorial to guide you every step of the way: from gathering the right documents and submitting the application through to getting the French permis.

Established in 2007, French Wordsmith has solved thousands of problems for English-speakers living in France. A trusted source of information, support and guidance, you can choose from a wide range of translation and administration products and services to suit your budget - and your needs.

“All the hassle and problems were very quickly reduced to minor inconveniences…” Chris McGovern

Driving in France with a UK license and wondering if you need to exchange it for a French one? Hesitant to apply without...

Driving in France with a UK license and wondering if you need to exchange it for a French one? Hesitant to apply without understanding things better? Heard of the joys of applying via the fickle French government website ANTS and need guidance before taking the plunge?

Look no further… just click below to read my free blog “Do you need to change your UK driving license for a French permis?” with clear explanations on when, and who, needs to apply. You can then decide if you need my low-cost DIY tutorial to guide you every step of the way: from gathering the right documents and submitting the application through to getting the French permis.

Established in 2007, French Wordsmith has solved thousands of problems for English-speakers living in France. A trusted source of information, support and guidance, you can choose from a wide range of translation and administration products and services to suit your budget - and your needs.

“All the hassle and problems were very quickly reduced to minor inconveniences…” Chris McGovern

In the good ol’ days – before Brexit – most holders of a UK driving license, and resident in France, never gave this much though. However; with the joys of Brexit there followed much confusion as to when – and if – an application needs to be done.

Feeling frazzled in France? Loving your life but short on time and money? Here’s how to get some low-cost help around th...

Feeling frazzled in France? Loving your life but short on time and money? Here’s how to get some low-cost help around the home - even on a tight budget….

If you dream of some respite in the form of a cleaner, gardener or handyman, a tutor for your kids, or support in your twilight years, it’s not as costly as you might think.

Using one of France’s best kept secrets – the Chèque Emploi Service Universel (CESU) – you will be super happy to know that you get back 50% of the total cost spent on home-help services as a tax credit from the French government - either paid directly into your bank account or as a reduction on any income tax due.


So, what’s the catch? There really isn’t one. It’s simply that most people don’t know about this French government scheme.

Of course, you do need to follow the CESU regulations, which is where I come in with a FREE article “How to save money and reduce household costs with CESU” - just click below to read it on the French Wordsmith blog.

You can then decide if you need my low-cost DIY tutorial which explains, step-by-step how to set it all up: from making your declarations and payments through getting back 50% of your costs.


French Wordsmith can help you navigate out of the bureaucratic maze…
Choose from a range of services and products to suit your pocket and circumstances:

• Book a face-to-face meeting for a steer out of choppy waters, and become a client later if that suits you best:
• Or sign up to for my bespoke client services so you can sit back and relax:
• Stay in complete control with my low-cost DIY guides and tutorials:
• Get ahead of the rules and regulations via my FREE articles:
• And don’t forget to pop over to YouTube for the FREE video shorts:

All this and more at

Help with French paperwork and translations. Est. 2007/ SIRET 504 587 924 00011/ MMA Pro Insured

French Wordsmith ‘Happy’ Information: 100 euros fuel payment for those using their car for workIn an effort to safeguard...

French Wordsmith ‘Happy’ Information: 100 euros fuel payment for those using their car for work

In an effort to safeguard purchasing power and limit the effects of fuel price increases, the French government is providing a one-off vehicle fuel payment of 100 euros for those using their car for work or professional use. This includes salaried employees, micro-enterprises and other professional business owners.

The application is simple and made via
The deadline is 28 February 2023.

To benefit from this payment, you must meet all of the following conditions:
1. be established in Metropolitan France, Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique or Reunion Island and be fiscally domiciled in France (according to the provisions set out in Article 4 B of the General Tax Code) for the year 2021;
2. be at least 16 years old on December 31, 2021;
3. to have declared 2021 income from a work or professional activity under one of following headings:
- salaries and wages or similar income (excluding unemployment and early retirement);
- industrial and commercial profits (BIC) microentrepreneurs or professionals;
- non-commercial profits (BNC) for microentrepreneurs or professionals;
- agricultural profits (BA).
4. belong to a tax household whose after-tax income figure (revenue fiscal de reference) per ‘part’ for the year 2021 is less than or equal to €14,700
5. not be liable for the real estate wealth tax (IFI) for 2021;
6. use a vehicle for professional purposes (including home-to-work trips) that is regularly insured.

IMPORTANT: Each person can only receive one payment - and each vehicle can only relate to one payment. However, the same tax household can benefit from several payments if each working / professional person is using a different car.

Example: In an eligible household with 4 cars and 3 salaried employees, there may be 3 payments (but not 4). In an eligible household with 1 car and 2 micro-entrepreneurs, there can be 1 payment (but not 2).

Although you do not apply via your private impots space, the system uses the bank details already stored – so check they are up to date.

