Obscure Entertainment

Obscure Entertainment A Tampere, Finland based production company and a film equipment rental. But film production is not the only producing we do.

Obscure Entertainment is a Tampere, Finland based film and commercial production company and an equipment rental. We live and breath cinema, yes we do. That's why we also thrive on the possibility of dishing out our skills and talents for whatever use YOU might have for them. All you need to do is to contact us, tell us what you need and we'll go through brick walls to get it for you.

Hey, hey, hey peeps - especially film crew peeps in the Pirkanmaa region!Even though we're currently living a really qui...

Hey, hey, hey peeps - especially film crew peeps in the Pirkanmaa region!

Even though we're currently living a really quiet period of time when it comes to film and tv productions in Tampere and Pirkanmaa, there's light at the end of the tunnel! And we would like to shine some of that light your way by asking you to tell us about yourself.

Our beautiful region will have film and television productions coming later in the year and those productions tend to need people working in their crews. We're always asked about industry professionals in all kinds of roles, and to help us in connecting crews and productions, we're making a list of yous.

Currently, we're helping a children's feature film production in their crew needs for an upcoming summer shoot!

This form is active for the time being and after the final database of people is done (by contacting you and your referencers), we will delete all of the information in this form.

Ping Business Tampere, Film Tampere and all the beautiful people in and around Tampere - let's get the word out!


P.S. Someone tipped us about this new social media platform called Instagram, so we made a profile: https://www.instagram.com/obscure_entertainment/

Moro! (In English below.) Tampere ja Pirkanmaa ovat nopeasti kasvaneet mielenkiintoisiksi ja varteenotettaviksi kohteiksi sekä kotimaisille että ulkomaisille elokuva- ja tv-tuotannoille, erityisesti vuonna 2018 Film Tampereen lanseeraaman alueellisen tuotantokannustimen ansiosta. Samasta syystä a...

Hi ya, we've got more productions we've taken part in to highlight for you! It's been a busy year and we can finally tel...

Hi ya, we've got more productions we've taken part in to highlight for you! It's been a busy year and we can finally tell you about these three before we head on to 2024 for some more.

First up, Rise scouted locations for Räjähdysherkkä, a tv-series available in its entirety at Yle Areena, produced by Tekele Productions. It's a gripping tale of school violence and its consequences.

Lahti 2001 is a dramatic tv-series about the doping scandal during Lahti 2001 skiing world championship in 2001. Produced by Take Two Studios, this series had Teemu working as the focus puller and Rise as location scout and location manager. Our offices were also used as production office for parts of the shoot. The series is currently running over at Ruutu.

Last but not least, is the Elokuvayhtiö Aamu Oy produced Mummola, a festival favourite and multi award winning feature currently in cinemas in Finland. This touching, yet funny tale of a family christmas was location managed by Rise.

There's more to tell you about later on as productions get ready for release and we'll be quick to let you know when it's time. Have a great rest of the year everybody!

New year, new releases! We're off to a new year already, where does the time go?For us, time has flown by working on yet...

New year, new releases! We're off to a new year already, where does the time go?

For us, time has flown by working on yet more cool stuff that's already been released or is close to premiering. In the past year and a half, among others, we've worked on these three productions: 'Punttikomedia', a feature film directed by Aleksi Delikouras and produced by Yellow Film & TV, 'Järjettömän p***a idea', a feature film directed by Pamela Tola and produced by Helsinki-filmi and Aurora Studios and 'Piiritys', a television series directed by Petri Kotwica and produced by Mediawan Finland.

Head on over to our website at http://obscure.fi for a closer look at our services in these and other productions and feel free to contact us for your production needs.

Have a good one, everybody!

And here's our third upcoming release we had the pleasure to work on: PUNTTIKOMEDIA, directed by Aleksi Delikouras and p...

And here's our third upcoming release we had the pleasure to work on: PUNTTIKOMEDIA, directed by Aleksi Delikouras and produced by Yellow Film & TV.

Shot in the summer of 2021, this funny film stars Iina Kuustonen and Mikko Töyssy and tells the story of a librarian who signs up for a gym to take care of her back problems. Hilarity ensues as she hesitantly starts to train for an unbelievable goal, the fitness stage.

