Pistetäänpä pitkästä aikaa suora kopio Instan postauksesta, jossa taukoa on ollut kauan. Kirjan myötä ilmapallo tyhjeni. Tässä muutamia kuvia, jotka ei päätyneet kirjaan asti.
Huom. Juskamedian päätuote on luento. Kymmen vuoden kokemus. Pistähän viestiä, jos kiinostus herää 😊
"It's been now app. 3 months since the book was published. I've been having awesome conversations with a lot of people both live and through social media. It's been absolutely amazing 🌟 Out of almost 400 reviews in audio book platform, the rating is 4,2 stars. That's more than enough 🙏
I've sent app. 30 books abroad. Still on going. Obviously not the numbers that would justify the demand for English translation. Well, it only needs that one person, but have to be realistic as well... Maybe not this time. But huge respect for those, who ordered, and I've had some happy reactions. Finnish to be learned 😊
I kind of miss the media week, since it was something I had never experienced before. I was in the middle of everything, and as well had to handle all the emotions. It was intense. But life is good now!
Instagram has been a portal to post HIM stories. Gotta admit that the balloon was quite empty. I try to be more active again, without telling too many tales from the book 🙂
The storage is empty now, but I'm ordering more books soon. If you happen to be interested, DM. Here are some pics that didn't make it to the book. Most of them happy, some just weird 😁
📷 Mutti, Janne Vuori and own archives"