How to work out your after-tax income per ‘part’
Divide your revenue fiscal de reference (after-tax total) by the number of ‘parts’ (both are stated on your last end of year tax statement (avis d’’impot sur le revenue 2021, declaration 2022)
If you are unsure of your eligibility, use the simulator here to check: or call 0 806 000 229 Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 7:00pm.

NOTE: Jenny Smith EI, French Wordsmith, offers comprehensive translation, administration, and support services for English-speaking people in France on just about anything you can think of – from business and building to health, home, residence and schooling – and if she doesn’t know the answer, she will find someone who does.

Contact her via mail: [email protected]

French Wordsmith Translation and Administration Services:Top Tip No. 14 Legal Protection GuaranteeMany people living in ...

French Wordsmith Translation and Administration Services:
Top Tip No. 14 Legal Protection Guarantee

Many people living in France are unaware of the relatively common ‘legal protection guarantee’ which, I would humbly suggest, is an essential additional insurance well worth the money (and no, I am not getting any commission from this post from anyone 😊).

If you are lucky, you will never need it, but increasingly clients are coming to me for translation support for accusations or legal cases being made against them. Often after the sale of a house, sometimes as landlords, sometimes linked to their business activity. There are also complexities on occasion from a wide range of other situations where an accusation is made, or following a road accident.

While I am delighted to be able to support them to navigate the legal system by appointing a lawyer or notaire, acting as a point of liaison and translating for meetings and correspondence, it would be best for all involved if at least the weighty costs of a lawyer could be reduced.

This is where a “legal protection guarantee” called “la garantie protection juridique” comes into its own and can significantly lighten associated costs.

The French government’s public service website article F3049 explains in a nutshell:
(NB You can search for it online using key words: service public F3049)

"legal protection" guarantee is an insurance that allows you, in case of a dispute with a third party or in case of legal proceedings, to obtain assistance from your insurer. You can purchase this warranty alone or with another insurance contract. Its cost varies according to the formula chosen. The costs covered by the guarantee and the excluded costs are indicated in the contract.”

This simply means that, depending on your specific contract (so check the small print carefully), if you have “la garantie protection juridique” some or all of your legal costs in defending an action against you, or when seeking compensation from a third party, may be paid for under the guarantee. This could include obtaining legal information, finding an amicable solution to a dispute between you and a third party (such as a neighbour); appointing a lawyer to defend your case, or paying for an ‘expert’ to make a neutral inspection or assessment on your behalf.

Legal protection is usually not automatically included in house or professional insurance, so you need to specifically ask for a quote and then ask for it to be added. Do check exactly what it does and doesn’t entitle you to, and if you don’t understand what the scope of the contract is, then ask them to explain it in detail.

For me, that peace of mind is well worth the relatively small additional monthly cost.

NOTE: Jenny Smith EI, French Wordsmith, offers comprehensive translation, administration, and support services for English-speaking people in France on just about anything you can think of – from business and building to health, home, residence and schooling – and if she doesn’t know the answer, she will find someone who does.

Contact her via mail: [email protected]


FRENCH WORDSMITH INFORMATION: NEW Legal Requirements for Micro-Entrepreneurs

If you are a micro-entrepreneur (ME), this is essential reading about some small but significant changes. Nothing too onerous, and some good news, but you may want to reach for a small G&T!

In a nutshell, from 15 May 2022 all MEs must add either ‘Entrepreneur Individuel’ or ‘EI’ after their personal name on all commercial documentation, as well as to the account name of their dedicated bank account e.g. Jenifer Smith EI or Jenifer SMITH Entrepreneur Individuel.

This is due to a new law (Décret n° 2022-725 du 28 avril 2022) which has the added bonus of now automatically protecting all your personal assets as an ME/EI from debts arising from your business activities.

For those who want to understand a little more, here are some bite-size explanations:

1. A micro-entrepreneur is not a legal business structure but rather a tax status, therefore you could not limit your liability in the way a SARL, for example, (similar to a Ltd company) can protect certain assets.

From 2016 la loi Macron disallowed a debtor from being able to seize your primary home to settle any business debts – even for MEs – but they could still seize personal assets such as savings. So, Macron did good; but this new change goes further to protect all personal assets as an EI - though bear in mind, debtors can still seize business assets, and unpaid social charges are considered personal debts.

2. Remember, if your turnover exceeds 10K you must open a ‘dedicated’ (separate) bank account (un compte bancaire dédié) but not necessarily a ‘business’ account (un compte bancaire professionnel) which carries additional charges.

The speed with which each banking organization can – or will – allow this account-name change to what is essentially a ‘normal’ bank account is “à voir!”. Some will refuse due to system issues (their database won’t allow); others will use it as an excuse to try to make you to open a (more expensive) pro account; and some will be ignorant of the new law. In many cases, a simple email request citing the requirement should get them to make the change, in others you may have to change banks. Just maybe take care to ask if there is likely to be any issues while the change-over is taking effect.