Our offices were used extensively by the production during the prep and principal photography, and Rise worked as the location manager and location scout in the production.

The film will premiere in theaters in Finland on October 10th, 2022!

Enjoy your weekend folks!

Ensi-ilta 2022Punttikomediassa hissukka kirjastovirkailija Kerttu (Iina Kuustonen) päätyy bikini fitness -kisaajaksi apunaan elämänhallintansa kadottanut keh...

Today's update concerns the new Elisa Viihde Viaplay miniseries POIKANI JOEL which was directed by Saara Cantell and pro...

Today's update concerns the new Elisa Viihde Viaplay miniseries POIKANI JOEL which was directed by Saara Cantell and produced by ITV Studios Finland in early 2021.

The touching story features a great cast and stunning visuals filmed on locations in and around Tampere. Teemu worked as the focus puller on the series and Rise again worked as an assistant location manager.

See the series on Elisa Viihde Viaplay starting April 17th!

Uudessa psykologisessa trillerissä uusperheen arki alkaa rakoilla, kun äiti joutuu tilanteeseen, jota yksikään vanhempi ei halua kohdata: hän epäilee oman po...

About time we made good on that promise to tell you about some of the upcoming films and series we've been involved in. ...

About time we made good on that promise to tell you about some of the upcoming films and series we've been involved in. Starting today and until Friday, we'll post trailers for three productions we've had people work in and/or otherwise helped the production. These are all in release order and coincidentally in the order they were shot, as well.

First off, none other than the XYZ Films produced and Film Service Finland production serviced DUAL by Riley Stearns. Shot in late 2020 during the height of the pandemic, this film was shot in its entirety in the Pirkanmaa region. Rise worked as an assistant location manager in the shoot and our offices were also used by the production during prep.

The film will premiere in the United States on April, 15th with international dates soon to be revealed!

After premiering exclusive first-look images from the upcoming sci-fi comedy Dual, Collider can now reveal, also exclusively, the first trailer for the movie...

Hey yo! It’s that time of the year again, meaning Tampere Film Festival is on this week! With all the Covid-19 restricti...

Hey yo! It’s that time of the year again, meaning Tampere Film Festival is on this week! With all the Covid-19 restrictions lifted, cinemas are also finally open and hopefully soon enough we will be able to show you which productions we’ve worked on all through the pandemic.

Be sure to check out what Tampere Film Festival has in store for you this year - one hot tip would be the Location Manager Panel organized by Film Tampere, TAMK - Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Tredu. One of the guest speakers is our very own Ville ’Rise’ Rissanen! The event will also be streamed live on Youtube.

Take care!

P.S. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

Location Manager panel THU 10.3. | 10:00–11:30 | FESTIVAL CENTRE; STAGE & ONLINE | IN FINNISH The number of international and large domestic productions is on the rise, and at the same time, there is a shortage of professional location managers in the TV and film industry. What is the role of loca...

WHAT UP, PEOPLE!It's been a while since we last posted here - too long, in fact. It's the age-old story: too much things...


It's been a while since we last posted here - too long, in fact. It's the age-old story: too much things to do, no time and energy to post anything. Excuses, excuses, we know. But here we are, posting away and having some new stuff to show you - namely, our brand new website at http://obscure.fi!

Ever since our beloved home town of Tampere, Finland launched a regional production incentive to help out productions interested in filming in Tampere, we've been busy as bees working in many of these productions and thus shifted some of our focus to more of a production service style of work. And that's one of the things where the new website finally comes in to help out as well.

Check out the new site to see what it is that we've worked on, what we can do to help out your production while also remembering that we still produce our own stuff, whenever we have the time for it.

See you around!


MakasiininKatu 14



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Obscure Entertainment

Obscure Entertainment is a Tampere, Finland based film and television production company. We live and breath cinema, yes we do. That's why we also thrive on the possibility of dishing out our skills and talents for whatever use YOU might have for them. All you need to do is to contact us, tell us what you need and we'll go through brick walls to get it for you.

Lähellä mediayrityksiä

Muut Elokuva- ja televisiostudiot Tampere :ssa

Näytä Kaikki