Winter life nowadays! Still swinging eventhough it's so cold.
#elämälapselle #winterinfinland #momlife #leikkipuisto #magicalmoments
Winter activity that we usually do outside is sledding. Simple joy for the kiddos.
#MagicalMoments #elämälapselle #momlife #winterinfinland #pulkka #sleddingseason
Putting warm clothes is a different story but playing outside is easier for them 😉
Every kiddo has its own timeline in learning. Support, understanding, cheers are the tools they need along the way.
#elämälapselle #momlife #luistelu #skatingchallenge
Life here is different from hot and rainy Philippines. Life is not that easy with snow 🥶 but like every Pinoy we can adapt 💗.
#elämälapselle #lifeinfinland #pulkkamäki #MomLife #äitimaa #wintertime #winterinfinland #sleddingseason
For every kid playing winter sports there is a parent in the background shivering 🥶.
#elämälapselle #winterinfinland #crosscountryskiing #playoutdoors #reima #momlife
That Finnish grit #sisu where kids adapt well to anything.
Kids are exposed outdoors during snow season. They see this as part and its not something to hinder their everyday life. Play & outdoor life on winter is part of growing up.
#sisu #grit #momlife #elämälapselle #daycarelife
Nativity scene, a celebration on that blessed day. Merry Christmas everyone, may we always remember that this is also a celebration of family & joy.
The challenges of giving instruction to a trilingual child 😆. It her a little while to understand what I meant.
#momlife #winterinfinland #elämälapselle #multilingualkids #taapero #reimakids #parentscanrelate #Suomessa #winteroutfit #winterouterwear
Part of Christmas 🎄 events are light shows. Lovely dancers dancing in cold air.
#valoshow #suomessa #winterinfinland #christmasjoy #momlife
We are at a phase that we fight over toys 😆😅.
#elämälapselle #reimakids #perhearki #winterinfinalnd #KidsWillBeKids #sisu #momlife #parentscanrelate #parenthood #pulkka
Who said work can't be play too 😉...this is not a chore it's part of their plan to gather the snow and make a snow Hill to play.
#elämälapselle #winterinfinalnd #sisu #reimakids #momlife #perhearki #KidsWillBeKids #talvi
Close your eyes and feel the xylophone and drums playing...welcoming the festivities...then the trombone and saxophone comes glorifying the day, then comes the violin and cello joyfully telling us about the angels, then the rejoicing of voices along with tambourines proclaiming the gift from above. Listen to these lovely children play the classic version in French Les anges dans nos campagnes Chanson de Noël.
They have been practicing this piece for over a month. Our kuya is playing the cello.
In the Philippines I grew up bilingual. Now learning my 3rd language with my child, I tend to mix 3 languages at the same time 🤪😜. The Filipino language is still a receptive language with me. We have working on this one through play Her English/Finnish expressive language has improve a lot with the guidance of her teachers 🙃 #elämälapselle #trinligualchild #childledplay #childledlearning #finnisheducation
Life lately. Too many things to do, too little time for social media ATM. Wishing u all well and yes my hair is frozen😆.
This lovely poem is by harrybakerpoet.
#winterinfinalnd #joulu #joyfulmoments
Reposting old memories till 😆 winter can be wonderful and 🤪🫣🫢
#elämälapselle #momlife #winter #lifewithkidsbelike #wintersports #laskettelu
and always be grateful for little moments.
#syksy2023 #momlife #quotesaboutlife #inspire #elämälapselle #lifewithkidsbelike #Parenthood #resilience
It's time for new adventures and a look back of trampoline moments of 2023. It has been fun time 💗
#syksy2023 #trampoline #parenthood #MomLife
Kids learn how to make decisions by practicing it. It's not by telling them what to do. In play kids can create a world where they commit mistakes, make choices, do trial and error and make more possibilities. Decision making skills is an integral part for smart choices and problems solving.
#parenthoodmoments #powerofplay #decisionmakingskills #momlife #connetixtiles #openendedplay #steamtoy #lapsetleikki #lifeinfinland