3. ‘Entreprise Individuelle (EI) and Micro-Entreprise (ME) have always been interchangeable: they are one and the same thing, akin to ‘self-employed’ or ‘sole-trader’. But, until now, you didn’t need, as an ME, to state that you are also an EI. Now you do.

Commercial documentation includes your website or page; your invoices, letter heads and T&Cs (yes you should have these too); and, it would seem therefore, all promotional material too. Relatively easy for certain amendable documents; for those who have just ordered 1000 new business cards before this sudden announcement, it is going to be a bit of a faf and potentially add additional costs.

I personally will ease myself into it and show willing; changing as much as I can with immediate effect, and deal with the other aspects over time.

I would be surprised if the French administration put anyone’s head on the chopping block as long as you start the process now.

Note to the reader: As ever, I’ve done my utmost to give you the facts and clear explanations prior to publication, but you’ll need to keep an eye on updates and, for more clarification as it becomes available, check out and

Jenny Smith EI, French Wordsmith, offers comprehensive administrative, translation and support services for English-speaking people in France on just about anything you can think of – from business and building to health, home, residence and schooling – and if she doesn’t know the answer she will find someone who can.

Contact her via mail: [email protected] or phone 06 79 85 58 84

FRENCH WORDSMITH INFORMATION: Free French Language Learning Tools The French government has created a FREE online learni...

FRENCH WORDSMITH INFORMATION: Free French Language Learning Tools

The French government has created a FREE online learning platform for anyone who wants to learn French and better understand the France; its systems and culture.

Accessible to anyone, free of charge, it offers a range of digital tools and exercises for beginners through to more advanced (which is level A1 through to B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Take a look at what's available on the French ministry of interior website:

Want to find out about French Wordsmith translation and administration support services to help you better navigate the red tape? Just contact me by email: [email protected]

French Wordsmith Information: Petition for MEs and sole traders impacted by covid Faced with a ‘fifth wave’ of the pande...

French Wordsmith Information: Petition for MEs and sole traders impacted by covid

Faced with a ‘fifth wave’ of the pandemic, an organisation ‘Les Independents’ have created an online petition demanding more appropriate financial support from the French Government.

While some [seemingly very limited] support has been granted for those medium and larger business on S1 and S1 bis lists – to be applied for via their chartered accountant - there is currently no additional support for micro-entreprises and sole traders, etc. many of whom have been directly impacted by the current situation (cancellations due to travel restrictions over xmas, etc)

Please sign to make your voice heard and encourage the government to recognise the full extent of the impact of this stage of the pandemic here:

Retour du fonds de solidarité

FRENCH WORDSMITH INFORMATION: Travel document for non-EU children living in FranceAnecdotal evidence suggests that non-E...

FRENCH WORDSMITH INFORMATION: Travel document for non-EU children living in France

Anecdotal evidence suggests that non-EU and TCN (third-country national) children under 18 have had some issues with border control in France even when travelling with their parents or guardians.

While non-EU under 18s living in France are not required to hold a residency card (unlike adults, who are), presenting a DCEM travel document (document de circulation pour étranger mineur) can be helpful as proof of residency on their return into France.

Although not a legal requirement, it is intended to facilitate smoother border crossings. As far as I am aware, no under-18s living legally in France have been refused entry to date but the border guards are said to be ‘recommending’ they obtain a DCEM.

A DCEM might therefore be particularly useful for British parents who obtained their residency cards in France under the withdrawal agreement: giving them hassle-free return to their homes in France after trips to the UK and abroad.

It is not hard to obtain, and is valid for 5 years (or is valid until the parent's or guardian's residency card expires), but it does cost 50 euros.

Details of how to apply - from your prefecture - and the documents required can be found on the French ‘service public’ website by searching by keyword ‘DCEM’ or reference ‘F2718’

Do leave a comment to share your experiences...

Or find out about French Wordsmith translation and administration support services by emailing [email protected]

FRENCH WORDSMITH: Dealing with Autism and Neurodevelopment Disorders? French Government SURVEY needs your input NOW – BE...

FRENCH WORDSMITH: Dealing with Autism and Neurodevelopment Disorders?

French Government SURVEY needs your input NOW – BEFORE 20 DECEMBER 2021

If you, or someone you know, or care for, is dealing with autism, ADHD or a neurodevelopment disorder, then MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD and complete the French government online survey to help improve understanding and training in the professional sphere.

You can also access free online training on the following website.
Survey closes 20 December, so go to


FRENCH WORDSMITH INFORMATION: Needing clarity on current travel rules?

For those who have had their travel and Christmas plans knocked sideways (myself included) due to the recent additional restrictions from the French government, please bear in mind that some aspects of the new regulations are simply not yet clear.

The British Embassy in Paris posted yesterday, Thursday 16 Dec 2021, that they are hoping to get some answers to our questions on some grey areas from the French government shortly.

So, keep an eye on their page 'British Embassy Paris' for updated information.

May the force be with you - and that we get to see Santa in some form or another!


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