
Dj-Chico DJ Chico is a DJ with over two decades of experience in the industry.

As a DJ and music producer, my passion for music continues to grow each day, and I have many exciting plans for the future. I am currently working on launching a magazine that focuses on music and culture in Israel, which I believe will be a valuable resource for local music enthusiasts. Additionally, I am planning to establish a DJ club for kids, where they can learn and explore the world of musi

c in a fun and safe environment. In terms of my career as a DJ, I am focused on playing at local events and nightclubs, both in Israel and abroad. I am always looking for new opportunities to share my music and connect with new audiences. I am also available for bookings and collaborations, so feel free to contact me if you're interested in working together.


Tervehdys! Tule syömään kesämaisemiin. tässä viikon menu 29.7.-4.8.
Tervetuloa! (viikonloppuna Grillibuffet)
Ravintola Lokki, Jalkarannantie 19, Lahti.
Maanantai 29.7
Kalaa talon tapaan L, kananmunakastike G,L
Savupossua Wiskikastikkeessa L,G
Muusi L,G
Porkkanaa ja parsakaalia L,G
Hedelmärahka L,G

Tiistai 30.7
Lasagne L
Sweetchili-broileri M,G
Riisi M,G
Paistetut kasvikset L,G
Pannacotta ja marjamelbaa L,G

Keskiviikko 31.7
Grillipihviä, BBQ-kastiketta M,G
Juustoperunat L,G
Broileriwokki M
Aurajuustotomaatit L,G
Käärretorttu L

Torstai 1.8
Uunilohi M,G
Bullet pork-kiusaus L,G
Muusi L,G
Paistettuja kasviksia M,G
Jäätelö L,G

Perjantai 2.8
Jauhelihamureke, ruskea kastike M,G
Keitetyt perunat M,G
Punajuuripaistos L,G
Kermainen broileripasta L
Lettuja ja hilloa L...........

Arkilounas Ma-Pe klo 10:30-16:00
Hinta 13,50 €
lapset alle 12v. 6,90 €
Seniorihinta 12,50 €

Keitto ja salaatti 12,10 € (arkisin)

Menussa muutokset mahdollisia.

A la carte arkisin klo 14:00 alkaen
Viikonloppuna klo 13:00 alkaen.
Pizzauuni lämpenee joka päivä

Viikonlopun kylmäpöytä 22€

Viikonlopun Grillibuffet
La 11-19:00
Su 12-18:00

Hinta 28€, Lapset 10€..........


Dj Chico @ Helin Ravintola 14.7.2023 01-05All The best classics and latest bangers.

Dj Chico @ Helin Ravintola 14.7.2023 01-05
All The best classics and latest bangers.

Saatan kalastella mahdottomia, m***a löytyisikö keneltäkään arkistoista kuvia mun keikoista? Kaikki kuvat käy. Saa laitt...

Saatan kalastella mahdottomia, m***a löytyisikö keneltäkään arkistoista kuvia mun keikoista?
Kaikki kuvat käy. Saa laittaa vaikka tähän postaukseen.

Hail the king!

Hail the king!

The hate is unjustified and here's why


The duo recorded the album over the course of spring and summer 2021


DJs have evolved the ability to see into the future. Either that, or they’ve developed the ability to mindread stage production staff and know their every move before they make it, scientists have concluded. These superhuman abilities allow DJs to carry out impressive feats that other mere mortals...

Cost of living: Nightclub costs bigger threat than Covid, says report

Cost of living: Nightclub costs bigger threat than Covid, says report

A new report warns over 300 clubs have closed since the start of the pandemic, and more could follow.

Piece of history buried on site of Middlesbrough nightclub

Piece of history buried on site of Middlesbrough nightclub

The nightclub was renowned across the region in the 1990s and noughties.

Some of the events of the following story are true 😏Enjoy.❤️ Once upon a time, DJ Chico was taking a break from his gig ...

Some of the events of the following story are true 😏

Once upon a time, DJ Chico was taking a break from his gig and decided to go for a hike in the hills surrounding Tiberias. As he was walking, he stumbled upon a big, angry bull blocking his path.

DJ Chico froze in terror, not knowing what to do. But being a quick thinker, he reached for his turntables and started playing some tunes to calm the beast.

To his surprise, the bull started to dance and sway to the rhythm of the music. DJ Chico couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the bull busting some moves.

Feeling relieved, DJ Chico decided to continue his hike, but the bull followed him, still dancing to the beat. Soon enough, they were joined by a group of cows who also started dancing along with the bull.

It turned out that DJ Chico had stumbled upon the famous bovine dance troupe of Tiberias, and he had become their DJ for the day.

The group danced their way back to the town, with DJ Chico spinning tracks all the way. The townspeople were amazed at the sight of the dancing cows and bull and joined in the festivities.

From that day on, DJ Chico became known as the "Bovine Beats Master" and was invited to play at all the local farms and ranches. And every time he went for a hike, he made sure to bring his turntables, just in case he ran into his bovine friends again


Sijainti: LAHTI 💎 Mitä näet, kun katsot omaa työelämää peilistä? Kenties monipuolisia mahdollisuuksia omannäköisen urapolun rakentamiseen, oppeja ja onnistumisia sekä tiiviin yhteisön ympärillesi, jonka kanssa sitä yhteistä arkea rakentaa?💎 Solo Sokos Hotel Lahden Seurahuone - ta...


SUMMER SOUND FESTIVAL 2023 -liput. Osta viralliset ja luotettavat Summer Sound Festival 2023 -liput sekä katso tapahtumatiedot Lippupisteestä.


John Digweed 6.5.2023


Pairing impeccable programming with a focus on sustainability, Tucson's intimate HOCO Fest inspires an appreciation for life at that sets a universal example

The good vibes. Blasts from the past.

The good vibes. Blasts from the past.


It’s the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, where he will play alongside Philipp Straub and Gawdat


ISO Neppis







Tiedä ensimmäisenä ja anna meille oikeus lähettää sinulle sähköpostitse uutisia ja promootioita Dj-Chico :ltä. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei käytetä muihin tarkoituksiin, ja voit perua milloin tahansa.

Ota Yhteyttä Yritys

Lähetä viesti Dj-Chico :lle:




Lähellä mediayrityksiä

Muut DJ:t Lahti :ssa

Näytä Kaikki