Word Media

Word Media Continuity



Sovereignty There arent´s just tribes, but politics inside nations, tribes, cultures. This culture needs to change.

Nations, cultures and tribes are different things, nations are corporations that have stolen you from your parents and your children from you. If you are dangerous to the continuity of adults and elderly lies that reign in corporations, banks, media´s, schools, religions - British monarchy etc. When we live in a culture that in competes with others and as fellow members/citizens of mutual continu

ity, living now, duration of our assets, legacy in children and their heritage, and sins of our grandparents - hence us. Politics of secrecy, secret, double speak, half-truths, right to be forgotten as identity or digital fingerprint. Right not to receive information that us uncomfortable - all these belong to an era that is soon forgotten to all but from games about humanity´s history. We don´t see where we are coming from if we can´t speak the language of continuity from now to eternity. Politics are the sole reason why we don´t know what really happened, is happening and will happen. When information and `money` or other assets are in the right place at the right time consumption of energy will fall dramatically. Continuity of life must be heard every time someone block money/energy from moving but information flow must be open to have metrics about the economy of trust, IPR and foresight. Broadcast corporation that is owned by everybody. We invent money and time to new words and topics, forget the ones that don´t have continuity or study them as a part of the past. For this kind of operation is lucrative, everybody that takes part in our publications shall receive material compensation or/and good reputation to his/hers persona or/and communities that he/she represents. We educate how to profile your strenghts and weaknesses, and how to protect yourself in digital landscape as you find new friends in our network.


Why there is
in Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg looks ill.Meta`s revenue model is not in truthful information, or in our mental health. Fortunately our ...

Mark Zuckerberg looks ill.
Meta`s revenue model is not in truthful information, or in our mental health. Fortunately our government let´s this happen and put´s this sad man to take the blame.


Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg stands up during a Senate hearing on child sexual exploitation on social media platforms to apologize to the families of victims present for the hearing.


Choose national group from us where you live, make content by other countries native language - or ask us to create your country.

Would you combine few thoughts for me?Risk analysis of future´s - and present day black swan´s.Reputation Economy:paradi...

Would you combine few thoughts for me?

Risk analysis of future´s - and present day black swan´s.

Reputation Economy:

paradigm that explains the previous.

Basic Outcome:

a 0-economy that dynamically crowd-sources users in real-time economy investment platform with own block-chained IPR-currency. Capital is virtual until user agrees to invest their chosen fiat-currency - or use reputational instruments as commodity.

Circular economy of tools:

production facilities / storage`s - index of skills so no redundancy is in local long term security - regional or global. UN does not function in this field.

Decentralized Constitution / DAO:

where future`s of humanity are gamified, optimized and simulated with total resolution depending of network that shares their variables to collective. Global network of metropolies need new attributes for global production networks.

Constitution of Life:

If the margins of continuous game theory are not set by sustainability of life, then production of any governance/system should categorically decline 0-economy as the basis of energy, logistics and communication technology.


Local intranet´s do not belong to civil rights, they must be informed that legislators can predict - or foresee future that builds itself first with words, concepts and then by Artificial Intelligence - but not by default.

Swarm intelligence is the new black, not AI.

Simulation of one future is imminent.

Question is how does AI score our reputation from deviating from the path of Constitution Of Life - that governs continuity of ecosystems and key species.

That - with permanent storage of data is `Sky Net`.

Threat to some, but not poor`s and children.


Storytelling computers will change the course of human history, says the historian and philosopher


You are in the
core of the world for internet and Facebook doesn´t have a front page.


Searching new
values to words that have continuity and prism from history?


Use search field to locate your words from our crowd sourced situational awareness and narrative to understand global events.


Russian television is banned in western internet that has the sole right to tell what is real / lie, has and will happen.


Governments need
wars to survive.


Western industrial countries don´t have incentives to make a new paradigm for safer world, developing (poor) countries must do it.


Facebook should have a search field that curates posts and comments before they are published so they wont get banned afterwards.

Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg wants to connects us, and lets others tear us apart. Offcourse he does much more...

Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg wants to connects us, and lets others tear us apart. Offcourse he does much more in selling our data to third parties enabling them to monitor what we see in Metaverse. Eyes are most valuable gateway to our consciousness.

Anything wrong in this picture?

Joe Rogan interviews him in his podcast and everyone knows CEO doesn´t lit up a joint and stays to the script with Rogan.



Will this be the future of all but government sanctioned medias?

Humanity cannot be ruled by honesty, truth and sanity, but governments need to make our children, especially girls insane so that boys will be feminized and they become so disoriented that they will work as slaves to get money to get a life with women who already have chosen governments hypergamy as their only secret lover.

Men won´t really work together to have secured society for everyone wants to be a king of their own realm and if they know they are too deep in hedonism, materialism and drugs they´ll make sure nobody can rule them by truth for anonymous money is all the currency criminals need.

It is safe to say that all of World Media´s groups American Media was the fastest growing, although ~20 members in a month and they were increasing to be more latino`s than caucasian`s and finally muslim`s. Not that many blacks came in there.

American Media still has different medias to the states of America in which Native American Media has been most used - and others not that much.


This means genome as blood-type will be crucial when categorizing who belongs to Homo Sapiens or Homo Biotech. Some of u...

This means genome as blood-type will be crucial when categorizing who belongs to Homo Sapiens or Homo Biotech. Some of us won´t give their reproductive DNA to scientists who will either weaponize it or create life that wont reveille it´s new diseases in future generations.

Fertilizing eggs won´t be as simple as before and new religions and brotherhoods / tribe´s will emerge.


We don´t have groups solely on health of humanity but topics of it are scattered to different groups by demographics lik...

We don´t have groups solely on health of humanity but topics of it are scattered to different groups by demographics like men, women, children elderly etc.

Good physical health starts from the beginning, like were grandparents in**ed, where parents addicts, was father when he was a boy stressed, did pregnant female use to***co, alcohol etc.?
Was baby given the chance to unpolluted shelter, nutrition and care?

Good mental health comes from knowing where is going or/and can influence to it or what destination he/she/it - nation and humanity has.

Every day we are more or less addicted to food, or we eat it as nutrition and not means to get high. When parents control children with sugared products they learn that in order to belong to society one needs to be addicted to something, show others and there means to get them like being addicted to money and powerful illusions it creates controlling of chosen realm.

Narcotic use food, like white bread has been linked to powerful response that brains get from opioids. It is not hard to conclude that sugar, caffeine, to***co, alcohol, ma*****na etc. are at the core of humanity´s self medication when nutrition, rest and social networks have dissolved or mainly form from persons who enjoy substances and hormones that connect them.

Doctors predict that by 2030, half of the world's population will be overweight or obese. An epidemic of obesity is causing a rapid rise in diabetes, cardiov...


Sahratie 3



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Muut Media- tai uutisyhtiö Nummela :ssa

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